Star Wars Fanon

Padmé Naberrie of Naboo (publicly known by her regal name, Padmé Amidala, also known as Her Royal Highness, Queen Amidala of Naboo, from 33 BBY to 25 BBY, and as Her Excellency, Senator Padmé Amidala of Naboo, from 25 BBY to 21 BBY) was the younger daughter of Ruwee and Jobal Naberrie, and the sister of Sola Naberrie. Later in her life, Amidala became the wife of former Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker and the mother of Cordé, Luke and Leia Skywalker.

Amidala was the democratically elected Queen of Naboo before representing the Chommell sector as a Senator in the Galactic Senate. As Queen of Naboo, Amidala fought bravely to liberate her people during the Trade Federation's invasion in 32 BBY, thus becoming one of the most respected political figures in the galaxy. In 22 BBY, following the Military Creation Act, Anakin Skywalker was assigned to protect her, and following the Battle of Geonosis, the two married on Naboo after the pair fell in love.

Senator Amidala participated in many events during the first year or so of the Clone Wars, both political and military. Several months into the war Padmé would discover that she was pregnant with her and Anakin's first child. During this time her faith in both the Republic and the Jedi would be greatly shaken after the Jedi Order declare that her and Anakin's child must be handed over to them after it is born.

Despite her loyalty to the Republic Padme began to see that the democracy that she believed in no longer existed within the Republic and despite years of service she would leave the Senate and follow her husband in his quest to unite the Outer Rim.

After leaving the Senate Padmé would join her husband’s side on Tatooine where he has been taking steps to free his people from slavery. Shortly after arriving on the desert planet she would be instrumental in negotiating the first true peace treaty between the people of Tatooine and the Native Tusken Raiders.


Early life (46–33 BBY)[]

A young Princess Amidala[]

My life is dedicated to the people of Naboo. It is the least I owe them.
—Padmé Naberrie, to her former lover, Ian Lago, shortly before her election as Queen

Born Padmé Naberrie in 46 BBY, Amidala was the youngest daughter of Ruwee and Jobal Thule Naberrie, and the sister of Sola Naberrie. Padmé grew up in an isolated mountain village where her parents instilled in their children high virtues like self-sacrifice and care for the socially weak. Her family moved to Theed when she was young, and Padmé attended the best schools available to her, enjoying occasional class retreats to Naboo's lake country. In her youth she volunteered for the Refugee Relief Movement, like her father had before her, and journeyed to Shadda-Bi-Boran to aid in the relocation efforts of the natives. Sadly, many of these refugees died when they were unable to adapt to life on another world. Following this, she entered the Legislative Youth Program, where she met a young man named Palo. A brief, innocent relationship followed, but the pair parted ways when Palo became an artist, and Padmé continued in politics. She never forgot her past or her heritage, however; even after she reached the top, Amidala still maintained her village's tradition of painting her thumb nail on each hand stark white, a small but notable sign of her dedication to her family.

Amidala's rise was meteoric—she had joined the Apprentice Legislature at age eight and became a full Apprentice Legislator by age eleven. During this time, she first met Silya Shessaun, her workshop mentor. The two would meet again as Senators, and formed a close bond. By 33 BBY, at the age of thirteen, Padmé Naberrie had become Princess of Theed, and was extremely popular, rallying those opposed to the rule of King Ars Veruna.

She became involved in a relationship with Ian Lago, the young son of Veruna's Prime Counselor, Kun Lago. Both families opposed the match, but it ended of its own accord when Veruna abdicated and Amidala was persuaded to enter the race to succeed the King. Her bid for the throne had initially been suggested to her parents, and subsequently discreetly backed, by Senator Palpatine, who wished to see Veruna lose the election for his own reasons. Her personal popularity and opposition to Veruna's policies ensured her landslide victory. She was elected by global vote, while all the other candidates were simply excluded, and she never saw Ian again. Amidala's coronation

Although prodigiously talented, Amidala was still not the youngest Queen of Naboo to ever be elected. Once elected Queen, Padmé took the name Amidala, and amended the constitution to limit the rule of elected monarchs to two terms, in light of Veruna's unpopular long rule.

