Padme Amidala was a genetic clone of Senator Padmé Amidala. She was created by the Confederation of Free Planets in 7 ABY. She was a Senator in the senate. Padme was good friends with Clone Commander Typhuss and his wife Leeta Heron. Padme had a personal bodyguard named Nicole Trager who protected her.
Early life[]
Padme was cloned in 7 ABY by the Confederation of Free Planets on the orders of Leia Organa Solo, who hoped to bring back Senator Amidala to the galaxy again.
Senator of Naboo[]

Padme as a senator
Wake up, Senators… you must wake up! If we offer the Vong violence, they can only show us violence in return! Many will lose their lives. All will lose their freedom.
—Padmé Amidala, before the Senate
Though Amidala had planned not to become a Senator, at Commander Typhuss's urging she was appointed Naboo's representative in the Senate. Surprisingly she retained an elaborate fashion sense and a constantly-changing wardrobe. Indeed, due to her enormous support on Naboo, Amidala continued to be granted all the formalities usually restricted to the elected monarch, including distinctive chrome-plating on all of her starships. Though she preferred to remain on Naboo, when on the capital Padmé lived in a small penthouse apartment in the Senate Apartment Complex. Though the interior was modest in size and decor compared to other Senatorial residences, the apartment's large veranda boasted a private landing platform as well as a number of luxurious Naboo artifacts.
Order 66[]
The Jedi Rebellion was our final test—it was the last gasp of the forces of darkness!. Now we have left that darkness behind us forever, and the Jedi rebellion has been foiled.
—Padmé Amidala after Order 66
In 8 ABY, Order 66 was given to Confederate troops across the galaxy to kill the Jedi. Padme was shocked that the New Jedi Order tired to overthrow the Confederation of Free Planets.
Jedi Purge[]
The remaining Jedi will be hunted down and defeated. Any collaborators will suffer the same fate.
—Padmé Amidala, before the Senate

Padme addresses the senate during the Jedi Purge
Padme was a supporter of the Jedi Purge against the New Jedi Order, Padme thought that the Jedi could not be trusted because the Jedi Order tried to overthrow the Confederation.
New Galactic Empire and the Vong[]
Later, Padme was forced to join the New Galactic Empire after it replaced the Confederation of Free Planets. Padme was on Coruscant when the planet was attacked by the Remnant to Restore the Republic, Jedi Remnant, Wookiee Rebel Alliance, and the Alsakan Resistance. After hours of fighting, the battle was won by the Empire. After the peace treaty on Coruscant in 13 ABY, Padme and the Empire allied themselves with the Malfoy Cartel to fight the Yuuzhan Vong during the Fourth Yuuzhan Vong Invasion. By 33 ABY, Padme was still a senator in the New Imperial Senate by the time Typhuss's son, Jonathan Heron joined the Imperial Army.
In 35 ABY, Padme along with Grand Admiral Sam Beckett Archer was killed when an out of control Y-wing starfighter crashed into his ship's bridge, killing Padme, Grand Admiral Archer and the rest of his crew during the New Imperial Civil War.

Padme after being cloned
When Padme became Senator, she was given the J-type diplomatic barge, although chromed vehicles were usually reserved for Nubian royalty. Padmé had a Nubian yacht as well and she has a star skiff as well.
Skills and talents[]
Padmé Amidala could read, write, and speak Basic, Ithorese, Mon Calamarian, Gran, Gunganese, High Galactic, and Rodese. She received extensive martial training from Commander Typhuss for use in self defense.
- Star Wars: A New Beginning (First appearance)
- Star Wars: Purge
- Star Wars: Yuuzhan Vong