Star Wars Fanon

The Paryu system was located in the Unknown Region fifty parsecs from Bakura. It had four planets that revolved around the system star, Paryu. In the Xi, Paryu meant Two Planets. This was because until the Xian expansion, they believed there were only two planets, Sz'nais and Ya'nais, which revolved around on opposite sides of the star. In 92 BBY, a Xian Astronomer discovered that there was another planet revolving around the same center of gravity. They called it He'yim, but due to change in language when the Xian Empire was formed the planets were renamed. Sz'nais became X-Nais, Ya'nais became Y-Nais, and He'yim became Hjim. Later, when the Liberators entered the system, missions were sent out to explore the rest where they found that there was another planet outside of Hjim. Also, an Asteroid belt formed the far border of the system, making it impossible to jump inside the system.

Discovery of Space travel[]

Paryu System

The Paryu System (as seen from above)

Space travel did not exist in the Paryu system until the Hjimi, natives to Hjim, discovery the theory of propulsion and sent their first rocket into space. They, like the Xians, studied the system from where they were with large telescopes. Many early versions of the system were varied from planet to planet as biases from the frame reference depending on the location of the observer. When the Hjimi discovered Y-Nais and X-Nais, they called them Thimra and Noomra the first two letters in their alphabet. They studied the orbits of X-Nais and Y-Nais and carefully planned it out. They launched their first "manned" rocket in 74 BBY.

Since the calculations were precise, they were able to predict a trajectory and accomplished a successful launch. The Hjimi landed on X-Nais in 73 BBY, three months after they launched. The Xians welcomed them, but shortly afterward, they turned on the Hjimi. Since the Hjimi were telepathic, they were able to discover beforehand when the attack would occur and retreated back to Hjim with the blueprints for space travel. They then journeyed to Y-Nais, where the Yimis were more welcoming. But, a Xian managed to get copy some of the plans and started building ships of their own. The Hjimi feared the Xians would continue their attack. Since they had no form of army, and relied on the Yimis for defense.

The Hjimi gave the Yimis the plans and resources needed to build space compatible ships and a war broke out. The Yimis were successful in holding the Xians back until the dictator on X-Nais, Zhar, kidnapped one of the Hjimi's engineers and started developing more advanced ships of his own. Zhar sent a blockade to Y-Nais to prevent more Yimis from leaving and helping the Hjimi, then went and conquered Hjim.

Telling time[]

The Paryu system revolved in a counter-clockwise fashion around the star Paryu. This created a difficult system of time to work with. Before the Xians attempted to conquer the system, they were able to form a universal system of time. The years, months, weeks and days were created according to X-Nais's orbit. Hours, minutes and seconds were then developed based on those days. The Hjimi astronomers, with their knowledge, devised a system where when X-Nais and Y-Nais intersected orbits it was the start of a new year. Since X-Nais and Y-Nais had the same orbital speed, the calculations were consistent, giving each 320 days in a year, twenty days per month, four days per week, five weeks per month, and sixteen months per year.

The difficulty came with separating the day into hours. This was tricky since the entire system was to use the same units of time. The Xians formed an hour schedule that was only off by about five days. The Hjimi came in and decided to add an hour to every day every other year. This would add up to about eleven days extra on even years, evening out the system. But with those extra eleven days, they could not divide into even weeks, so they added two holiday weeks, where laborers stopped working, and added the three extra days as a day of celebration at the end of the year. This was lost when Zhar invaded Hjim. X-Nais, during Zhar's reign, was the only planet observing the years and months. After the Liberators entered the system, they started to observe Galactic Standard time.