Her birth name was Padmé Naberrie; Amidala was actually a regal name. In her guise as Queen Amidala, she appeared regal and austere, but as Padmé, she was headstrong and compassionate. It appeared that her birth name was not public knowledge. In a lengthy communiqué assembled by Supreme Chancellor Valorum's aide in 32 BBY, the Republic diplomats and Intelligence officers who contributed listed Padmé as one of the Queen's handmaidens, and only referred to the Queen as "Amidala." The notion that the handmaidens' true purpose was to serve as the Queen's decoys, suggested by a Senate security officer based on irregularities in the Royal Starship's passenger lists, was dismissed as "outrageous." Even the Jedi diplomats dispatched by the Chancellor were unaware of the fact that Padmé was the Queen.

Amidala's cadre of handmaidens, young women of a similar age and with a striking similarity to her, acted as bodyguards, decoys, and confidantes to their mistress, roles devised by Amidala's head of security, Captain Panaka, who insisted the new Queen be trained in self-defense and weapons usage. While Amidala was Queen, her handmaidens included Sabé, Eirtaé, Rabé, Yané and Saché. During her term as Senator, Amidala's handmaidens included Dormé, Cordé, Versé, and later Moteé and Ellé.

Queen (33–25 BBY)[]

Invasion of Naboo[]

I was not elected to watch my people suffer and die while you discuss this invasion in a committee!
—Queen Amidala, to the Galactic Senate

Queen Amidala during the Trade Federation crisis[]

About five months after her election in 33 BBY, Queen Amidala was faced with what would become one of the most significant problems in Naboo history. In protest of the Galactic Senate's decision to tax users of the galaxy's trade routes, Viceroy Nute Gunray of the Trade Federation enforced a blockade on Amidala's home world, Naboo. With few resources of its own, Naboo relied on imports, and the blockade served as the perfect example of the Republic's reliance on trade.

Amidala tried to use diplomatic and political means to rid her planet of the Trade Federation, yet it was all in vain. The Viceroy—secretly following the orders of Darth Sidious—avoided direct diplomatic efforts, going so far as to order his troops to assassinate the Republic ambassadors that Chancellor Valorum had secretly dispatched. Unfortunately for him, the ambassadors were the Jedi Knights Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi, and shortly after their escape Gunray was ordered to both sabotage all of Naboo's communications systems and deploy his troops for invasion. Amidala refused to condone a course of war for her planet, but the Federation invaded anyway and swept away the RSF defense. When the Federation took Theed, Amidala was hereafter captured at the Palace, but in the guise of a handmaiden; her double, Sabé, assumed the guise of the Queen during this time. Acting on instructions, the decoy refused to sign the treaty authorizing a Federation occupation of Naboo, and they were sentenced to be placed in detention camps. On their way to detention facilities, the retinue—consisting of the false Amidala, her handmaidens, Governor Sio Bibble and Captain Panaka—was soon freed by the Jedi ambassadors Master Qui-Gon Jinn and his Padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi, as well as a Gungan named Jar Jar Binks. Though reluctant to leave her people, Amidala (via Sabé) accepted the Jedi's offer to escort her to Coruscant, leaving Bibble and two handmaidens behind.

Engaging the blockade as the Naboo Royal Starship escaped, total destruction was avoided thanks to the droid R2-D2, whom Amidala commended. However, significant damage was inflicted in the escape, and the ship was forced to land on the remote planet Tatooine. Disguised as the Handmaiden Padmé, Amidala accompanied Jinn, Binks, and R2-D2 into the small town of Mos Espa to search for parts needed to rebuild the ship. It was there that she met a nine-year-old slave, Anakin Skywalker, and formed a close bond with him that would last her entire life. Skywalker offered to take part in the Boonta Eve Classic, a podrace, to win the group enough money to acquire new parts and leave for Coruscant. Though she liked Skywalker, Amidala doubted Jinn's wisdom in placing her planet's fate in a little boy's hands. She reconsidered, however, when Skywalker won.

The fight for Theed[]

Now, Viceroy, we will discuss a new treaty!
—Queen Amidala after capturing Nute Gunray

Arriving on Coruscant, Amidala once again resumed her role as Queen. In preparation for her appearance in the Senate, Senator Palpatine, her planet's representative, warned her of the Senate's corrupt nature, and was proved right when Amidala was unable to acquire immediate help for her people. Following Palpatine's advice, Amidala called for a Vote of No Confidence in the Senate's leader, Finis Valorum. Soon after, Palpatine himself was nominated to succeed Valorum, and eventually won.

