Hey, I'd never disobey my orders... I'm not a fan of court martials and executions I was just talking, you know? Nothing anyone has to mention to the Commander
—Lieutenant Porschk to Revan while in the Undercity.
During the Jedi Civil War Lieutenant Panes Porschk last name (pronounced /Porshk/) was a Human male who served in the Sith Empire as a Platoon Leader of a Squad sent down to search for Captain Barid Durgren's patrol unit and salvage anything from the Republic Escape Pods that crashed into the Undercity on Taris, his duty was to make sure he brought any Republic Soldiers in for questioning by the Sith on Taris, although during the mission everyone in his squad including Staff Sergeant Bask Benru, Corporal Marvo Cech, Specialist Dällale Vrute, Private's Mirax Talus, Jula Dan'vel and Palo Reiess where both killed by Rakghouls in that attack this drove Lieutenant Porschk to think that their Commander who sent them down into the Undercity was ignorant and didnt' care about what he was doing to Porschk nor his men, his only survivors Corporal Zech Halos, and Private Wedge 'DJ Limitless' Joshky where the only survivors of the Rakghoul attacks, one of their men Jula Dan'vel who carreid serum a antidote was killed, Porschk spotted Raze Abren, Carth Onasi, Mission Vao, Hugo Gurragann, Dak Benkins, J'aahn Lancoln and Zaalbar, while they came out of the sewers however Porschk was kind enough to not turn Revan or their companions in as he was highly the most respectful Sith Officer around on Taris, he did warn Revan of the Rakghouls to not get killed as it's not a place to go and he also knew they where a Rescue Party sent to help anyone in danger he was aware that Revan, Onasi, Gurragann, Benkins, and Lancoln where Republic Soldiers but he didn't care about it and didn't want to report it to his Commander dispite seeing a trio of seven people to start with, Porschk relutently disobeyed his Commander's Orders and told him later he never saw anyone nor did it happen he was simply part of the Sith Splinter Cell movement prior to the Bombardment of Taris, Lieutenant Porschk, managed to survive and head down an Elevator to the Lower City where he, his team members Halos and Joshky, and a few Sith Troopers and also several other People went on down into the Lower City for cover from the Bombardment, Porschk's efforts saved the people on Taris when they hid in the apartments of the Lower City, but when they got out Porschk realised he was betrayed by the Sith Lord Darth Malak and he was in state of a shock after the Bombardment of Taris he reluctently helped a number of wounded and dying people on Taris.
Early Life[]
Panes Porschk was born in 3982 BBY in the Capital City of Ven-Kav on the planet Venaari to a naive family, he went to school but was mentally abused by the infamous bully Arjuo Soin and was beaten up and called rather mean names, he had five best friends his wingman Clibe Protonfire a dark skinned human, Quint Maxobev a human farmer boy, Graso Rekrukk the Zabrak with big goggles and a force sensitive, and Zich Kolkid a dorkey human with pimples where the loosers of the School often picked on Soin's gang, after graduation from School, Panes joined the Sith Empire to look for work, his friends went off to do other stuff but Panes kept in contact with them for the rest of his life while he was in the Sith Army.
Service for the Sith Empire[]
Panes enlisted into the Sith Empire on Dromund Kaas while he went to look for work during 3962 BBY he started off as a young Private and became friends with a fellow recruit Jhonn Beir and he showed him how to become a well trained Sith Soldier in the Army, he and Beir went often to hang out in the Mandalorian restaurant while on leave and Beir met a nice girl while in Hub 3 by the name of Rilmy Dillat whom she found attractive and handsome looking, Panes agreed to let his friend Jhonn date Rilmy on many occasions,
Later Panes was assigned to Darth Darth Revan and Darth Malak's Sith Empire at the Start of the Jedi Civil War and he served under the Command of Malak for a time during 3958 BBY with the rank of Sergeant First Class,
Battle of Rodia[]
His first mission was during the Battle of Rodia a planet which tried to remain neutrel but fianlly was drawn to full-scale conflict, Panes served under the command of Captain Rogo Basai and Master Sergeant Mojo Nelry during the Battle of Rodia, they engaged in killing many of the Rodians 20 percent where killed and when the Republic arrived they sought to elimate the remaining Sith Forces, everyone under Basai's command was killed excluding Porschk and Oput whom where the only survivors of the squad to survive the skirmish alive retreated to the shuttle, dispite a massive loss, Porschk and Oput could realise the Sith's Evil Nature and that they where on the loosing side on the verge of collapse, Panes was able to learn which side was on winning side and who was on loosing side something that would haunt him for life,
After the Battle of Rodia, Porschk was promoted to Lieutenant and transferred along with Oput to Taris.
