Star Wars Fanon

The flagship of a few Sith fleets in the ancient Sith Empire, the Overlord-class War Galleon was by far the largest ship in the Sith fleet and exhausted the wealth of several worlds to create. It was designed to be controlled by a massive crew, but could be manned by only a few thousand if controlled by a powerful Force-user from the command deck.


The Overlord War Galleons were often painted colors other than the typical gray, most notably green, like that of Naga Sadow's flagship, the Corsair. Khrado Ragnos's flagship, the Sith Star, was painted black with red streaks, for psychological intimidation.

The command deck of an Overlord War Galleon featured a Force-enhancing apparatus which, if used by a Sith Lord of sufficient power, could allow him to command the ship with a crew far below even skeleton standards. Some of the ships were equipped with a slave-rig system as well, by which the ship (and sometimes a fleet) could be controlled by a central droid brain.


Overlord-class Galleons were popular during the Golden Age of the Sith, and the most powerful Sith all vied for possession of one; the ship was as much a status symbol as a warship. The cost, however, became prohibitively expensive, and one of the ancient Dark Lords finally imposed a ban on their construction. By the time of the Great Hyperspace War, only one remained; Naga Sadow's Corsair. When Sadow fled to Yavin IV at the end of the conflict, he took the Corsair with him, crashing it onto the jungle moon.

Due to their cost, Overlord Galleons were forgotten until 105 BBY, when the Dark Lord Khrado Ragnos discovered the technological specifications. He spent two years updating the design with more modern technology, and finally had his Massassi slaves build one. Construction of this ship, the Sith Star, was finished in 92 BBY.


Ancient Overlord Galleons are, by modern standards, slow, weak, and practically asking to be destroyed. Khrado Ragnos sought to amend many of their flaws with modern technology; he was able to fix the problems of shields and weapons, though the ship remained terribly slow.

The modern Overlord Galleon was a monstrous machine of war, bristling with weaponry comparable to an Executor-class Destroyer. Ragnos upgraded the engines, but with the massive power demands to arm and shield such a craft, its speed remained similar to that of its Sith Empire predecessor. Ragnos and his apprentice Tak Sakaros were both convinced that the true value of the Sith Star was intimidation; more than half their conquests were resolved without firing a shot, as terrified local defense forces capitulated upon seeing the War Galleon at the head of the Sith fleet.

When it did enter combat, the War Galleon could hold its own against a numerically superior force with ease. Though shorter than an Executor-class Destroyer by over a kilometer, the War Galleon was bulkier, allowing more forward projection of weapons fire. Due to the massive power needs, War Galleons could only carry a complement of four fighter wings, or 288 fighters.
