Star Wars Fanon
Rise of the Empire era

An exceptional student, she is, and an even greater Jedi will she become. Bright is her future, despite her tragic past.

Padmé Naberrie was the Jedi Padawan of Jedi Master and High Council member Mace Windy. Naberrie was born in 40 BBY and was taken into the Jedi Order by Windy after her parents died. Windy felt he could relate to her, as the circumstances of his past were similar. She was chosen as Windy's apprentice in 27 BBY, when she was thirteen. Windy later recounted that he had never seen a student master the ways of the Jedi as quickly as Naberrie had. He also stated that she was the best apprentice he had ever trained. Jedi Grandmaster Yoda believed her to be an exceptional student.[1]


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