Life on Taris[]
Panes and Oput together where put under the Command of Commander Artgun Kortu and both where in seperate squads, Panes was place with a squad of misfits along with Staff Sergeant Bask Benru as his second in command, Corporal's Marvo Cech, Zech Halos, Specialist Dällale Vrute, Private's Mirax Talus, Jula Dan'vel, Palo Reiess and Wedge 'DJ Limitless' Joshky of Squad 34, they got used to Panes and served under his Command and listened to every order he gave them and it was roumered that Porschk did not get on well with Commander Galthik Himki of Squad 30 as he was imcompetent and disrespectful among others on Taris not believing what they said.
Lieutenant Porschk and the rest of Squad 34 often went to the Upper City Cantina which was their favourite location on Taris in the Upper City, Porschk developed feelings with a female patron named Zione Moreland whom got attacted to the Lieutenant which reluctently he danced for her one night, he and Zione would start dating for two years and they remained togehter and met from time to time in the Upper City Cantina.
Last Days of Taris and a member of Sith Splinter Cell[]
In Taris's last days in 3956 BBY after a Republic cruiser the Endar Spire was attacked above Taris, and some survivors including former Dark Lord Revan under the alias of Raze Abren, and Republic Pilot Captain Carth Onasi, Jedi Knight Bastila Shan, Captain Hugo Gurragann, Corporal First Class Dak Benkins, Private J'aahn Lancoln, and a few other survivors had survived the distruction of Endar Spire three escape pods crashed on Taris, one in the Upper City, two into the Undercity, Lieutenant Porschk was able to do some invesitgations into the escape pods he and Captain Barid Durgren of 31st Squad and the 34th Squad with Lieutenant Porschk where investigating the crash escape pod in the Upper City that both Revan, Onasi, Benkins and Lancoln was in, eventually they didn't find them nor any remains and Captain Durgren gave some advise for Porschk his fellow Officer close friend that it's Durgren's matter not his for all the investigations,
After returning to the Sith Base eventually both Durgren and Porschk reported in to Commander Kortu on behalf of a crashed escape pod, Kortu ordered Durgren adn Porschk to be on high aleart for any Republic Spies if in hiding and they had ordered a squad to go look for them around Taris, although without little luck, later Kortu sent Durgren and 31st Squad to search in the Undercity for the crash escape pod down their but in doing so they where soon attacked by Rakghoul's, Panes however was in the Lower City by that time he and 34th where investigating for the Republic Spies in the Lower City Apartments they had also investigated a recent murder of Luugro at the hands of Calo Nord a bounty hunter who claimed yet another prize, dispite Panes not liking Davik Kang's collecting bounty buisness, after Private Reiess did look at the blaster marks on Luugro he told it was amazing how a bounty hunter could simply collect a bounty, Panes warned to stay away from Calo Nord to all of 34th including his second in command Sergeant Benru, as Calo Nord was a Bounty Hunter not to cross paths with ever, just as a call came out Captain Durgren gave a callout to request Lieutenant Porschk and the rest of his 34th to look for them his last words where.
Lieutenant Porschk! We are under attack! cannot hold off the Rakghouls for much longer! nine of my men are dead just a few of us left! we're sourrounded help us Porschk please!"
—Captain Durgren's last hologram message to Lieutenant Porschk of 34th Squad before his death.