However, Amidala decided to ignore his pleas for her to remain on Coruscant until that time, choosing instead to return to Naboo. En route, Amidala revealed to a concerned Qui-Gon Jinn that she planned to unite with the native Gungans, with whom the Naboo had had somewhat bad relations in the past. Amidala journeyed through the swamps of Naboo, escorted by the two Jedi and a small posse of Naboo security guards. En route, her party encountered several other droids, as well as Royal Security Force personnel scattered through the swamp. Eventually, Amidala and her party boarded a group of naval transports, which took them to the Gungan sacred place. Appearing before the Gungan leader Rugor Nass, Sabé (still acting as Amidala’s decoy) attempted to convince the Gungans to unify in a bid to oust the Trade Federation. Seeing that this attempt was going nowhere, Amidala decided to reveal her secret identity as a signification of trust. Nass agreed, and the two warring cultures hastily put an end to their dispute to concentrate on a more pressing issue: the occupation of Naboo. Amidala presented her formulated plan to the group, which would consist of her leading a strike team into the Royal Palace and capture the Viceroy, while at the same time the Gungan Grand Army would lead a ground assault to distract the droid armies. Though the plan eventually worked—thanks mostly to Skywalker's effort in destroying the Droid Control Ship and Sabé's distraction—it did not come about without loss, with Qui-Gon Jinn being killed by Darth Maul, who had been sent to help the Neimoidians on Naboo.

Her actions throughout the crisis earned her immense popularity with the people, and the Naboo and Gungans became officially unified during a celebration in Theed, attended by Supreme Chancellor Palpatine and the Jedi High Council. After the celebration, Padmé was approached by Master Yoda who, on behalf of the Jedi Council and in agreement with the Supreme Chancellor, asked her to keep all knowledge of the Sith a secret.

In 25 BBY, Amidala ended her second term as Queen. Though some on Naboo suggested amending the constitution to allow her to serve a third term, she stayed true to her belief that "popular rule is not democracy." Hereafter, Amidala gave up the throne to her elected successor, Queen Jamillia.

Senator (25–19 BBY)[]

Wake up, Senators… you must wake up! If we offer the Separatists violence, they can only show us violence in return! Many will lose their lives. All will lose their freedom.
—Padmé Amidala, before the Galactic Senate

Though Amidala had planned to retire into a family life, as her sister Sola had, at Queen Jamillia's urging she was elected Naboo's representative in the Galactic Senate, succeeding Horace Vancil as the Galactic Senator from the 36th regional state space system. Surprisingly, given her career change, she retained an elaborate fashion sense and a constantly-changing wardrobe. Indeed, due to her enormous support on Naboo, Amidala continued to be granted all the formalities usually restricted to the elected monarch, including distinctive chrome-plating on all of her starships.

Amidala entered the Senate in the same year as Senator Rush Clovis. The two became very close, however, Amidala ultimately ended the relationship as she felt that it was not professional for it to continue. Clovis took this very hard, and the pair ultimately terminated any kind of contact.

Though she preferred to remain on Naboo, when on the capital Padmé lived in a small penthouse apartment in the Senate Apartment Complex. Though the interior was modest in size and decor compared to other Senatorial residences, the apartment's large veranda boasted a private landing platform as well as a number of luxurious Naboo artifacts.

Soon, she was one of the leaders of a faction opposed to the establishment of an army to quell the growing Separatist movement. She believed that signaling violence only invited violence in return. Padmé Amidala was also appointed by the Supreme Chancellor to the Loyalist Committee, an exclusive group of Senators who would act as advisers to the Chancellor during the Separatist Crisis. She also served on a team of Republic diplomats that attempted to negotiate a peace with the Separatists, but unfortunately a number of terrorist attacks thwarted the negotiations. Amidala suspected that Dooku, the Count of Serenno, leader of the Separatists, and a former Jedi Master, was behind attacks that ended the negotiations.

Reunited with Anakin[]

In 22 BBY, Amidala was targeted for assassination by an unknown enemy, which she firmly believed to be Count Dooku. An attempt on her life was made by the Clawdite bounty hunter Zam Wesell, resulting in the deaths of Amidala's decoy Cordé, handmaiden Versé, and numerous other security guards on a Coruscant landing platform. Hours later, Amidala appeared in the Senate both to thwart reports of her death and openly criticize her enemies as well as supporters of the Military Creation Act, which she strongly opposed. After a brief conference with Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, members of the Loyalist Committee and numerous members of the Jedi High Council (including Yoda and Mace Windu), it was decided that Amidala be placed under protection of the Jedi while the matter was being investigated. Padmé held firm her belief that Dooku was behind the attack, but the Jedi—believing a former Jedi to be incapable of murder—remained against that claim.

