Star Wars Fanon
Rise of the Empire era

As the title of our fleet says, it is our job to keep the Perlemian Trade Route free of clankers so that supplies can flow unhindered to our front line fleets and that trade keeps the Republic economy afloat.
Admiral Tenko Yamada in a holo-conference with the Captains of the ships comprising the fleet.

The Permelian Defense Fleet was a defensive Task Force created by Republic High Command in late 21 BBY as a precaution when the Republic Navy started to go into full offensive to remove the Confederacy of Independent Systems and their Droid forces from their holdings inside the Core Worlds, Colonies and Inner Rim.


The fleet was tasked with keeping the Perlemian Trade Route free for Republic use and protecting allied shipping throughout its length, ensuring both the flow of supplies for the Republic Fleets involved in offensive operations as well as protecting trade and delivery of important goods such as spare parts for repairs, medical equipment and similar material.

To fulfill this duty without being confined to a single theater or sector it was equipped with a mix of old Judicial Forces ships and new ships commissioned for the centralized Republic Navy which were detached mainly from several regular defense fleets of the Bormea sector.

Its commanding officer was Admiral Tenko Yamada, a man deeply loyal to the Republic who already served as an Judicial officer for years before the Clone Wars, flying his flag on the old but reliable Invincible-class Dreadnaught Alexius Volt.

The whole initial fleet including the flagship consisted of 23 vessels, 15 Judicial ones and 8 modern Republic Navy units split up into three battlegroups for tactical flexibility in battle and to be able to react to multiple smaller problems at the same time.

Besides Admiral Yamadas Alexius Volt the 14 other Judicial ships consisted of six Dreadnaught-class Heavy Cruisers, two Carrack-class Light Cruisers and six militarized Consular-class Cruisers.

The eight modern Republic Navy ships were two Arquitens-class Light Cruisers, four Acclamator-class assault ships and two of the brand new Victory I-class Star Destroyers.


During the Clone Wars[]

After about three weeks of exercises and simulated mock battles to let the crews of the different vessels learn to work together, the fleet, internally only known as the PDF now, was ordered to intercept a Separatist Task Force Republic Intelligence had discovered moving out from a stronghold in the Inner Rim.

Yamada managed to catch this enemy Task Force in the outskirts of the Brentaal system in the Core Worlds, leading to a heavy and costly battle known as the Rebuff at Brentaal.

The losses in this battle and the realization that a victory was only achieved by timely arrival of Republic reinforcements, most notably the Rapid Response Force 77 consisting of the Venator-class Star Destroyers Repulse, Verethragna and Solaris and their escort ships led Republic High Command to decide that the fleet itself had to be granted more firepower to better stand on its own.

Since the evermore expanding war industry was by now producing ships in serial lines across thousands of shipyards more and more old Judicial ships were rotated out of active frontline duty be it in planetary defense fleets or blockades around secondary CIS worlds and delegated to reserve units.

From these the PDF gained not only replacements for the losses during the Rebuff at Brentaal but also reinforcements. Four more Dreadnaught-class Heavy Cruisers, four more Carracks and eight additional Consular-Light Assault Cruisers were transferred to Admiral Yamadas command.

The most valuable loss of the battle, the Vibhacaru, was replaced by the Yamahada, a Star Destroyer of the same class.

One detachment of the Bormea Sector Fleet which was part of the earliest reinforcements during the Brentaal-Battle was also permanently transferred to the PDF, these ships being the Alexius Volt's direct sister ship, the Invincible-class Dreadnaught Elaine Gyono, the Venator-class Star Destroyer Interludium and the CR90-class Corellian corvettes Nirtavid and Ranavis.

To make the PDF truly a force to be reckoned with and less dependent on help from other fleets, a third Invincible, the Burning Opal, was ordered to join the fleet at the nearest possible rendezvous point. Her place in her former fleet would be taken by another of the newly produced Victory I Star Destroyers.

Alexius Volt and Aeriloth

Old Reliable meets new backbone of the fleet: Yamadas flagship Alexius Volt in formation with the Star Destroyer Aeriloth, a modern ship of the Venator-class.

Furthermore, Republic High Command transferred the Venator-class Star Destroyer Aeriloth from the Coruscant Defense Fleet, two more Acclamators and four more Victory I Star Destroyers coming directly from Rendilis shipyards to grant the PDF enough firepower to repel CIS forces such as it faced during the Rebuff at Brentaal by itself in the future. With both the Interludium and the Aeriloth it would also have much better fighter coverage, yet still the Republic wasn't going to fall behind on screening ships, finalizing the expansion of the PDF by attaching two more CR90-class Corellian corvettes and six additional Arquitens-class Light Cruisers as additional escorts against missile ships, possible kamikaze droids, fighters and bombers.

Thus, the Perlemian Defense Fleet grew from its initial 23 vessels to a full-fledged battle fleet of 57 ships, 27 of which were capital ships.

Admiral Yamada still organized the fleet into its three battlegroups, each one having now an Invincible as flagship and two Victorys as main muscle with their massive missile batteries.

The bolstered PDF would test its mettle against another attempt of the Confederacy to establish a blockade of the Perlemian, this time during the Clash over Rhinnal, a decisive Republic victory that would see 80% of the Separatist fleet destroyed with only two screening ships lost and no need to call for reinforcements.

After gaining replacements for these losses the PDF had to contend with the Confederate Navy changing tactics. Instead of trying to blockade the Perlemian, the Separatists deployed more than a dozen Raid Fleets for hit-and-run attacks, targeting Republic Supply convoys to disrupt the ability of the Republic Navy to sustain their offensives and thus keep the Confederate holdings in the three inner regions from falling.

Fleet Composition[]

Initial Order of battle[]

Perlemian Defense Fleet BG1

The First Battlegroup in patrol formation. Admiral Yamadas massive flagship Alexius Volt clearly standing out against its escorts.

Perlemian Defense Fleet BG2

The Second Battlegroup in flight. The new Victory I-Star Destroyer Vibhacaru being the center of the formation.

Perlemian Defense Fleet BG3

The Third Battlegroup shown from the front. The new Victory I-Star Destroyer Saoshyant as flagship of the group is surrounded by her support ships.

  • Battlegroup 3
    • Saoshyant - Victory I-class Star Destroyer
    • Celynna - Acclamator-class Assault ship
    • Herodianus - Dreadnaught-class Heavy Cruiser
    • Promotus - Dreadnaught-class Heavy Cruiser
    • Odaenathus - Dreadnaught-class Heavy Cruiser
    • Geiriene - Carrack-class Light Cruiser
    • Cahusa - Consular-class Light Assault Cruiser
    • Sasthira - Consular-class Light Assault Cruiser

Order of Battle after the Rebuff at Brentaal[]

Perlemian DF expanded BG1

The expanded First Battlegroup after the Rebuff at Brentaal. The Alexius Volt being no more the sole big capital ship with the Interludium, the Aeriloth, the Angarant and the Pratumant also present.

Perlemian DF expanded BG2

The expanded Second Battlegroup on patrol. After the loss of the Victory I-Star Destroyer Vibhacaru, the Yamahada replaced it and more firepower was added with the Sulagavant and the Elaine Gyono.

  • Battlegroup 2
    • Elaine Gyono - Invincible-class Dreadnaught
    • Yamahada - Victory I-class Star Destroyer
    • Sulagavant - Victory I-class Star Destroyer
    • Aepruxatas - Acclamator-class Assault ship
    • Sarebis - Acclamator-class Assault ship
    • Laiullos - Dreadnaught-class Heavy Cruiser
    • Peliaxus - Dreadnaught-class Heavy Cruiser
    • Eutropius - Dreadnaught-class Heavy Cruiser
    • Malleus - Dreadnaught-class Heavy Cruiser
    • Achentenus - Arquitens-class Light Cruiser
    • Dakani - Arquitens-class Light Cruiser
    • Dariasidas - Carrack-class Light Cruiser
    • Garcitreia - Carrack-class Light Cruiser
    • Nirtavid - CR90-class Corellian corvette
    • Ranavis - CR90-class Corellian corvette
    • Demesius - Consular-class Light Assault Cruiser
    • Tyrolos - Consular-class Light Assault Cruiser
    • Admenius - Consular-class Light Assault Cruiser
    • Eremion - Consular-class Light Assault Cruiser
Perlemian DF expanded BG3

The expanded Third Battlegroup shown in orbit of an allied world. The new reinforcments already integrated, most notably the second Victory I-Star Destroyer Koneus and the Invincible-Dreadnaught Burning Opal, new flagship of the group.

  • Battlegroup 3
    • Burning Opal - Invincible-class Dreadnaught
    • Saoshyant - Victory I-class Star Destroyer
    • Koneus - Victory I-class Star Destroyer
    • Acteicia - Acclamator-class Assault ship
    • Sabacaeon - Acclamator-class Assault ship
    • Herodianus - Dreadnaught-class Heavy Cruiser
    • Promotus - Dreadnaught-class Heavy Cruiser
    • Odaenathus - Dreadnaught-class Heavy Cruiser
    • Orlionoch - Dreadnaught-class Heavy Cruiser
    • Epahur - Arquitens-class Light Cruiser
    • Eredros - Arquitens-class Light Cruiser
    • Geiriene - Carrack-class Light Cruiser
    • Viagaeulesa - Carrack-class Light Cruiser
    • Caessem - CR90-class Corellian corvette
    • Helixion - CR90-class Corellian corvette
    • Aldeon - Consular-class Light Assault Cruiser
    • Sabaset - Consular-class Light Assault Cruiser
    • Koxus - Consular-class Light Assault Cruiser
    • Candogi - Consular-class Light Assault Cruiser