Star Wars Fanon

This is mastery of coolness
—Otto Hadsing

Otto Hadsing was a Human Jedi Master, who eventually turned evil but was redeemed by his master, Jak Sheemal Hu who eventually turned evil and killed him. He is also the grandson of Obi-Wan Kenobi


Early life[]

nothing is known about his childhood


he became a jedi and soon became a Jedi Master, however he was drove crazy and eventually turned evil, killing multiple Jedi, he then was redeemed by his master Jak Sheemal Hu, who then turned evil himself and killed Otto


he was then resurrected as an ewok and trained many apprentices including the Twi-lek Tuggar, he defeated his old master with Tuggar.

In 89 ABY, the Cronicmatter, a weapon that could take force powers instantly by just touching the force-sensitives, he organized a mission to destroy some and he destroyed 30.

Second Death[]

he was met by Darth Serious and was killed by him with a stab permanently


his body was never found as it vanished out of existence


he was remembered by many individuals

Personality and traits[]

he was noble but also a little bit crude

Powers and abilities[]

Force Powers: he mastered many force powers.

Behind the scenes[]

  • his last name is a combination of "had" and "sing" which is actually how I came up with it.

See also[]

Jak Sheemal Hu


Darth Serious