Porschk simply obeyed the message and he, Sergeant Benru, and the rest of 34th Squad his seven other squadmates followed him and they took the elevator down into the Undercity into Rakghoul infested area where the coordinates for Captain Durgren's last postion was at, unfortuantly they arrived at Durgren's postion but they found him barely alive and he wasn't himself Porschk saw Durgren mutate into a Rakghoul when he begged Panes mercy to kill him, eventually the 34th engaged all of the Rakghouls but more suddenly came from all over the place when all where sourrounded, Private Reiess was first to go down being struck by the Rakghoul and bitten to death only died quicker from his infection turning into a Rakghoul, and Specialist Vrute was also hit by the Rakghoul's sharp claws also being pushed into some debris and pierced into a sharp metal on the chest instantly killing Vrute, while Cech tried to escape only to be sourrounded by Rakghoul's and slaughtered where they tore his head off and ate his remains, Panes with all his knowledge got the remaining squad out and fled at least planting mines from the infested areas eventually setting them off killing 40 of the Rakghouls, but more still arrived and they killed Sergeant Benru only Panes watched in horror as he was instantly bitten and turned into a Rakghoul, however the remainder held off all the Rakghouls only Dan'vel tried to protect the serum but in a way failed by getting killed by Rakghouls, Lieutenant Porschk, Corproal Halos, Priavte Talus, and 'DJ Limitless' Joshky where the only survivors but unfortuantly Talus suffered a sever liver infection from the Rakghoul and was loosing blood faster, as Halos tried to take a serum from Dan'vel he attempted to inject it into Talus to stop his infection spreading, unfortuantly it was not over and as they began to patch up Talus he died of his wounds fatally, Porschk and the survivors attempted to retreat to the Upper City where it was safe but they along the way met up with Revan, Onasi, Gurragann, Benkins, Lancoln, Zaalbar and Mission from the Sewers but wasn't happy at their presence only to reply to Revan.
You there! Civillian! this is a restricted area! What are you doing down here?"
"Look... I've got all the proper security papers."
"Security papers? Oh... you're on of those trackers the Commander sent down. right? They should have given you an armed escort - it's nasty down here! We've already lost one partol... we figure the rakghouls got them. W've had so many encounters with those things we've actually ran out of rakghoul serum. Plus we've had several skirmished with looters from those Lower City swoop gangs. I'm telling you. we should just stay in the Upper City where we're in control!"
"You said you lost one patrol already?"
"Oh, is that why you're down here? Search and rescue? I didn't think they would send anyone. They were in the southern section of the Undercity when we lost contact. I would have gone to investigate. but my orders are to search for those crashed escape pods... even if it means leaving another patrol to die."
"You just follow your orders and keep looking!"
"Hey. I'd never disobey my orders.. I'm not a fan of court martials and executions. I was just talking, you know? Nothing anyone has to mention to the Commander. Come on patrol. let's get back to it. The sooner we get this search done the sooner we can get out of this mutant infested hole. Move out!
—Lieutenant Panes Porschk and Revan when they first meet face to face and discuss about the dangers.
After he met up with Revan, he was amazed when he saw the papers and also that believing them to be a rescue party to look for any survivors he advised him to watch out for the Rakghouls as they're everywhere in the Undercity and also he did mention to Revan he was not a fond of Court Martials and didn't like his job that much, Porschk only did as he was told and he did tell Revan that he did hate his job in the Sith but he had to do as he follows by Commander Kortu says, after giving them warnings, Panes actally did notice they where Republic Spies but secretly he ignored Kortu's warnings and actually became kind enough to not turn on Revan or their companiosn in a way he became highly respectful towards Revan, however after he left Dak Benkins was confused by the ordeal why Panes did not like the Sith or why he had to follow orders that was something Benkins would have to find out for himself. after the investigation Lieutenant Porschk, Corporal Halos, Private Joshky managed to head back to the Upper City where it was much safer for them despite Porschk's anti heroics he was listed an honoary Sith Splinter Cell undercover agent while on Taris.
