PS-72-10, nicknamed Mynock, was an Imperial Pilot in the Imperial Navy. He was part of the Mauler Wing, a TIE/In Interceptor squadron. He was one of the elite veteran pilots and fought in over fifty combat missions. He was highly respected by his fellow pilots and Imperial officers. He was highly demanded by Moffs and Admirals for missions.
Early Life[]
Mynock was born in the last year of the Clone Wars, 20 BBY. He lived on a small Outer Rim Territories world called Ord Mynock. The planet wasn't highly visited. Mynock hung around cantinas and listened to the pilots' stories. When the Galactic Empire was formed after Order 66, he dreamed of one day flying in the Imperial Navy. When the Rebellion broke out, and the Galactic Civil War started, the Empire was in high demand of more troops. When Mynock was a teen, an Imperial recruitment officer saw his skills of piloting space craft and recruited him into the Imperial Navy, and he was sent to the Carida Military Academy.
Life at the Military Academy on Carida was easy for Mynock. He passed all of the tests and simulations easily and got the highest grades. He was given the designation PS-72-10. He was nicknamed Mynock by his fellow pilots because when he flew TIEs, he flew them sort of how a Mynock creature flies. After several tests, the commanding officer found that Mynock was best at the TIE/In Interceptor, and graduated at the rank of lieutenant, and was assigned to the Mauler Wing.
Defeat at Devaron[]
Mynock's and the rest of the Mauler Wing's first defeat came on their first mission on the Outer Rim Territories world of Devaron. Having been a CIS world during the Clone Wars, the Separatists established a factory on the planet deep in the heart of the capital. One CIS Major who was stationed there heard about the Republic's turn into the Galactic Empire and the Confederacy's defeat, and fired up the old droid factory, and also constructed three CIS battleships. His army was several thousand droids strong.
The Mauler Wing was sent in to eliminate the droids, but they failed. Hundreds of vulture droids ambushed them as soon as they reached the system and destroyed most of the fighters. Mynock held out for a while with four others. The Flight Leader was killed in the ambush, so Mynock took command. They shot down many vulture droids, but the battle was still a defeat, and the Mauler Wing had to retreat to the nearest Imperial base. Even so, Mynock was promoted to captain.
Death Star Post[]

Mynock in the Bypass Tunnel in the Death Star.
Afterwards, even though the Mauler wing got defeated, Mynock and the new members of it got stationed at the Death Star I, an important Imperial battlestation, while it was still under construction. But even there, trouble followed. When Mynock was patrolling the Death Star's bypass tunnel, a tunnel used by fighters and ships to get from one side of the Death Star to another, a Jedi forced a TIE/In starfighter at Mynock from a side platform. He barely dodged it, but soon the Jedi through a barrel of explosives at him, and Mynock was just able to eject an get to the side platform in time.