Star Wars Fanon
Old Republic era

Parkanas Tark was a male Human Jedi until he turned himself over to dark side and became the Sith Lord Vivicar of the resurgent Sith Empire.


Mission to Malachor III[]

As a Jedi, Tark was the youngest of an expedition where he went with Yuon Par, Duras Fain, Sidonie Garen, Eriz Vossan, Laranna Fain and Cin Tykan to the planet of Malachor III. During their exploration of the planet, these Jedi stirred the ancient spirit of Sith Lord Terrak Morrhage who had been entombed on the planet for centuries. Despite his youth, Tark refused to be influenced by the spirit while the other members succumbed to Morrhage's influence, and, as a result, indulged in their urges and become paranoid. While the rest of the team managed to escape to planet, Tark was left behind to be tortured by the dark spirit. While he was believed dead, Tark survived and turned to the dark side, taking the name Vivicar and becoming a student of Morrhage himself.

Over the years during the Great Galactic War, Parkanas remained on Malachor and angered with so much darkness and swore vengeance against the Jedi until Morrhage's spirit decided to possess him since he had a special plans in sacrificing him and returning to life once again.

Cold War[]

In 3,643 BBY, Tark returned to the Galactic Republic to extract his revenge upon those that had left him behind. Eventually, he learned the the secrets of Morrhage's Force plague and this dark technique induced madness into those that Lord Vivicar had known and caused them to become puppets of the Sith Lord, including Duras Fain's daughter, Laranna. As his influence spread across the members of his former team, a young Jedi Consular emerged to challenge Lord Vivicar. A Padawan of Yuon Par, this young Consular learned an ancient shielding-technique which could free any under Lord Vivicar's influence. It was later used to free the Jedi Masters from Lord Vivicar's control and made the Consular immune against the plague.

After all the infected Jedi Masters were found, Lord Vivicar was angry that the Consular is ruining his plan for good, but he was not willing to give up since he plans on spreading the plague much wider and forming the dark ritual. However, he was eventually found by the Consular on his ship that orbited Nal Hutta. Vivicar couldn't allow the Jedi to win since he was willing to sacrifice everything in unleashing the plague. Here, the apprentice discovered that Vivicar was Parkanas Tark controlled by the Morrhage's spirit. With no choice, the Consular engaged each other in a duel, in which the Jedi gained the upper hand and injured Morrhage. Before the Jedi could do anything in finishing Morrhage, he said that if the he dies, the masters that he infected would die along with him. The Jedi chose to spare his life and use the shielding ability to purge the spirit of Terrak Morrhage from his body, resulting in the "death" of Vivicar, and the return of Parkanas Tark. Returning to the light side, Parkanas couldn't return to the Jedi Order since he felt upset for what he did. He decided to return to Tython and live in exile.


Few years during the Second Great Galactic War, Parkanas still remained on Tython as a hermit. There, he would meditate and find peace in the quiet forest. While he felt the Consular still serving the Order and the Republic, Parkanas felt that the Jedi would be abandoned by them. WHile he had a walk in the woods, Parkanas sensed a disturbance in the Force until he saw a vision of a young man who crashed landed on the planet. The vision was true when he looked up, and a space pod came running down into the very spot where Parkanas was standing. Parkanas tried to move out of the way, but it was too late. He was badly wounded when the escape pod landed. EVentually, he was found by Syo Bakarn and his friend Duras Fain who witnessed the crash as well. Before they could do anything in saving him, Parkanas told them to save the man in that pod and slowly dies as his body vanishes into the Force.


Despite his death, Parkanas became a Force ghost. His spirit was able to communicate inside Theron's mind who had amnesia from the crash. He was able to guide him through the past and help remember everything. The guiding was complete and Theron awoke from his sleep as Parkanas returns to the realm of the eternal sun.

Behind the scenes[]

If the player chooses the dark side option, he/she would would kill Vivicar, and the masters that were infected will die.