Upon arrival back in the Upper City of Taris, both Porschk, Halos and Joshky arrived back where it was safe, Halos and Joshky would go off and do their own things where Joshky had a date with Junior Sith Officer Sarna in the Upper City Cantina, Halos would head off to do his own thing as he had a friend he had to meet up and catch up with a civilian named Grego Tane in the North Appartments on Taris and joined with Jallo Angard another Sith Trooper, Ham Walden and Linis Donnall and female Leene Bitee where part of Corporal Halos's friends upon a private party they was having, Lieutenant Porschk went to return to Command and explain on his actions where he told Commander Kortu on the loss of Captain Durgren, and Sergeant Benru and all of Durgren's men and nearly all of Porschk's men killed by Rakghouls when Panes attempted to try rescue Durgren only to be a suicide mission, dispite these losses Kortu understood the brave act that Lieutenant Porschk did but only failed in saving Durgren arrived too late only to find him turn into a Rakghoul, Kortu however promised a purple heart be given to Durgren and a memorial placed for him in the next two weeks, Panes reluctently obeyed the order,
After the meeting Porschk went to go out on a date with his girlfriend Zione to a movie theater on Taris while he took a rest, they would spend the rest of the night in a fablous resturant which was the Upper City Skyview Resturant where he and Zione where able to have a Gorg platter for their dinner, Zione talked about her life to Panes and Panes did but mentioned he hated being in the Sith Empire thus explaining what he seen in the Undercity after it killed his men, he also felt the need to explain to Zione about Republic Spies he did see them but didn't tell Commander Kortu or the Sith Governor about it either as he rather kept it secret,
Next day after Lieutenant Porschk was on patrol he was called back to the Tarisian Military Base after Revan and his companions raided the base in order to obtain the launch codes so that Revan could take the Ebon Hawk with the aid of Canderous Ordo at Davik's estate and steal it for themselves to get off Taris once and for all. upon arrival at the military base they where too late and Commander Himki who had survived his wounds arrived back and ordered full patrols on the city to find the Republic Spies he had mentioned whom they where after he was ambushed only four days ago. Lieutenant Porschk felt pleased by Revan and his compainions but Corporal Halos and Private Joshky whom been watching where amused by his anticts and why he was so pleased, Porschk told them that he was pleased because he never did like being in the Sith and he might have met Revan and his companions but even though they might be on the Republic Side and Porschk is on Sith Side, he told Halos and Joshky that why where they even following the Sith in the first place and also why the Republic could be on the winning side he realised his full potential afterwards, Halos reluctently obeyed as he could eventually see the efforts that Porschk wanted to get away from the Sith once and for all, Halos told him how he couldnt' stand being on patrols everyday and it's annoying him for the rest of his life when he would rather hang out with his friends Grego, Jallo, Ham, Linis, and Leene in the Upper City and have fun on Taris he told he loved living on Taris because he had five best friends and they where all he ever had when he went to the North Apartments even though he never has a girlfriend which to Halos he said was fine because he was alright with, Private 'DJ Limitless' Joshky said he did like his job he still wanted to always go out with his girlfriend Sarna and his other friend Yun Genda and also he liked his job but didn't like being told what to do neither told to execute prisoners or either do patrols he said he would rather defect if he had the chance but Darth Malak could seriously punish him otherwise, Porschk was happy he had close ally friends like Halos and Joshky on Taris as they're his only other men from 34th Squad left now and they also where granted as part of the Sith Splinter Cell movement, reluctently all patrols went to look for the culprits or spies on Taris, as roumer has it from Himki they're was five people, four being in the Republic three soldiers and one officer and a Twi'lek 14 year old girl in the midst. although Porschk, Halos and Joshky went out hunting in the Upper City they didn't care about the orders at all.
