Star Wars Fanon
Old Republic eraRise of the Empire eraPost-Legacy era
Pavan family
Familial information
First known member(s)

Hershil Pavan

Notable family members
Known relatives
Other locations


Historical information
Other information

Systech Industries

The Pavan family, was a family of Human and Serans that resided on the world of Sera. Originally colonists from Corellia to Sera—after the discovery of ore, mining operations were funded and Systech Industries was founded by Hershil Pavan. At some point, Hershil married his wife, Jenn—producing three children; Owen, Jekk and Asha, all of whom held positions within the company in order to earn their inheritance—a policy instituted by their father. By 980 BBY, Asha had claimed the title of Chief Executive Officer.

In 19 BBY, near the close of the Clone Wars, Runil and Mina, parents of Jessika Pavan ran the company until their untimely deaths at the hands of Jessika's uncle, Hiram Pavan, whom intended to usurp control. With the assistance of Kellan Tau and his unit, Jessika killed her uncle and took over as Chairwoman of Systech. Jessika married Kellan and gave birth to twins Min-Larel and Kellan IV in 19 BBY, on Corellia.

