The Outsectors Alliance was a military confederation of a number of systems in the Outer Rim, several of which had been territory of the ancient Sith Empire prior to the Great Hyperspace War. It was established to counter the military aggression of the Dark Lord Khrado Ragnos and his fleet.
Beginning in 87 BBY, Khrado Ragnos launched a campaign aimed at acquiring territory held millennia before by the Sith. Despite mixed successes early on as the inexperienced crews and small fleet battled it out with longer-standing system defense forces, after a few years the Sith fleet swelled in size and became a battle-hardened menace. The addition of Tak Sakaros to the Sith forces in 71 BBY provided an able commander to the fighter contingent which made the Sith even deadlier than ever.
By 65 BBY, the vast majority of what had once been Sith Space was taken back. The Sith Lords began to make periodic incursions from their main base in Wild Space into the Outer Rim, expanding to systems not previously held by the Old Empire but still far enough off to avoid the interference of the Republic. It was clear that the grand strategy would be to drift in the general direction of the Tion Cluster.
Forming the Alliance[]
Between Sith Space and the Tion Cluster stood several smaller and much weaker planets, including Munto Codru, Toola, and Toong'l. Realizing they stood no chance against the seasoned Sith, Morius Dhu'huleek, the Chancellor of Munto Codru, called a conference of neighboring systems on Troiken. Though the Republic stayed clear of the situation, Troiken itself was eager to host the conference, realizing that if the Sith acquired the entire Tion Cluster (along with its resources), they would not then hesitate to attack a Republic system.
Though over two hundred systems were invited to the conference, the first three days saw barely a dozen. Some worlds wished to barter with the Sith in exchange for favorable terms of surrender, others discounted the Sith as a real threat, others wished to petition the Republic for aid, and still others suspected a trap or assassination attempt on Troiken. Nevertheless, Dhu'huleek attempted to forge consensus on opposing the Sith. However, the forces they could muster were insignificant, composed primarily of lightly armed merchant fleets and weak systemary defense forces.
On the fourth day, however, representatives of the Tion Hegemony arrived to join the group. Though its government was a pale shadow of what it had been in the ages before the Republic, the Hegemony's military forces nonetheless augmented the allied forces substantially. The collective group of systems, which grew to over thirty with the addition of the Hegemony and several others which followed suit, dubbed itself the Outsectors Alliance.
The second week of the conference saw renewed debate, this time about the extent of the alliance. Several systems wanted to cover intersystemary trade and immigration issues, while hardliners like Munto Codru wanted a strictly military alliance for the narrow purpose of fighting the Sith. Only after it became obvious that the competing interests of all systems would tear the Alliance apart did the leaders agree to confine their current discussions to the matter at hand.
Khar Delba[]
Main Article: Battle of Khar Delba
As the Tion Hegemony had by far the largest and best-equipped military of the Alliance, Admiral Wynn Gelbar of the Noble Tion Fleet was selected to be the overall commander of forces. He and other Alliance commanders selected Khar Delba as the best site for a stand against their aggressors; it was a world of major historical importance that the Sith had not yet recovered, and was situated at the very edge of Sith Space.
Some 211 capital ships, including both warships and refitted freighters, arrived at Khar Delba to lie in wait. Within three days, a portion of the Sith fleet emerged from hyperspace. After realizing the ambush, rather than retreat the Sith commenced the Battle of Khar Delba. Though the fight was brutal and costly to both sides, the end result was decisive; the Sith fleet was vanquished and retreated to Sith Space for decades.
Dissolution and Legacy[]
Following their defeat by the Outsectors Alliance, the Sith were quickly confronted with rebellions on several conquered worlds, which had received the news of the Alliance victory (courtesy of Hegemony scouts). Disoriented by the loss of a significant portion of his fleet and his apprentice, Khrado Ragnos was unable to respond effectively and many of these worlds were also lost. The Sith restoration attempts were totally stymied for forty years thereafter.
Its goal accomplished, the Outsectors Alliance disbanded barely a month after its creation.