But it was cut short and unfortuantly for everyone on Taris it would turn to disaster for Tarisians where Darth Malak betrayed his Sith Forces still on the surface of the planet where the Destruction of Taris began billions of Tarisian Citizens and thousands of Sith Forces would suffer a reluctent fate on the planet surface. but only for a few buildings from Upper City to survive the destruction, prior to it's bombardment Lieutenant Porschk with his knowledge managed to get Halos, and Joshky, with quick thinking away from the Pathwalk as raining blaster cannons where shooting from everywhere from the Interdictor-ckass cruiser the Leviathan under orders of Darth Malak opened fire on the planet's surface, Panes however realised Malak betrayed them and with quick thinking a number of people would head to the Lower City in an elevator as they tried to make it 10 people where gunned down by the lazer cannons from the Leviathan which in the process torn many apart, Panes saved a wounded man named Rix Baize and the two got to the elevator, and as two Sith Troopers Soont Waldell and Kesi Auten attempted to retreat to the elevator where the Sith Trooper who guarded the elevator always Grice Shif called them to hurry but Auten was blown up and Waldell was severly wouned after loosing both his legs, Panes made quick thinking and managed to somehow rescue the wounded man to the elevator like a hero Panes and Waldell became the last trio to go down into the Lower City in the elevator, in the Elevator the survivors where not only Panes, but also Halos, Joshky, Rix, Yun, Zione, Sarna, Grego, Ham, Linis, Angard, Leene, Shif, Waldell, Oput (who got to the elevator survived), Largo, Ice, Janice Nall, Lana, Darro Kordolph, Crik Harand, and Maree Arnjak, Scerria Halcard, Lora Daivik, a Duros named Enssar Tazi, and a Ithorian named Ooron Coreen, two Rodian's named Hulo Intan and his girlfriend Fiz Geendeefrirr, and a young kid Gil Vondar, and Sith Trooper Gavid Temarch, where the only 30 able to squeeze tight into the elevator but it reached the Lower City with quick thinking they where in a safe location but they still saw roofs caving in from some places, so for Panes he managed to help bring the 30 survivors into the Lower City Appartments (East) eventually the trio found a appartment where a kind Twi'lek family the Aayn'bana's decided to let them hide in their appartment, however for Panes he and his 30 survivors was safe from the city's destruction and thanks to Panes he saved the lives of 30 survivors he held onto his girlfiend Zione's hand and cuddled her knowing they thaught it would be the end of their lives and only god could save them now but he reassured Zione that they will indeed survive since the lazer cannons cannot hit at this altitude.
Hours after the destruction of Taris, Porschk and what was left of the survivors in the Aayn'bana family appartment went outside to have a look at the extent of the damage of Taris, as Porschk went to the elevator that led to the Upper City it was no longer operating and was out of service, most areas of Lower City or at least half was caved in, Panes did the unthinkable he climbed up lots of rubble and got out from underneath and he saw the destoryed city of Taris from under the rubble and thousands of dead bodies and dying, Porschk was horrified at the deaths he seen around and reluctently he removed his helmet off and dropped it to the ground after letting go of it and was in state of a shock after seeing Taris end up like this he realised the Sith's true colours and that Malak committed mass murder and betrayed his own men he went back into the Lower City to contact some undercover Sith Splinter Cell members about this and he contacted the allies in a nearby room where a Holoprojector was in a round table, he contacted allies on both Manaan, Parcellus Minor, Taloraan, Jendorn, Cathar, Nazzri, Ryndellia, Argus, New Apsolon, Ziost, Dromund Kass, Korriban, Hallion, Wayland, and several other cells on other planets to discuss on Malak's turn on the Sith on Taris, Panes sent all the information on the Sith Splinter Cells to warn them of Malaks' course in the war and this vital information was sent to the Galactic Republic, thanks to Porschk's vital information all this info on Taris was sent across the Galaxy, Lieutenant Porschk then resumed to continue helping dead or dying citizens and Sith troops and a number of other people that where wounded or lost families and loved ones,
Personality and Traits[]
You see Corporal Halos I might not always be who I am in the Sith Empire but I am not a fan of following orders under Commander Kortu and General Blinxo, because the Republic is on the winning side and I think for example them guys we ran into are the reason I like to become a Sith Splinter Cell member, would you do the same I know you have friends?"
"Well Lieutenant I haven't thaught of it I mean why should we defect we have nowhere to go to?"
"That's the point Halos I for one don't wish to be in the Sith Empire you see I have a girlfriend Zione Moreland she's the reason I don't want to serve the for longer, you have friends Halos, so do you Joshky?"
"We have friends because Lieutenant we do our own stuff in life it's Sith Poperganda to you but after all we have follow your orders for a year and Sergeant Benru, Corporal Cech, Specialists Vrute, Private's Talus, Dan'vell and Reiess would be proud to follow your orders if they lived not been killed by Rakghouls I know I am following the Sith Code but I feel like I made the wrong choices from the begining look at me Lieutenant I have friends Sith Trooper Jallo Angard, and Civilianns Grego Tane my best mate he invites me to the North Appartments at times, Ham Walden, Linis Donnall, and Leene Bitee are friends of mine I mean think of that they're like the only friends I have nobody else loved or liked us but they liked you for example?"
"No Corporal they liked you because they think your handsome and not a killer?"
