Please don't underestimate me; everyone underestimates me, and in about ten seconds my blade's at their throat. And that's not a very fun fight, now is it?
—Ondre Bersson, to Nightsister Tarika, just before her death
Ondre Bersson was a Gray Knight around the time of the 'resurrection' of Darth Krayt for the second time. As a Padawan, he defeated the second Darth Talon and struck the final blow which finally killed Darth Krayt. Later, with his master and the renegade Sith Sythen Kurak, he assisted in ridding the galaxy of the Sith.
Birth and Mandolorian Heritage[]
Of course I am proud of my heritage. Mandos rock, man!
—Ondre Bersson
Ondre Bersson is an oddity among Sahharrans, in that he was not born on Sahharra. The reason for this was his father, Rystal Bersson, was more adventurous than most Sahharrans; he travelled all over the galaxy prior to the Second Sith Imperial Invasion. During the Invasion Rystal's ship was attacked by pirates in the employ of the Sith. Luckily, he managed to crash land on Mandalore. After a few weeks, Rystal decided that the warlike culture of the Mandolorians was for him. While serving with an unknown clan, Rystal met Elis Berkoda, the only other Sahharran on the entire planet. Elis was a descendant of Amur Berkoda, a famous Jedi Knight who survived not only the Great Jedi Purge, but also a duel with Anakin Skywalker. After a long friendship, Rystal and Elsi were married. Rystal also became leader of his own clan, known as Clan Bersson. Things just got happier when a young baby boy, Ondre Bersson, was born. However, the happy times were not to last. Soon after Ondre was born, the Sith attacked Mandalore. Clan Bersson fought back hard; the clan's handful of trained warriors wiped out an entire Sith regiment; but in the end Clan Bersson was forced to scatter. Most of the clan's warriors fled to the hills or to other clans, some later resurfacing as bounty hunters and mercenaries. Rystal and Elis, however, fled to the only place they thought they would be safe: Sahharra. For this reason, Ondre grew up not only as a Mandolorian, resulting in his knowledge of Mando'a and the Six Actions, but also a Sahharran, resulting in his extreme sense of justice.
Early life[]
Of course I remember my early life. As we all know, Mando'ad draar digu,"A Mandolorian never forgets." I'm just not going to tell you anything about it
—Ondre Bersson to unknown Gray Knight
Ondre Bersson adapted well to both his Mandalorian and Sahharran heritages. Like other Sahharran children, he enjoyed utilizing his shape-shifting abilities, but unlike most other children he used them to study animals and plants, not play(At least most of the time.).
Ondre, what's our situation?"
"We're in trouble."
"Oh, just the usual then.—Jur'ak D'aghar and Ondre Bersson
Very little is known about this Gray Knight as he rarely speaks to anyone except his master and the rogue Sith Sythen Kurak and they are very good at keeping his secrets. As previously stated, he greatly assisted in the final defeat of Darth Krayt when only an apprentice. Due to this act of valor, he was Knighted, though he continued to go on missions with his former master as they fought alongside Sythen Kurak to eradicate the Sith. When the assisting of the Alliance and Fel empires task was done Ondre showed off his relatively unknown diplomatic powers to help the two powers to combine and become stronger. Afterwards, he left the galaxy with his master and three other Gray Knight apprentices.
The Scythe[]
Gold Dagger to Scythe, what's your status?"
"We've lost 8 lasers, 1 engines on fire, and we're out of missles."
"Do you need assistance?"
'"Nope.—Ondre Bersson to Sahharran Blade-class cruiser Gold Dagger, during the Battle of Ceson
On his first solo mission, to the desert world of Ecta, Ondre came across a heavily wounded creature lying in the sand. After administering first aid, he discovered that the creature, whose name was Trieak, was the same creature as the one that powered the Omega Hawk. After the creature was healed, Ondre designed the Scythe, a fast assault ship whose specialized computer system was specially designed to accomadate Trieak. After entering the Sycthe's computer system, Trieak became Ondre's constant companion and closest friend.
