Palo solfish are a species of fish native to the waterworld Neroth. They were known for their size, gentle disposition, and vibrant coloration.
Large bony fishes, palo solfish were roughly circular in shape, and had a laterally flattened body. They are covered in bright, vibrant yellow scales with a metallic sheen. The rear of the fish is dominated by a large, curved tail fin that acts like a rudder. This tail fin is blue in color, as are the pectoral fins, which are stumpy and fan-like, and the long dorsal and anal fins. Their two eyes are set high on their bodies and their faces have a short, tubular snout. Whole they are mostly yellow, palo solfish usually have blue and orange markings, such as spots or stripes, on their bodies.
They were large and slow creatures, leisurely riding the waves to wherever they were carried. They were also gentle, preferring to leave swimmers alone. In spite of their gentle dispostion, they preyed upon smaller creatures, usually small squid and jellyfish. Despite their slow speed and dull-witted nature, palo solfish had few natural predators. Likewise, they weren't fished and eaten, as they were poisonous due to glands throughout their bodies.