Padmé "Maria" Skywalker was a Jedi Knight and General during the Clone Wars. She eventually fell in love with Gustative Skywalker.
Clone Wars[]
Order 66[]
Padmé: “Delay that, Commander. We have to find Master Yoda.”
Aphla: “But-!”
Padmé: “That is an order, Commander!”
―Aphla and Padmé
When Order 66 was initiated by Darth Sidious, Padmé was stationed on Shili with the 501st Legion's Torrent Company. when the order came through she overheard the transmission via a concealed bead comlink and alerted Aphla, who, being loyal to her as a friend ordered his squad to disregard all orders from Coruscant and call in an attack shuttle for evacuation to Mandalore. Padmé angrily ordered Aphla to delay the shuttle and help her find Master Yoda. They arrived at Yoda's position to discover that he had killed off his troops and aided him in his escape. Boarding the shuttle in a hurry they delivered Yoda to Courscant before making their way to Mandalore.
Padmé thanked Aphla for saving her life before travelling to Naboo to find her husband and daughter and tell them what had happened on Shili.
Personality and traits[]
Though Padmé followed the Jedi Code closely, she did not believe that Jedi should not form attachments. Despite the fact she liked her name, Padmé preferred to be called by her nickname, Maria. Padmé was known for laughing at her own mistakes.
Powers and abilities[]
Padmé was well trained with a lightsaber, and some believed she would be the one to someday best Kit Fisto.
Gustative Skywalker[]
Padmé was very attached to Gustative. She fell in love with him, and later married him.
Xanatos Starkiller[]
Padmé's best friend Meiko was very attached to Xanatos. Meiko fell in love with him, and later Meiko married him.
Sakura Kasumi[]
Sakura being Meiko's daughter was a very large attachment. Padmé never overcame the death of Sakura's first master.
Ahsoka Tano[]
Ahsoka being Padmé's master was a short attachment. Padmé overcame the death of Ahsoka's caring mother.
Meiko Kasumi[]
Meiko wasn't a lot like Padmé, but they got along pretty well. They were best friends till Meiko married Xanatos.
Behind the scenes[]
The character of Padmé Skywalker was created by MikaShion. Basically a younger sister to Anakin Skywalker, the character was also based on Padmé Amidala and the Jedi Exile. MikaShion considers it one of her good articles, alongside Meiko Kasumi.
- Star Wars: Commando (First appearance)
- Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic