The People's Democratic Republic of Sicc'oraxia was the final ruling government of the Sicc'orax people on Mors before their conquest by the First Morsian Republic in the Third Morsian-Sicc'orax War. The nation came into being following the Sicc'oraxian Civil War in 16,083 BBY, where the rebellious people fought against the Morsian puppet government that was in place, overthrowing it and establishing the people's republic in 16,082 BBY.
The people's republic was a socialist republic that did away with any established social classes, instead placing power in the hands of the peasants, citizens and people of the Sicc'oraxian land. It was, however, far shorter lived than the republic it had overthrown. Lasting only ten years, the people's republic could barely get back on its feet before the Morsians turned their attention to this socialist paradise on their border. By 16,072 BBY the Morsians were ready to deal with their old enemy once and for all. War broke out and the Morsians were looking to finish the Sicc'orax once and for all. Over two years they waged war, mostly in Sicc'orax lands, before the Morsians sieged and finally broke the capital of Sicc'orandunum, cracking each defensive layer and reaching the center of the city. From there, the Sicc'orax attempted to fight on, but soon gave up and surrendered to the Morsians. Their previous attempts to puppet the Sicc'orax had been overthrown, so to avoid that they directly annexed all their territory, ending Sicc'oraxian autonomy for good.
The people's republic formed from the increasing discontent that was rife within the lands of the Sicc'orax Republic. At the end of the Second Morsian-Sicc'orax War the Morsian Military Dictatorship installed a puppet government into the republic which greatly reduced their autonomy while also keeping them under a close Morsian eye as well as annexing large amounts of their land into the dictatorship. This greatly angered and upset the remaining people of the republic, who had had their lands taken and freedom greatly reduced.
Spearing this, some of the Sicc'oraxian politicians who had not been killed at the end of the war became more vocal, promising to give more autonomy to the Sicc'oraxian people. In order to avoid the roving eyes of the Morsians, they disguised this as following the current regime, however behind the veil they were preparing to overthrow the puppet government and break free. Over several years, their promises of national determination and putting power back in the hands of the people became very popular. It infiltrated the parliament and, when the Morsians were busy with the Second Morsian-Sparti War, they took the opportunity to stage a bloody coup and civil war which overthrew and killed the puppet government.