This topic has a stupid name. It will retain the joke name until either people approve of it, or the author thinks of a better one. |
The Orange Rogues were a group of mercenaries who traveled in a modified Corellian Corvette, and were known for their distinct orange armor.
After escaping Tatooine, they came in contact with the TaaFac Ghosts, and allied with them.
Following the Dark Trooper Project[]
The Orange Rogue's raided a planet where prototype cyborg stormtroopers were being created, and tried to assassinate the prototypes. The Dark Assault Force Troopers were also being created and trained. They learned that these were actually based on the Dark Troopers of Rom Mohc. After the prototypes were activated, the orange rogues called down reinforcements. An army of droids soon overwhelmed the facility, and an orbital strike finished the project. Twelve of the prototypes escaped, along with reinforced plans for the imperial jet troops. After the battle, the Rogues went on to raid an orbital space station and flew through space to Tatooine where they confronted the soldiers that chased them away. They massacred the troops and hi-jacked a couple of TIE Predators from an Imperial dockyard on the way out.
The orange armor distinctive of the rogues was Mandalorian battle armor that they tinted orange. It was blaster resistant and like most Mandalorian armor, it fetched a high price on the black market. It consisted of a chest plate, a breastplate, shoulder plates, arm guards, gloves, shin plates, knee pads, magnetic boots, a gauntlet, a jetpack, various pockets, a belt for ammo and grenades, a helmet, and a built-in radar system.