Star Wars Fanon

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New Republic era

I suppose I should thank you for saving my life.
—Pent Fanal

Pent Fanal was a Force-sensitive Nautolan male born on Glee Anselm during the year 649 ABY. Pent was a Jedi Knight who severed as a Jedi General in the Reborn Sith Wars, and was a highly skilled Jedi that had a long career. Born on the planet of Glee Anselm Pent was given to the Jedi Order by his parents when he was a year old and was raised at the Jedi Temple on the galactic capital of Coruscant before being apprenticed at the age of eleven to Jedi Knight Shi'No Fae. After years of training under her father, Pent achieved the rank of Jedi Knight at the age of nineteen due to the need of Jedi Knights.

Pent fought in many battles during the Sith Clone War, and was a front line General for many of them such as the Battle of Eshan, the Sacking of Kashyyyk, and the Duel on Mandalore to name a few. He made quite a name for himself as an extremely gifted Jedi with both a lightsaber and the Force. He would unfortunately meet his demise at the hands of Darth Leviathan, who proved to be too much for the young Jedi to handle.


Early life[]




Personality and traits[]


Powers and abilities[]

Lightsaber training[]

Force powers[]

Other Skills[]

Behind the scenes[]

See also[]