"But look have shot innocents like a couple of civilians for trying to protest I am not a hero!"
"You might not be who you are Corporal but you are a hero to me I believe you Halos your like my only loyal trooper of Squad 34 left without you I couldn't live without you nor Joshky."
"You really think I could change I mean I hurt people I don't so many wrong things is it possible for me to join your Sith Splinter Cell and redeem my actions?"
"Yes Halos they're is a way join me into the Sith Splinter Cell together will be heros passing vital information to the Galactic Republic."
"I suppose your right I have had enough being on patrols everyday and it's annoying to me as I rather be with friends like Grego and Angard and stuff in the Upper City and I love Taris because I have only five friends you ever had friends Lieutenant?"
"Yes I did on my homeworld of Venaari where I lived in Ven-Kav I always keep in contact with them for the rest of my life?"
"Wow that's the most amazing thing I heard in my life?"
"What about you Joshky?"
"Me well i still love my job but I never liked being told what to do but neither like when I had to execute prisoners and the most borning thing I did was patrols, I want to come with you but I am worried if Darth Malak sees me he'll punish me?"
"I will keep an eye on you no one is going near Malak."
"You mean it well okay? I have a girlfriend I am in love with Sarna who goes to the Upper City Cantina always Sarna and I are just alike, and I am friends with Yun Genda he's a good man but to be honest with you Lieutenant Porschk I want to come with you I am your best loyal trooper on Taris, I guess no matter what it means I don't care about the Sith Properganda me and Halos are willing to obey your commands whatever it means to you?"
"That's the nicest thing anyone told me Joshky.
—Porshck, Halos and Joshky debating the Sith Empire after the Raid on the Tarisian Military Base and also Revan and his companions if they could join the Sith Splitner Cell
As a Lieutenant of the Sith Empire, Panes Porschk was a firm believer in the Sith Empire cause and held a fierce loyalty towards the Sith Empire and Darth Revan and Malak, He was not a fond of following orders in the Empire after he joinned mostly missed his friends like Clibe Protonfire and Quint Maxobev, Graso Rekrukk and Zich Kolkid from his childhood, the reason was after he got bullied by Arjuo Soin in his childhood he was somewhat stressed over being picked on at school something he never liked to talk about, in his time on Dromund Kaas he started as a young Private and was friends with Jhonn Beir who trained him to be a Sith Soldier, after that he served a Sergeant First Class under Revan and Malak's command and at the Battle of Rodia became concerned with what he was doing after eliminating them he was devistated to kill 20 percent Rodians but although the battle was lost he and Oput was the only survivors under Captain Rogo Basai's command, after the battle Panes was giving a promotion to Lieutenant to be transferred to Taris to help out with a Rakghoul disease, he served primarily under command of General Blinxo and Commander Kortu which told him what to do on Taris and had to reluctently follow orders, he was in a fierce rivalry with Commander Galthik Himki and didn't get on well with him, he and Captain Barid Durgren where both best mates and in close contact on Taris while he did many investiagions and missions their, he was also eager to learn what Crime Lord Davik Kang was upto and the murder of Luugro, while on Taris he fell in love with female patron Zione Moreland in the Upper City both became attracted to one another in the Upper City Cantina, Porschk developed a change of personailty where he became incredibly perky and caused him to be unintelligent and nonathletic and enthusiastic and also absent minded, talkative and filled with exuberant energy and spreaded his happiness and otimistic thinking towards others and wanted to spend time with his girlfriend Zione on Taris, his intelligence degraded and the following year he had problems of his own,
As beneath his bravado, Panes was not as cold and cruel as he appeared as he genuinely disturbed by a sudden and brutal execution of Sith being executed for failures he was the reason he had been forced to do as he was told by the Sith Governor, despite being a hardened soldier who rarely showed any weakness he revealed a more vulnerable side when after the death of his friend Durgren and the rest of his squad was killed by Rakghouls after an investiagtion of Luugro at the hands of Calo Nord, he simply chose to take the reamining Sqaud 34 with his second-in-command Staff Sergeant Benru to investiage the disapperance of Squad 31, in doing so he saw that all his soldiers with the execption of Halos and Joshky was wipped out after that happened he was shocked and realised that Commander Kortu who sent him their was mad, realising the true extent of the Sith Poperganda he knew that it was a bad idea to serve the Sith Empire, he and his two surviving men encountered Revan but after trying to tell Revan it was a resticted area in the Undercity after it was filled with Rakghouls, he believed it when he saw papers that Commander Kortu sent though falsely from Gadon Thek in search of Bastila Shan, he believed it when he saw in Revan and his companions eyes like Carth Onasi, Mission Vao, Zaalbar, Captain Hugo Gurragann, Corporal First Class Dak Benkins and Private J'aahn Lancoln that they where really Republic Allies but he knew it in his heart though simply he didn't wish to report it to Commander Kortu or give a damn about it he disobeyed orders without question being otimistic and absent minded but chose to follow the Sith Splinter Cell he was warned about instead choosing this side, as he warned Revan about Lower City swoop gangs and skrimishes and that he warned to be careful and not to get killed and also warned Revan he was not a fond of following orders under Commander Kortu simply later on he, Halos and Joshky returned to the Upper City where it was safe, Porschk knew Revan was a Republic Spy but descided never to tell or care in telling Kortu it as he wasnt' a fond of Court Marshalls and stuff, he chose to go out with Zione to Skyview Resturant and they both discussed how Panes not loved his job in the Sith Empire, he told her about his past he decied to let go she understood it and also how he hated being in the Sith Empire reluctently she told how everyone loved Panes because he was nicer then anyone else unlike other Sith, though the likeables where Halos and Joshky, and Durgren and 34 Squad, with respect he told he never wanted to tell Kortu about it nor General Blinxo about it, this allowe him to grow a disillusionment with the Sith Empire and freindship for Revan and the othes after the Raid on the Tarisan Miitary Base after a raid led by Revan and his compaions he knew they did the right thing but never told General Blinxo nor Commander Kortu about it, his growing disillusionment with brutish ways of the Empire led him to begin beliving the Galactic Republic was right and chose to aid the Sith Splinter Cell, his sympathy for the Republic led him to leak information about Malak's secrets of the Star Forge, he eventually spoke to his two comrades if they like to join the Sith Splinter Cell become loyal to him, Corporal Halos and Private Joshky chose to join the SSC because they where loyal to Panes and couldnt' live without him or abandon him as they had nowhere else to go, in doing so they found new-found loyalty towards Panes adn reluctently became his most trusted allies, after trying to look for Revan and his companions though Porschk did not obey orders, the destruction of Taris began,
During the Destruction of Taris, billions of Tarisian Citizens got killed of a near hunderes began to try survive in Upper City and Lower City and Undercity, Porschk and Halos and Joshky and their friends ran to the elevator and with quick thinking Porschk helped a wounded Civilian and also a Sith Soldier and both the 30 in the elevator went into the Lower City, they took both his two men Halos and Joshky, Rix Baize, Yun Genda, Zione Moreland, Sarna, Grego Tane, Ham Walden, Linis Donnall, Jallo Angard, Leene Bitee, Grice Shif, Soont Waldell, Oput, Largo, Ice, Janice Nall, Darro Kordolph, Crik Harand, Maree Arnjak, Scerria Halcard, and Lora Daivik, and Enssar Tazi, and Ooron Coreen and Hulo Intan and Fiz Geendeefrirr and Gil Vondar, and Gavid Temarch, arrived into the Lower City Appartments (East) where a kind Twi'lek family the Aayn'bana's allowed them to seek refuge their appartment but after surviving the destruction and going outside from Lower City they saw Upper City was nothing more then rubble only Panes would be devistated at the Sith True colours and Malak opening fire and betraying his own troops, Commander Kortu after seeing it realised it and changed sides only to see wounded and dying around him as he chose to simply switch sides after the destruction and also what Malak did to his own men, Kortu wanted revenge on Malak for what he'd done to everyone on the planet, Porschk would speak in a nearby room where a Holoprojector is and contacted Sith Splinter Cell allies to rally a protest on other worlds to discuss Malak's course in the war and this vital information was later sent to the Galatic Republic thanks to Porschk's vital information all this info on Taris was sent across the Galaxy thanks to Porschk a redeemed hero, he chose to continue helping a number of dead or dying citizens or wounded or lost familys and loved ones afterwards as a redeemed hero.