Pene Dulks was a citizen of Naboo who alongside future king Denis Sharosa helped lead Theed's resistance movement during the Galactic Civil War. In 4 ABY, the two of them along with Gungan Boss Retin Tarpals led the planetary uprising against the Empire. He was the unidentified shadow leader, who was able to continue as leader during Moff Tronil Excenil's retaking of the planet and hide Denis, who was wanted, in his basement. When support from the Rebel Alliance arrived and carried to day, he was reunited with his estranged wife, Losté Dulks, who had been involved in the fight against the Empire offworld. The two of them had also had a son, Fiot Dulks, who fought alongside his father. Not caring much for fame, in 5 ABY he and Losté retired to an unnoticed corner of Theed. He would come out of retirement to fight against the Yuuzhan Vong as an old man, and be killed in battle in 27 ABY.