Star Wars Fanon
Rebellion eraGalactic Eclipse Empire era

Order: TRAITOR[1], or better known as Order: Terminate Research, Administrations, Installations, Terminals, Operatives and Representatives[1], was the most well-known and riskiest contingency orders of the Galactic Eclipse Empire. This order could be triggered by the Galactic President, Galactic Vice President, Presidency Council, and the Office of Security Contingency Orders and would also spawn a civil war as almost every representative of the Eclipse Empire was protected by Titan-SS units.[1]

The order has four phases that would be carried out in order to prevent any hostile to gain control of the Eclipse Empire, this was created by Angel himself to ensure that if he isn't controlling it then no one would. Every one within the Empire knew of this order as they were told about it during their training courses and that it was their absolute duty to follow this order whenever it was given.[1]

After the War against Earth, Jenkins Fall was assassinated by his own clones on the Presidency Council, this triggered the Office of Security Contingency Orders to give out Order: TRAITOR to all within the Eclipse Empire, sparking the Eclipse Civil War.[1]


  • Phase One - Terminate and destroy all assets of the Eclipse Empire.[1]
  • Phase Two - Terminate and destroy all Administrations, Installations and Terminals of the Eclipse Empire.[1]
  • Phase Three - Terminate all field Operatives and officers of the Eclipse Military.[1]
  • Phase Four - Civil war.[1]


