Star Wars Fanon


Your powers are weak, old man.

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Lightsaber padme rots
Padmé Skywalker's lightsaber
Production information

Custom Form V specialist lightsaber


Melee weapon


22 BBY, Ilum

Blade color


Physical and technical specifications
Hilt shape


Usage and history

Rise of the Empire era


Jedi Order

Padmé Skywalker's lightsaber was the custom form V specialist lightsaber constructed and carried by Padmé Skywalker. It was later carried by her daughter Aayla Skywalker.


Padmé Skywalker's lightsaber was specifically designed to facilitate Skywalker's practice of Form V lightsaber combat. As per Form V weapon specifications, the lightsaber had a solid casing (either as a whole or in multiple sections for maximum protection against power surge deterioration) and a heavily shrouded blade emitter. The beveled emitter was designed to designate separate facets of the blade for either offensive or defensive purposes. The lightsaber hilt included a ridged hand grip, as Djem So required its users to maintain a solid grip on the hilt.

In addition to its Form V specialization, the lightsaber functioned with a blue lightsaber crystal that Skywalker likely procured from Ilum. It was also either designed or later modified to allow it to operate underwater.


First Blood[]

It appears that shortly after attaining knighthood, Skywalker abandoned the weapon she wielded during the early portions of the Clone Wars and set about building this new lightsaber. She carried the weapon during the Battle of Rendili, but it didn't taste first blood until she engaged in a lightsaber duel shortly after the battle with Asajj Ventress. After the duel, in which Padmé was victorious, the weapon was wielded by Skywalker for the rest of the Clone Wars. Padmé used this lightsaber for many battles to come.


During the war, the Republic managed to discover Dooku’s location aboard a freighter. Padmé Skywalker devised a plan to get aboard by allowing herself to be captured, leaving her lightsaber with Ahsoka while wielding a replacement, allowing it to be destroyed to make her capture more convincing. Tano then infiltrated the ship by entering one of the exterior hatches in a spacesuit. Freeing Padmé and returning the lightsaber, the two went after Dooku. However, Dooku managed to flee through an escape hatch built into the floor of his meditation chamber, with Padmé in swift pursuit. Dooku managed to make to the hangar and take off in his ship just before Padmé could catch him, forcing Tano and Skywalker to give chase.

However, the ships flown by both parties were damaged and they crash landed on Vanqor. As the Jedi hunted for Dooku, the Count ambushed them in a cave, telekinetically causing a cave-in. With the Jedi trapped, Dooku stole Padmé’s lightsaber and returned to his ship. There he encountered a group of space pirates led by Hondo Ohnaka. The pirates agreed to give Dooku passage to the nearest planet, Florrum. However, en route, Padmé’s lightsaber was quietly pick-pocketed from the Count, along with Dooku’s own. The Count was taken hostage, and the two lightsabers were kept by Ohnaka as trophies.

Ohnaka proceeded to ransom Dooku to the Republic, and Tano and Skywalker were sent to confirm whether it was actually Dooku. However, Ohnaka then double-crossed the two and captured them as well, planning to squeeze more money out of the Republic. However, after several attempts, the Jedi and Dooku managed to escape, reclaiming their respective weapons. Kenobi and Skywalker initially used Ohnaka as a living-shield, but when Dooku fled, they let him go, wanting no unnecessary hostilities from the pirates. However, they also warned Ohnaka that Dooku wouldn’t be so forgiving.

Compassionate Mistake[]

After the Thrid Battle of Kamino, Padmé Skywalker was sent on leave for a "meditative retreat". Instead, she went to the Senate Office Building and tried convincing her husband, Tana Naberrie, to come with her so they could spend time together. Naberrie refused, as he was too tied up with his work. As a last ditch effort to sway him, Padmé entrusted the lightsaber to him. However, they were interrupted by Padmé Amidala, who called Naberrie off for a Senate meeting. Naberrie was forced to leave before he could return the lightsaber.

Unfortunately, a group of bounty hunters, led by the fearsome and bloodthirsty Cad Bane, attacked the Senate Office Building and took the Senators at the meeting hostage. While Bane commenced with negotiations with Palpatine, Padmé attempted to rescue the hostages, but being unarmed, he was brought down. Bound and thrown in with the Senators, she was able to retrieve her lightsaber from Naberrie. As Bane and his posse left, Padmé managed to save all present by cutting a hole in the floor, allowing the Senators to escape just before Bane detonated the explosives surrounding them.

Behind the scenes[]

Padmé Skywalker's lightsaber was created by Mika Shion to represent Ahsoka Tano's lightsaber.


All appearances of Padmé Skywalker