Personality and traits[]
Kandosii! Right in the engine!
—Ondre Bersson at the Battle of Meson
Hot-headed, often angered by cocky enemies. Exceptionally strong in the Force, his master, the infamous Jur'ak D'aghar, has been known to say that if Bersson was an Aridath he would easily surpass D'aghar in fighting and Force ability soon. However, he often focuses on individual enemies, ignoring others, which is an obvious strategy flaw. He is, as the apprentice of Jur'ak D'aghar, exceptional at hand-to-hand fighting and his Mandalorian armor has many hand-to-hand weapons. His Force skills are similiar to that of D'aghar and like his master and many other Gray Knights he can use many dark side powers such as lightning and choke without falling to the dark side.
Skills and Abilities[]
I never saw anything like it. He was strong as a rancor, fast as a howlrunner, and tough as a reek. It was as if the Force itself had been manifested in this single man.
—Unknown Gray Knight
The complete expanse of Ondre's abilities is quite impressive. As a Sahharran, he had the ability to shape-shift, and the ability regrow lost skin and limbs. Soon after the defeat of Darth Krayt, Jur'ak gave him a special DNA transplant that gave him the Aridaths ability to not die by age. It is not known why Jur'ak did this, and it is said that the last person who tried to find out mysteriously vanished on the way to Jur'ak's house. Due to this transplant, Ondre lived much longer than the average Sorian. Over this time, he constantly studied more and more things about the Force, enhancing his connection to it to such a degree that during combat he became almost a complete manifestation of the Force's power. He was also able to enter the Netherworld of the Force at will, allowing him to interact with long-dead Jedi Masters such as Luke Skywalker and Yoda. Ondre used his connection to the Force to develop a new lightsaber technique, known to him as The Way of the Howlrunner, which combined Ataru acrobatics and Makashi bladework with Soresu defense patterns and Juyo attack forms. The usage of the form depended heavily on the users connection to the Force, as it required the user to utilize the Force to enhance his speed, agility, and strength to superhuman levels on nearly every strike and block. One move, which Ondre christened the Ysalamiri Shield, involved spinning the users saber all-around the body faster than the eye could follow, creating an impenetrable barrier. Ondre further adapted the style to be used with a double-bladed lightsaber, his personal weapon. In addition to his Force skills, Ondre also had an incredible ability to build and repair machines, rivaling that of Anakin Skywalker. This incredible skill was displayed when, at the age of 15, he designed and built the first prototypes of the Gray Knight War Droid. Then, after the defeat of Darth Krayt, at the age of 21, he designed and built the first prototype of the Gray Knight War Droid 2.0, which was considered one of the greatest war droid designs of all time.
Ke nu'jurkadir sha Mando'ade! Don't mess with Mandolorians! Or Sahharrans for that matter.
—Ondre Bersson
As previously stated Ondre is an exceptional hand-to-hand fighter, and most of his weapons reflect this ability. In accordance with a family tradition he was given a set of uncolored Mandolorian armor before he left with Jur'ak D'aghar. In normal cicumstances this armor would have been given to him by his father, but in his own circumstances it was given to him by his mother. Ondre selection of colors reflected his personal situation, like other Mandolorian warriors. His armor featured red for honoring a father, black for justice, and a hint of gold for vengeance. Ondre's armor is a marvel of modern technology and contains many features that are custom designed and built by Ondre himself and cannot be found anywhere else. These features include vibroblades that shoot out of his forearm plate directly into his outstreched hand and a mechanism that shoots his dual custom-built TC-5 Fireblade blaster pistols out of his personally designed and added thigh plates into his hands when a certain hand movement is made. Like many other Mandalorian kids, Ondre was trained in combat at a very early age and as a tribute to this tradition his father gave him a modified pit droid reprogrammed to use two stun batons to train its user in hand-to-hand fighting.
"I still live, but you are dead. I remember you, so you are eternal."
—Ondre Bersson
It is not known if or when Ondre died.