Star Wars Fanon
Star Wars Fanon

Ordonia was an Outer Rim Planet and was the capital planet of the Ordonia System in the Tion Cluster located in the far reaches of the galaxy. It was one of the last worlds to be colonized by human colonists from the Core Worlds prior to the outbreak of the Great Hyperspace War and was caught in the middle of numerous wars and conflicts throughout the centuries since the planet was discovered. It was one of the few worlds to join and remain part of the Galactic Republic throughout the Old Republic era and has been the sight of countless battles between the Jedi and the Sith.

During the Old Republic Era, Ordonia was one of the countless worlds to fall to the Sith Empire during the Great Galactic War and fought hard against the vast legions of the Sith Empire and their armies. During the New Sith Wars, the New Sith forces were frequently challenged by the native Ordonian military and renegade Jedi Knights who swore allegience to the planet above the Jedi Order itself. During the final years of the Republic, the planet fell into civil war and was taken over by a nationalist faction that aligned the planet with the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars and remained under Separatist control until the Outer Rim Sieges in 19 BBY. After the war, it fell under the control of the Galactic Empire and was colonized as part of the larger project of Imperialization and was annexed into the regime.


Ordonia was a large planet in the Outer Rim that possessed a diverse climate. Much of the planet was largely desert with a red colored desert landscape stretching across the planet's northern areas. Further down south, the planet had a more lush environment which possessed a vast field of forests and fields where crops were grown and was the breadbasket for the entire planet. Most of the planet's population lived in the southern hemisphere, but industrialization and attempts to terraform sections of the planet's northern deserts lead to further settlement up north and the creation of major cities and metropolitan areas.

Ordonia possessed polar regions which were large arctic regions and were the coldest regions on the planet. The polar regions were the most remote areas of the planet and were the site for various religious sites such as the Ordonian Sith Temple which was built in the North Pole where it was the most secluded and where only the Sith and its members would know where it is.



Ordonia's history dates back to the Old Republic era during the early expansion of the Galactic Republic across the galaxy. The Republic began making its way into the Outer Rim Territories and mapped many worlds, but many more were left uncharted. One such world however, was found but very few wanted to travel there except for a group of ambitious human colonists. In 5500 BBY, colonists landed on the planet and discovered a diverse ecosystem with the north being mostly desert and the south being mostly forests while the bottom part of the planet was tundra. The planet was eventually colonized and more people came in. By the time the Great Hyperspace War broke out, 128,000 colonists had settled on the planet of Ordonia and they named the planet after an ancient goddess of nature who protected the planet from harm. After the war had ended, Ordonia established a democratic government and joined the Galactic Republic after the war's end.

Old Republic Era[]

Mandalorian Wars[]

Throughout the Old Republic era, Ordonia would shift back and forth between various governments as a result of the numerous conflicts and wars that broke out throughout the ages. In the centuries after the fall of the Old Sith Empire, Ordonia remained at peace and even had a Jedi Temple built in the planet's southern regions. In 3976 BBY, the Mandalorian Wars errupted and ravaged the Outer Rim as the vast armies of the Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders besieged countless worlds in the rim and caught the Republic off guard. Mandalorian ground troops eventually landed on Ordonia, but they faced heavy resistance from the native population and were eventually driven off world after a month of fighting. Ordonia however, would not be spared from the rest of the war and was invaded again after the Mandalorians began launching major offensives nad ceased holding back. During that time, Ordonia was invaded again and this time, it was successfully conquered by the Mandalorians and many Ordonians either joined or were conscripted into the Mandalorian ranks.

Many Ordonians however, continued to rebel and waged a guerilla war against the Mandalorians often sabotuaging their supply lines and acted as a massive ire to them to make up for the insurgents' limited success rates. Following the Battle of Malachor V, the Mandalorian armies scattered after the death of Mandalore the Ultimate and the destruction of their fleet. Ordonia was liberated from the Mandalorians and the Galactic Republic regained control over the planet. When it was discovered that an Ordonian-born Jedi named Aikita fought and died to liberate Ordonia, the planet renamed their capital city after her and dedicated her birthday as a planetary holiday to be celebrated. Her death also lead to the formation of the Knights of Ordonia, a religious sect of Jedi loyal to Ordonia believing it to be in the midst of the force being a mix between the light and the dark side and that they needed to push the planet towards the light.

Great Galactic War[]

During the Mandalorian Wars, the survivors of the Sith had regrouped and began establishing a new empire. This new resurgent Sith Empire was built in secret and by the year 3681 BBY, the Sith emerged once again and began ravaging the galaxy. The Outer Rim collapsed admist the Sith offensives and Ordonia along with most of the rim, fell and surrendered to the Sith Empire. In its place, a new puppet government was established and the planet was heavily altered with new cities and arcitecture modeled after other Sith worlds like Dromund Kaas. A Sith Temple was constructed in the polar regions of the planet to celebrate the Sith victory over the Republic in the Outer Rim. For the rest of the war, Ordonia remained under Sith occupation and the conditions varied upon citizens. Imperial loyalists were welcomed and treated fairly by the Sith Empire while dissidents and opposition was crushed and delt with in lethal fashion, but this didn't stop them and a rebellion eventually broke out in the northern regions by Republic loyalists.

