Orlatix Brogit was a male senator that represented the political interests of his people within the Congress of the Viridian Chain in 965 ABY. As a bureaucrat that ensured that his constituents reaped the rightful benefits of their signatory membership within the capitalist syndicate, during his period in office, Orlatix supported a diplomatic initiative to ease sustained tensions between the Chain and the surviving vestiges of the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances, voting in favor of a bill that would introduce amendments to their charter, which included banning slavery in all forms.

Orlatix Brogit served as a senator in the Viridian Chain (see symbol above)
Orlatix Brogit lived during the chaotic period following the Burn, an event of intergalactic catastrophe that had seen the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances become balkanized from its aftereffects. As a politician, he represented a corporate organization that had signatory membership in the Viridian Chain, an interplanetary capitalist syndicate that had arisen from the power vacuum that had emerged after the beginning of the Galactic Federation's decline. While the Chain was, in practice, a federated alliance of mercantile exchanges, the authority that it had acquired from numerous entities giving their allegiances enabled it the structure of a de facto state, including their congress, which Orlatix Brogit worked within as a senator that represented his constituents in an ideologically diverse group of fellow politicians and government figureheads. Presided over by an elected prime minister, the Viridian Chain Congress maintained its autonomy while remaining locked intense geopolitical tensions with the rump government that contained what remained of the Galactic Federation, which frequently clashed with the syndicate in small-scale skirmishes. Although both sides refrained from acting in a manner that could risk triggering war, after the Congress voted Osyraa into office as their head of state, the ongoing conflict experienced a heightened state of hostility from increased aggression on the Viridian Chain's part.
In the year 965 ABY, Minister Osyraa — the Chain's present head of state — submitted a motion to the members of her congress proposing a legislative reform package of amendments to their charter that included an Emancipation Bill that, if passed, would install territory-wide policies outlawing slavery in all its practices. Despite stiff resistance this proposal found among several of his colleagues, the support that such laws garnered from Orlatix Brogit and numerous senators was augmented with additional support that Osyraa had purchased through extensive expenditure of political candor to further secure the popular votes. The passage that Brogit and numerous others had intended to cast their ballots for was included among an armistice that their minister had approached the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances with. The Federation, however, ultimately found itself unable to acquiesce with the peace initiative because it was soon obvious to Fleet Admiral Charles Vance that any official representative that the Viridian Chain might elected for its negotiations would be a proxy that was subservient to the entire government, but rather to Osyraa alone. Shortly afterward, the leadership of the Chain was dealt a significant blow when their Prime Minister was killed while fighting Commander Ciena Ree. In the aftermath of this defeat, numerous factions split off from the capitalist syndicate until a peace treaty was drafted and signed by members of both the Viridian Chain and the Galactic Federation, which discontinued the conflict and included an Emancipation Bill that endorsed the anti-slavery motion previously voted on by Senator Brogit.