Later that day, Amidala was reunited with Anakin Skywalker, now a Padawan to Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi, who had been assigned to protect her. After a second assassination attempt by Zam Wesell—who had, under the orders of Jango Fett, placed poisonous kouhuns in her bedroom—which Skywalker and Kenobi were able to prevent from killing her, the Jedi Council determined that Skywalker would escort Amidala to her home world of Naboo for protection while Obi-Wan continued the investigation. As the vote on the Military Creation Act was fast approaching, Chancellor Palpatine had to issue an executive order to an irritated Amidala to return to Naboo. Disguised as a refugee couple from the Thousand Moons system, Amidala and Skywalker traveled discreetly on a freighter ship to Naboo. During the trip they discussed the sacrifice that Anakin's mother made by letting him go to train with the Jedi. Hoping to make him feel better and without knowing she would make the same sacrifice for her own children, Padmé said that what a parent needed for her child was to know that he had been given a chance of a better life.

To maintain the illusion that the Senator was still in the capital, Captain Typho and handmaiden Dormé stayed behind, with the latter acting as Amidala's decoy. After a meeting with Queen Jamillia, as well as a meal with Amidala's family, she and Anakin took refuge at Varykino, the Naberrie family lake retreat, where the two began to fall in love. It was a forbidden romance, a love that could not be denied. Padmé attempted to dismiss the notion, fearing the repercussions on both her and Anakin's careers. It was against the Jedi Code, and Amidala was not willing to take that risk.

Return to Tatooine[]

After Skywalker had a dream of his mother dying, Amidala accompanied him to Tatooine to help find and rescue her. While on Tatooine, they learned that Shmi Skywalker had married a moisture farmer named Cliegg Lars during Anakin's ten-year absence. Lars sadly informed Anakin that Shmi had been kidnapped by Tusken Raiders about a month before his return, and that, after a disastrous search party, all hope for her was lost. Upset and unwilling to give up, Skywalker traveled into the desert to rescue her, leaving Amidala in the care of the Lars family.

While there, she got to know Anakin's step-brother Owen Lars and his girlfriend, Beru Whitesun. Anakin returned the next morning, carrying the lifeless body of his mother. Skywalker deeply grieved for Shmi's death, and confessed to Amidala that he had almost lost control and wiped out the Tusken Raider village in which his mother had been held captive. Though shocked, Amidala understood his grief and was grateful that he hadn't, attempting to comfort him with the notion that he, like anyone, was only human. During Shmi's funeral, Artoo informed Amidala of a message received by Obi-Wan Kenobi.

Battle of Geonosis[]

After saying goodbye to the Lars family, the pair viewed the message, only to discover that Kenobi had been captured by droidekas on the planet of Geonosis. The message also revealed Count Dooku's involvement in the assassination attempts made on Amidala; the Count was apparently trying to fulfill a deal that would see Padmé's former enemy, Nute Gunray of the Trade Federation, officially join the Separatist movement. Twisting Mace Windu's orders for Skywalker to remain with the Senator, Amidala resolved that if Anakin wished to protect her, he would have to follow her to Geonosis in her attempt to rescue Skywalker's Master.

Arriving on Geonosis, Skywalker and Amidala were chased through a droid factory, where Amidala would doubtless have been killed if R2-D2 had not intervened. Captured by battle droids, the pair were sentenced to execution by Poggle the Lesser. As they were brought into the Geonosian execution arena, Padmé finally admitted her love for Anakin and they shared an intimate kiss, before joining Kenobi in to be individually chained to three stone pillars in the center of the arena, where three huge predatory beasts were turned loose to kill them.

While being watched by the Separatist leaders and the Geonosian people, Amidala, Skywalker, and Kenobi continually did all they could to fight back against the beasts brought out to kill them. Notably, Amidala picked the locks on her fetters and climbed to the top of her pillar, causing Kenobi to remark, "She seems to be on top of things!". In her own attempts, Amidala was slashed across the back by a nexu, which left her with several deep cuts, but she managed to fight off the beast and joined Skywalker in his efforts to escape the arena. The execution was put on hold as Mace Windu and a Jedi strike team aided in their rescue. The three prisoners together fought in the First Battle of Geonosis, where Amidala again proved herself rather good in combat and sufficient with a blaster.

