That is a gross simplification, Talia. Change is a painful process. A price must be paid, but Onderon will have a new destiny. One larger than you could imagine.
—General Vaklu to Queen Talia, shortly before the latter's death by the hand of the Jedi Exile
The Onderonian Revolution (also known as the Onderon Civil War, particularly by the Royalists and the Galactic Republic) was a short revolt by pro-Separatist Onderonians under General Vaklu against the Onderonian Royalists led by pro-Republic Queen Talia, the Separatists were assisted in the battle by a powerful Jedi Exile and her allies, resulting in the victory of the Onderonian Separatists, the deaths of Queen Talia and her Jedi advisor, Master Kavar, and the withdrawal of Onderon from the Galactic Republic.
Despite the withdrawal of Onderon from the Republic following the revolution Onderon would later be forced to rejoin the Republic, following the Battle of Onderon in 3,733 BBY, in which the Republic would invade Onderon to force them back in to the Republic, Onderon would initially be resistant to the Republic, but after a few centuries would eventually begrudgingly accept the Republic, Onderon would not see independence for over 3,000 years, until the time of the Clone Wars, when it would join the Confederacy of Independent Systems, citing the illegality of the Republic's occupation, coincidentally many Onderonians which supported the C.I.S were descendants of the original Onderonian Separatists, including King Sanjay Rash, who was actually a distant descendant of General Vaklu himself.
To be continued