They told you I was dangerously clever, did they? Well, they have no idea.
—Osik De'Grear to Jacen Solo while in captivity
Osik De'Grear was a famed and honored space pirate and smuggler from the tropical world of Rapeon. Osik was born into poverty and, as a result, was forced to pursue a good education in order to help his family. Despite his poverty, Osik became a very intelligible individual. However, his education, instead of driving him to scholarly pursuits, only incensed in Osik an ever increasing desire to become a pirate and a smuggler, a Robin Hood of sorts, stealing from the rich and putting a majority of the money back into his downtrodden community on Rapeon.
Eventually he would branch from crime on Rapeon and become a galactic criminal with operations spanning the entire Tingel Arm.
Early Life[]
Osik De'Grear was born to a pair of poor farmers on the violence and poverty stricken planet of Rapeon. He was born on the De'Grear farm,which was located in a poor rural area located just outside of the capital, Osarek. Osik was born the last of 13 children, he and his older brother Racus being the only ones left in the De'Grear homestead as their older siblings had departed the farm to partake in their careers. They often sent money home, providing the funds sufficient for Osik and Racus to receive a good education. Since the age of four when Osik had first began school, he had been at the top of his class. He was expected to become something great when he grew older by his teachers and his family because of his high grades and especially because of his family's reputation of producing honest and successful businessmen and businesswomen. Osik, however, had different things planned. Despite his top marks in school, Osik was a frequent troublemaker outside of school. From theft, vandalism, grand theft auto, and smuggling, Osik's rapsheet was marked with practically every petty crime. He was known to hang out at Osarek's, a cantina in the capital which shared its' name, among a group of pirates, the Red Barones, often even going out in space with them, much to the disdain of his parents. When he was just 6 years old, he went missing for three months, along with a large group of other children, who were, unbeknown to their parents and the royal government, were learning the pirate trade from the Barones. Even in learning to be a Pirate, Osik was said to be a prodigy, the best student the Barones had at navigating, piloting, strategy, and cunning. When they returned to the planet after their training in nearby asteroids, the kids began to exhibit criminal pirate behavior. The government grew very angry because of this. To dissuade the children from becoming Pirates and to end this behavior, the government planned a public demonstration. They had the Red Barones captured starved, publicly beat and finally executed with the children forced to look on. However, before the leader, Curry Red whom Osik had developed a close bond with, gave Osik his three most prized possessions. First, he gave him his prized Z-91 Caster Laserpistol, then he gave him the large gold overcoat that he constantly wore, and finally, he gave him the ignition codes for his prized ship, the Rapeon Star, whose location he disclosed only to Osik. Osik was to first finish his education before taking the Rapeon Star, per Curry's orders. Osik kept this fact to himself, telling no one of the gifts Curry had given him. While many of the children's desire to become pirates had died out, Osiks had only multiplied. So per Curry's orders, Osik finished his education, garnering top honors and in 12 BBY retrieved the Rapeon Star from Curry Red's secret hangar and departed Rapeon.
Pirate Apprenticeship[]
To complete his education in the art of pirating, Osik first sought out knowledge of trading and smuggling tactics. He sought out and found Talon Karde in a rundown cantina on Tatooine. Talon was deeply intoxicated and was about to get in a brawl with a Trandoshan Bounty Hunter who wasn't as drunk as Talon. Just when they were about to have a shootout, Osik shot the bounty hunter just as he was about to deliver a killing shot to Talon. Talon, giggling drunkenly, led Osik back to his ship where Talon passed out. When he awoke, he realized that Osik had saved his life and after Osik asked him to do so, Talon began to teach Osik about trade and taught him all he knew about pirating,which was very little, and all he knew about Smuggling, of which he knew a lot. He encouraged Osik to not only become a smuggler and tradesmen but to also set up his own business to increase his income. To set the foundation for this company, Osik needed to secure the sufficient funds, To do this, he partook in many smuggling missions using what he learned from Talon Karrde to the fullest effect. When smuggling proved to only generate a minimum income, Talon advised Osik to become a Bounty Hunter, due to Osiks unique weapon skills and his effective Z-91 Blaster. Osik was surprised to find that he was actually very good at Bounty Hunting and the gathering of information. It took him two years to do so but Osik had finally laid the foundations for what would become one of the most commercially successful businesses in the galaxy.
However, his tenure under Talon Karrde would have to end because while he learned a lot regarding trade and smuggling, he had failed to achieve his primary goal of becoming a pirate. However, as fate would have, as Osik was enjoying a drink and relaxing at the Mynock's Haven Cantina on Corellia, the Bluestar Pirates just happened to stumble upon the Cantina. They began challenging whoever was worthy enough to fight their largest member, Burgan, a great brute of a man. After observing Burgan's fighting style after a series of fights with drunken cantina patrons, Osi leapt at the opportunity. Osik, with his lean and muscled frame, was puny compared to the heavily-muscled Burgan. This proved to Osik's advantage, however, as Burgan took a mighty swiped at Osik. Using Burgan's momentum against him, Osik sidestepped the blow and grabbed Burgans arm and flung him into the Cantina bar. Fearing retribution from the other members, Osik calmly strolled back to the hangar in which the Rapeon Star was docked, which had a beautiful view of Coronets lake, which reminded Osik of Rapeon's lush rivers. This is how the Bluestars caught him oof guard. He was so engrossed in his memories of his homeland, he wasn't aware of the Bluestar's sneaking into the cockpit of the Rapeon Star where Osik was lounging. A feisty female member of the Bluestars, Briga, put a blaster to Osik's neck and ordered him to come back to her ship. Osik agreed and Briga slowly led Osik to a large Corellian-style freighter with Blue insignia's and stars painted upon its hull. From Briga, he learned that he had killed Burgan and that it made the Bluestars a Pirate short. She divulged to him that he owed the Blue Stars a life debt, meaning that he would be exchanging his life for Burgans. She then told him that she would be released from their service when the Bluestars saw fit, and only until then. Osik consented and so began his life as a Pirate.
When Briga and the rest of the Bluestar Pirates found out that Osik still had apprentice level Pirating knowledge, they began to tutor him. Their operating style was vastly different from Talon Karrde. They were more spoils oriented, caring only about the haul they could bring in by robbing and not worrying about the economic consequences their thievery would cause. As a result of their constant raiding of ships in the area, trade in the Perlemian Trade Route severely decreased. Merchants and traders were afraid to travel the Trade Route for fear of being robbed. The cutting-off of this important trade route, which stretched from the Corporate Sector to the Core nearly brought the Galactic Economy to its knees. To restore the economy, Osik began selling a large amount of the hauls that they brought in. He also made the Bluestars lose lots of time searching for treasure on Tatooine by setting them up with faulty information on treasure whereabouts and leading them on wild chases throughout the galaxy in search of treasure and ancient relics to sell. Just as he completed his Pirate Apprenticeship, the Bluestars grew aware of how he was intentionally diverting them from their usual activities and of the treasure missing from their horde. They easily connected the missing treasure to Osik and just as they moved to execute him, he left the Pirates and returned to Rapeon.
Rapeon Pirates[]
Finally having accumulated enough credits to begin his own pirate crew, Osik quickly returned to Rapeon and visited his brother, Racus, in his newly acquired Cantina which was known as Osarek's, named after the capital of Rapeon, Osarek, which it was located in.