During the Cold War following the Great Galactic War's end in 3653 BBY after the Sacking of Coruscant and following the signing of the Treaty of Coruscant, Ordonia was safe and at peace for the most part. The insurgency in the north progressed and continued into the Galactic War. During that time, the Eternal Empire emerged and began conquering countless systems in both the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire eventually becoming the dominate power in the galaxy. The government reigned supreme, but the Ordonians continued to rebel and played a major role in the following revolutions against the Eternal Empire which eventually saw its collapse and the restoration of the Republic in 3630 BBY. Ordonia fell back into Republic hands and remained that way for the following centuries to come. In the years prior to 2000 BBY, the Sith Empire had mysteriously collapsed and all of the systems that it had under its banner both before and after the Galactic War, fell back into the Republic and the Sith presence on Ordonia was gone, but not for good.

New Sith Wars[]

During the final years of the Old Republic era, Ordonia had remained in the hands of the Republic, but began to feel the aftermath and scars of the wars that plagued them. Being caught in the midst of two major conflicts, the Planet had suffered greatly and struggled to fully recover. This didn't stop the planet from trying and a restoration movement began in 1800 BBY with the intent on restoring Ordonia back to its former glory. Significant progress was made throughout the next hundred years and neared completion until the planet was invaded by the New Sith Empire in 1004 BBY during the New Sith Wars. The Republic and Ordonian forces repealed the Sith invaders, but not before a long battle errupted that would drag on for months and harm the planet. Ordonia was largely contested throughout the war having a Republic presence, but was far away from recognized Republic space and was between territories claimed by the Sith. Ordonia was finally freed after the war's end in 1000 BBY and the destruction of the Sith finally brough peace, but the Sith were still not gone for good.

Rise of the Empire Era[]

Ordonian Civil War[]

Following the end of the New Sith Wars, the Galactic Republic had gone under the Ruusan Reformation and greatly reformed every aspect of the government. The office of the Supreme Chancellor had its power reduced and handed over to the Galactic Senate and a new office known as the Prime Minister was created to regulate the chancellor. Many other worlds also got higher rates of representation, but this wouldn't end corruption for good. During the final years of the Republic, corruption had erroded the senate and began to consume the Republic as a whole. Many Outer Rim worlds began to lack proper representation in the senate and trade routes to the territories was also being heavily regulated and greatly harmed the economies of the Outer Rim systems. Ordonia began to suffer as a result and poverty began to spread and ravage the planet, especially in the northern regions of the world forcing many to migrate down to the southern regions. As a result, a large portion of the Ordonian population became discontent with the Galactic Republic and the Ordonian Government due to its pro-Republic stances and its officials taking bribes from the senate and corporate sponsers.

Furious over the high levels of inequality and declining standard of living within the planet, Ordonians marched in protest aganst the government and demanded either better representation in the senate and aid to Ordonia or for the planet fo secede and break away from a corrupt and uncaring government. Tensions continued to rise between the people and the government and this lead to the formation of a nationalist faction that was willing to fight for independence from the Republic and the planet eventually spired into civil war in 48 BBY following a government attack on nationalist supporters in the city of Zora in the southern regions. The civil war would rage on for six years as nationalist secessionists fought against Republic loyalist forces in the northern regions of the planet before the fighting progressed down to the southern regions and the nationalists captured Brento, the largest city on the planet and layed constant siege to Aikita, the planetary capital. With the Republic seeking to keep Ordonia in the Republic, the Jedi Order dispatched Jedi Master Mace Windu to the planet with the intent on negotiating peace between the nationalist and loyalist forces in 42 BBY and managed to convince the two sides to sign a treaty and signed the Treaty of Ordonia that same year. Rahm Kota was taken into the Jedi Order due to his force sensitivity and the planet remained in the Republic for the next couple of years until the Separatist Crisis.

Separatist Crisis[]

In 24 BBY, the Separatist Crisis had broken out and took the galaxy by storm. Millions of protests erruped across the Outer Rim and Ordonia was not excpetion. Due to the lack of representation in the Galactic Senate for the Outer Rim Territories along with economic failings, political corruption, lack of viable trade and heavy taxation left many of the Outer Rim worlds impoverished and stuck in economic stagnation. Nationalist sympathizers took to the streets in protest and demanded that Ordonia break away from the Galactic Republic and join the Confederacy of Independent Systems to obtain economic and political freedoms and rights. Republic loyalists clashed with the nationalists and this lead to violence and even firefights between the two warring factions. 

Throughout the crisis, the Ordonian Planetary Militia was split between the pro-Republic loyalists and the pro-Confederate radicals with the latter staging a coup in 23 BBY. By the outbreak of the Clone Wars, Ordonia had two governments; the pro-Separatist provisional government and the opposing Loyalist Committee. In 23 BBY, Ordonia's new government announced its secession from the Galactic Republic and joined the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Much of the Ordonian population supported the move, though large portions remained loyal to the Republic causing a small internal war to break out, but never reached the scale or destructiveness of the civil war.

Clone Wars[]

When the Clone Wars broke out in 22 BBY following the First Battle of Geonosis, Ordonia had joined the Separatist Alliance and was formally accepted just before the end of the previous year. The militia announced is support for the Confederacy, but the Ordonian Defense Fleet and garrison on the Risea Observation Outpost officially declared neutrality citing the divided government of the planet. The fleet was internally divided over the issue with the leadership supporting the Republic and much of the lower ranks backing the Confederacy. On Risea, the outpost was officially neutral, but secretly joined the Separatist Alliance and was using the ruse of neutrality to lure the Republic into a trap for once they came to retake the planet.
