Star Wars Fanon


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Rebellion era

Owen Codric was a farmer who joined the Rebellion's Rebel Group MT50 when he was thirty years old. A short Human male, he hailed from Reytha.


He was born in 30 BBY and was a farmer for many years and by the time he was thirty, there were many Rebel sympathizers on his homeworld. Rumors of a Rebel attack in the Écpe system led him to travel to Little Pok'bortboir where he met with Rebel Group MT50 as they were leaving for the Zorbia system. As he was being trained, he befriended Kiholo Tress who, upon learning the farmer had only seen his homeworld and Little Pok'boitboir, persuaded Wort Mugiller to allow him to see Zorbia II with him and four other soldiers who were being granted a short leave before a planned assault on Annaj. However, Rebel Group MT50 was betrayed by Judas Corporation and, while the Galactic Empire was fighting the group, a small task force was sent to Zorbia II to eliminate any Rebels and they fought and killed Codric and his friends.