After the timely arrival of Jedi Master Yoda with forces of The Grand Army of the Republic allowed the strike team to escape the arena, Amidala was taken aboard a LAAT Gunship, but was separated from Skywalker and Kenobi when the ship was hit by Separatist fire. Amidala pursued them with a squad of clone troopers, only to find both men injured from their duel with Count Dooku, who had escaped. Though the battle was a victory for the Republic, it was but the first battle in the Clone Wars.

Avatar Of The Force Volume I[]


Return to Coruscant[]

Directly after the Battle of Geonosis, Amidala travelled back to Coruscant with Anakin where he stated his intentions to leave the Jedi Order. At first she believed that he was making a mistake and that she was the reason he was leaving them. However Anakin informed her that it was something he had been thinking of since the death of his mother. During the return trip to Coruscant Anakin went on to explain what his life had been like as a child and that his reason for becoming a Jedi in the first place was so that he could return to the Outer Rim and eventually free what he considered his people from servitude. After a very long discussion Padmé realized that Anakin leaving the Jedi Order was something that he needed to do.

During the return trip to Coruscant Anakin proposed to her.

Shortly after returning to Coruscant Amidala was surprised to have Obi-Wan Kenobi as a visitor. The Jedi came to her behind Anakin's back and demanded that she not only end her and Anakin's relationship, but sever all contact with him. Annoyed by this Amidala refused and she told the Jedi Knight that Anakin had the right to choose his own path if he wishes.

The following day Amidala would receive a call from the current Queen of Naboo who had received an official request from Kenobi stating that she had to end her relationship with Anakin. Fortunately Anakin was in Amidala's office with her during the Queens call and he spoke to the Queen himself and stated that he was leaving the Jedi Order even if he wasn't involved with Amidala. However because Skywalker was still technically a Jedi the Queen was still forced to demand that the two separate while he was still a Jedi. Knowing that as long as Anakin was part of the Order they couldn't be together, Amidala arranged to take some leave and returned to Naboo to inform her parents of her upcoming marriage.

Return to Naboo (The Wedding of Anakin and Padmé)[]

Around three weeks after returning to Naboo, Anakin arrived on Naboo and the pair began to plan for their wedding. The wedding itself was a small one with only her family present as well as a surprise guest in the form of Obi-Wan Kenobi and Siri Tachi.

For Amidala's part she was glad that Kenobi came to the wedding as it was breaking her heart that Anakin had nobody to stand by him as family. While there Kenobi also apologized to her for his actions in trying to end her relationship with Anakin. Despite being hurt over Kenobi's actions she instantly forgive him and told the now Jedi Master that she was glad that he came and that Anakin had at least one person he called family to stand by him.

After the wedding, both Anakin and Padmé would spend the next week alone at Varykino where they first fell in love.

Personality and traits[]

Amidala took to heart the lessons of self-sacrifice that had been taught her by her parents, and throughout her life, she continued to do what was best for her people and the Republic she believed in, without thought of herself. Her sister sometimes scolded her for this attitude. She rarely gave in to personal desires, such as at a young age denying Ian Lago her affection, saying that Naboo needed her more than he did. She was compassionate, always considering other people before herself, and she stood firm in what she believed in. She was also a persuasive and extremely empathetic speaker, as evidenced by her speeches as a senator, particularly when she opposed the escalating violence of the Clone Wars. She was even willing to doubt the Republic in its later years, because of how far it had fallen short of its duty. It was partly because of her firm belief in democracy and her genuine care for her people that her election for Queen of Naboo was a landslide. Unable to deny her people's need, she accepted Queen Jamillia's invitation to become Senator after her two terms as queen ended. She was obviously well-loved by her people, as she still kept several privileges usually restricted to the monarch of Naboo during her time as a Senator, such as allowing her ships to be chrome-plated

Amidala matured quickly, as evidenced by her quick rise to political heights at a very young age, reaching Queen at only sixteen years of age. Though responsible, she was a strong-willed person, who continued to do what she believed to be correct and right despite those closest to her standing against her. She followed her own instincts in pleading to the Senate for help as Queen, and to return to Naboo afterward to strike out on a limb to unite with the Gungans. She also refused heightened security, even after blatant attacks on her life during her time as senator, going so far as to cover security cameras. Though her security's fears were proven true time and again, Amidala was still loathe to leave during the vote on the Military Creation Act, and only an order from the Supreme Chancellor could make her concede.

