The Orleoni were a Near-Human sentient species native (although not indigenous) to Orleon in the Mid Rim.
Biology and appearance[]
Like most of Orleon's indigenous fauna, the Orleoni had evolved to be shorter, broader, and stockier than baseline Humans, which allowed them firmer footing in Orleon's constant rain and ubiquitous mud. Due to a nearly complete lack of direct sunlight, the Orleoni also exhibited extremely pale coloration.
Society and culture[]
Never a populous people, the Orleoni existed in small communities across the planet, though many stayed within traveling distance of (though rarely inside) major Human settlements. Most Orleoni families housed multiple generations in their homes. Many dug underground or cliffside dwellings, though a substantial faction of Orleoni adopted modern modular housing technology.
Orleoni spoke an abbreviated form of Galactic Basic Standard, which evolved due to their need to yell over the rain and make key points heard. For example, an Orleoni entering his home might say "Home" rather than "I am home".
Sentientologists believed the Orleoni to be descended from early Human colonists on Orleon. Rather than rely on high technology, they evolved to adapt to Orleon's climate instead. By the time of the New Sith Wars, the Orleoni represented a tiny fraction of Orleon's total population, which was concentrated in Human cities. However, their willingness to exist in and as part of Orleon's wilds allowed them to harvest rare delicacy fish, and many Orleoni made good livings trading their catches with Humans.