Star Wars Fanon

Patriotic Western Song was a rousing war song of the Confederate States of Earth that was composed by James Henry Huber in early 21 BBY. The song proved a hit for its rousing tune and lyrics, it was popularly sung by members of the Confederate States Army, as well during patriotic music performances.

Huber also composed The Song of the West, which he had composed several weeks earlier.


Eastern tyrant foes, what proud fools have ye been!
Our motherland is arous'd,
And ye bann'rs she hath seen!
She calls all her loyal sons to her standard,
And those warlike sons form her bravest vanguard!

She shalt strike the foeman who darest strives to harm her!
Leading her vari'd ranks,
The Officer, Clerk, and Farmer!
Ye feet may briefly tread upon her verdant terrain,
But for such an insult, she shalt be ye Eastland's bane!

Her sons cometh
O'er Fell, Thro' Dale, By Sea.
They all do shout;
"Our West's lands shalt be free!"

Her armies are a-marching,
Her ships are setting a-sail;
To protect her land down to the merest hay bale!
Her knights of the air are taking flight,
All arms are prim'd to fire on each foe in sight!

Hark! At the head of her legions,
Her Ensign proudly waving!
Under which the battle's storms her legions are braving!
On the blooded battle plain,
The foemen her armies are off-staving!
Amidst the mighty roar of the field guns blazing!

Her sons cometh
O'er Fell, Thro' Dale, By Sea.
They all do shout;
"Our West's lands shalt be free!"

Atop each fort and redoubt,
Her guns are a-training,
Ready to open fire on ev'ry foe invading!
High above each fortress her colours are proudly waving!
Flutt'ring in defiance of ev'ry assailant paling!

Engage if ye dare,
Push ye forces with little care!
Shells shalt land 'round ye ears,
As ye forces are laid bare!
Hear the booming report of those guns engaging,
They sound our foemens' morale quickly caving!

Her sons cometh
O'er Fell, Thro' Dale, By Sea.
They all do shout;
"Our West's lands shalt be free!"

We, her faithful sons,
Fight for our Confederacy.
We fight for Western Nationalism,
And for Western Supremacy!
We fight for our laws,
And in God's ordained cause!
Ye cannot withstand,
The righteous thrusts of our land!

Our holy Stars and Bars shalt e'er fly in Heav'n,
And in the dawn's light she shalt ne'er be riven!
Hail, her silver stars,
And her crimson bars,
Emblem of Freedom!
Bane of the tyrant demon!

Her sons cometh
O'er Fell, Thro' Dale, By Sea.
They all do shout;
"Our West's lands shalt be free!"