Her strong will and self-restraint were proven again when she firmly told herself and Skywalker that a relationship between them would go nowhere and would endanger both of their futures. She saw how difficult it would be, and how much it had the potential to ruin their lives, and, though it was difficult for her to accept, she attempted to force Skywalker to see it as well. However, when she believed she was about to die, she saw no harm in admitting her true feelings, believing that they could not come to pass. However, when they survived their 'execution,' she and Skywalker could no longer deny their love.

Unlike many senators, Amidala also maintained close contact with her homeworld's ruling monarch. Queen Jamillia trusted Amidala's advice on the state of the Republic and helped hide the senator from her assassins. During the Clone Wars, Queen Neeyutnee turned to Amidala first in any situation of crisis. Apailana, the third queen to follow Amidala, showed the senator great respect for her contributions to her planet and to the galaxy.

Powers and abilities[]

As a Queen, she received extensive martial training from Captain Panaka for use in self-defense. In combat, her weapon of choice was the sporting blaster ELG-3A blaster pistol.

Force powers[]

Although not born a force sensitive by Jedi standards Amidala had a far stronger connection to the force than your average non force user. During her first pregnancy she became the first known case of where a non force sensitive developed a strong connection to the force.

Amidala's ability to use the force came as a result of a natural force bond that existed between herself and her husband. This force bond allowed her body to undergo a change during her pregnancy and brought her strength in the force on par with that of Master Yoda.

This sudden ability to touch the force greatly concerned the Jedi Order and they on more than one occasion discussed the possibility of cutting her off from the force. However in fear of her husband’s retribution decided against it.

After Amidala's force abilities manifested Anakin spent some time training her in the basics of using the force. However due to her pregnancy she was unable to learn how to use a lightsaber until after she had given birth.

During her pregnancy she became proficient in the use of several techniques. These included basic telekinesis, force push and pull as well as force jump and speed. Anakin also taught her the basics of mind tricks as he believed that it could save her life one day.

After giving birth Revan would teach her in the use of the force as well as battle tactics. Although she would never have the power her husband possessed she would become as powerful as even the most seasoned of Jedi Masters.

Other skills[]

Padmé Amidala could read, write, and speak Basic, Ithorese, Mon Calamarian, Gran, Gunganese, High Galactic, and Rodese.


Anakin Skywalker[]

Padme Amidala Skywalker: "My husband is my life Rush."
Rush Clovis: "You ended our relationship because you said your duty to the Republic must come first...Yet here you are abandoning everything you said you stood for...All because of some slave trash."
Padme Amidala Skywalker: "That is exactly why I could never love you...Anakin and I were simply meant to be...And if I ever hear you speak of my husband like that again...You won’t have to worry about what Anakin will do to you because I will take you apart myself."

Padmé had met Anakin for the first time when she was fourteen years old after being forced to land on his home world of Tatooine. Passing herself off as a commoner she met Anakin while he was working in a junk shop. Despite her unease over the fact that Qui-Gon Jinn was putting their mission at risk by allowing Anakin to race in an attempt to win them the parts they needed to repair their ship, she found herself falling into an easy friendship with the young boy.

She found herself drawn to Anakin in a way that she couldn’t really understand and it would be many years before she discovered why.

After Anakin left to join the Jedi Order she kept the Japor snippet that he give her and often thought about him.

They met again ten years later, and after a hair-raising series of adventures together, she fell in love with him and the two married shortly after the beginning of the Clone Wars.

After the battle of Geonosis Anakin revealed to Padmé that he was leaving the Jedi Order. At first she was reluctant as she was afraid that she was the reason that he was giving up his life as a Jedi. During the trip back to Coruscant Anakin told Padmé that even though he would leave the Order for her, she wasn’t the reason he had decided to leave. This would lead Anakin to reveal some of the horrors of his time as a slave to make her understand that he was leaving the Order because he felt like he had failed to keep the promises he had made as a child. Realizing the horrors Anakin had faced as a child Padmé came to realize that leaving the Order was something that he had to do and that for him the slaves of the Outer Rim were his people and that he had to try and help them.

A few weeks after returning to Coruscant Padmé left to return to Naboo while Anakin stayed at the Jedi Temple preparing to resign and leave them forever. Three weeks after she left for Naboo both Anakin and Herself were married at the lake retreat where they first fell in love.

Behind the scenes[]

This version of Padme Amidala Skywalker is a character in the Avatar of the Force fan fiction series.
