Star Wars Fanon

For the freedom of Onderon!
—An Onderonian Separatist battle cry

The Onderonian Separatists (also referred to as the Onderonian Nationalists) were a force of anti-Republic separatists led by an Onderonian war hero called General Vaklu from the Inner Rim planet Onderon, which supported Onderon's secession from the Galactic Republic, during the time of the First Jedi Purge in 3,951 BBY they fought in the Onderonian Revolution, supported by a Jedi Exile who was sympathetic to their beliefs, with the Exile's help, the Separatists were able to begin an uprising against the Onderonian Royalists, the followers of Queen Talia, the Separatists won the revolution and executed Talia, her Jedi advisor, Master Kavar, and withdrew Onderon from the Galactic Republic.

Though the Separatists were initially allied to the Sith Triumvirate, and received military assistance from the Sith, General Vaklu was quick to secretly form a new alliance with the Jedi Exile when he heard about her support for the Separatists, later publically annoucing his withdrawal from the alliance with the Sith by attacking the Sith forces during the Battle of Iziz.


—Another Separatist battle cry

Onderon joined the Republic shortly after first contact in 4,002 BBY, in the early years of Onderon's membership the Republic the Republic helped Onderon during some of its wars and troubles, such as the Naddist Uprising of 3,998 BBY, the attempted Mandalorian invasion of 3,996 BBY and the Mandalorian Wars of 3,964 BBY - 3,960 BBY, the Onderonians put up a valiant defence against the Mandalorians, resulting in war heroes such as General Vaklu, who was well respected and admired by his fellow Onderonians for his heroism.

Republic patriot: “If it wasn't for us you'd be a Mandalorian colony right now!
Onderonian nationalist: “So just because you helped us during the Mandalorian Wars we have lost our right to decide our own future? Some "Republic" that is! "Empire" would be a more apt name!
―An argument between a Republic soldier and a pro-Separatist Onderonian

Onderon was untouched during the Jedi Civil War, as a result Onderon became a prime planet for providing assistance to planets devastated by the war, such as Telos IV, a significant portion of the Onderonian population quickly began to lose faith in the Republic, viewing themselves as being taken advantage of by the Republic, being treated likr a vassal by the Republic, and sold out by their queen, many Onderonians began voicing a desire for secession, though they began to feel ignored by both Queen Talia and the Republic, and thus began to form thoughts of rebellion.

To be continued
