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Oxoor was a planet in the Bosph sector of the Outer Rim Territories. It was the homeworld of the Oxoorian species. On a galactic scale, the planet was fairly insignificant, never joining the Republic or the CIS.
Oxoor was a grassy planet, full of lakes and rivers. There were thousands of species of plants and animals that were unique to it and it was one of the few worlds that could grow Ob'ko beans, a pepper discovered in the Spinward sector by Jaxe Minzo and his stranded crew between 3 ABY and 10 ABY.
In 2,754 BBY Oxoor was occupied by a Sith Lord whose forces abandoned the planet after his death. The Oxoorians eventually became a target for slavers because of Slave Trade Route 25 which stretched from Oxoor to Ord Radama. By 25 BBY, the city of Slaveport had become one of the galaxy's most violent and dangerous Shadowports.
After the Clone Wars, an Imperial garrison was built on 2p-3mOO, the largest of Oxoor's moons. In 3 ABY, a Rebel flight group that had been using the nearly abandoned Slave Trade Route 25 to harass Imperial operations on the Hydian Way established a secret base on Oxoor. One day after the Battle of Endor, they destroyed the Imperial Garrison on the moon.
In 206 ABY, the planet was destroyed due to a malfunction in a secret Telosian Concordat weapons lab near Slaveport.