Star Wars Fanon

The Ossaki (/oʊˈsɑ, singular "Ossak") were a non-humanoid sentient species native to Feldirjo in the Unknown Regions.

Biology and appearance[]

Despite their four powerful arms, what most observers noticed first about the Ossaki was their lack of distinct heads. Their eyes and three slitlike nostrils were located on their chests, immediately below where a humanoid's neck would be. The Ossak mouth was placed where the base of a humanoid's neck itself would be, facing upwards. They had thick lips to keep out rain and other atmospheric irritants.

Though shorter than many other sentient species, including Humans, the Ossaki had muscular builds and thick, sturdy legs. Their dark skin was covered with a layer of dark hair except the palms of their hands and the soles of their feet, although most Ossaki also cut the hair from around their eyes. The hair was thick enough to provide some protection from the elements, but not enough to be considered fur; skin was still clearly visible beneath.

Ossaki had a gestational period of nine standard months and gave birth to live young, usually one at a time.

Society and culture[]

Prior to the arrival of the Golden Empire on Feldirjo, the Ossaki had achieved only medieval-level technology, with melee combat being the preferred method of warfare. They practiced a complex religion centered around homage and sacrifice to their gods to avert natural disasters and protect loved ones. Most Ossaki societies of the period were oligarchies or monarchies.

After the Golden Empire conquered Feldirjo, the world experienced a rapid technological revolution. As on Abstalia, Bolera, and other worlds, this created a generational gap between Ossaki who had lived under the old ways and those born after the Empire's arrival.

In both eras, Ossaki had great respect for martial ability. Warriors were the third highest class on pre-Royal Feldirjo, after nobility and the priesthood. Under the Golden Empire, many Ossaki volunteered for service in the Glorious Armada of the Golden Empire. Their hardiness and strength made them particularly desirable for the Royal Army. The Ossaki also developed their own martial art, Ossak clinch wrestling.

The Ossaki considered their native piphulyoth a symbol of achievement, and competitive piphulyoth horticulture was a popular event on Feldirjo. A nine-bloom piphulyoth was considered particularly fortuitous.


The Ossaki developed as a warlike culture. Their deep belief in their religion served to augment this aspect of their nature; those societies, kingdoms, and city-states which suffered natural disasters were considered to have somehow offended the gods, and other states used this as justification to invade and conquer the unfortunate Ossaki. Throughout the history of Feldirjo, many Ossaki claimed to be avatars of Ashkal or Ompay and brought many others under their banner.

The Golden Empire arrived on Feldirjo in 91 ABY and conquered the planet. Many Ossaki kingdoms formed a temporary alliance to opposed the Empire, but were no match for Rin Sakaros's army of Massassi. The massive Battle of Feldirjo saw the Massassi lay waste to those who opposed them and Rin herself massacred an entire battalion of Ossaki by herself. Stunned, many Ossaki took to viewing Rin as an avatar of their death god, Kejriko, and were only too eager to surrender.

Technology changed much of Feldirjo, and many natural disasters could now be controlled or averted. Belief in the traditional faith declined sharply, though many elders viewed this with alarm and only contained their protests because they, too, considered Rin an avatar of Kejriko. The Ossaki made up a significant portion of the early Empire's Army, and even after the Great Liberation continued to volunteer in higher percentages than most species other than the Massassi.

In 149 ABY, Feldirjo was attacked by the Reawakened during the Nightmare War. The Ossaki won Empire-wide respect for their unexpectedly ferocious and unified defense of their homeworld; by the time Tariun Sakaros and the Tempest arrived with reinforcements, most of the invading Skavik army had already been killed.

In the galaxy[]

Off Feldirjo, the most famous Ossak in the early Golden Empire was the Centurion and Royal Guard Moira Nascall. Ossaki clinch wrestling became a popular sport even after it became unnecessary for day-to-day survival on Feldirjo, and casinos across the Empire held betting pools on major clinch wrestling tournaments.

