Oné Madierre was a Jedi Knight in the waning years of the Old Republic, the final padawan of Master Yaddle, and the Master to Ardré Kartik.
Oné Madierre was the direct result of a scheme by Naboo noblewoman Rola Lanlin to produce a Force-sensitive baby and train her to have mental powers surpassing those of the Jedi. In order to conceive this child, she went with her husband and her maidservant Sell Madierre to Coruscant in 49 BBY. While she successfully initiated a liaison with Master Dooku, she also encouraged Sell to sleep around, despite her young age, in the hopes of producing two babies instead of just one. Sell met Xanatos, the padawan of Dooku's former padawan, and by him conceived a child.
It was only after Xanatos had left with his Master on the mission that would cause him to leave the Jedi that it sunk in for Sell that the Lanlins would raise her daughter as a lab rat. Not wanting that for her baby, she secretly made arrangements with the Jedi. When she gave birth in the very early hours of Productivity Day of the following year and named her daughter Oné, which meant "traveler," a Jedi was present, and Oné was gone from Naboo before the sun rose.
Initiate(48 BBY to 42 BBY)[]
Physically, Oné resembled in her father in all ways except height; she was much shorter. This caused difficulties for her as an Initiate; many of the Masters who taught her remembered Xanatos, and once his identity became known, Oné became the target of constant teasing by her agemates. When she was five, she instead preferred the company of her tutor, ten year old Ardré Kartik, another misfit.
When she was six years old, during a meditation class being taught by Master Yaddle, Oné accidentally connected to the Unifying Force through Yaddle, and had three premonitions. All three would eventually come true, though none of them in the way she expected. One of them was of her and Ardré knighted as adults and standing opposite each other as equals. Master Yaddle was so impressed she immediately claimed Oné as a padawan, though in accordance with custom, she did not begin training under her new Master full time until she turned seven.
To her great dismay, at age eleven Ardré returned to the legal custody of her parents and left the Jedi Temple, as everyone except Oné now believed she would never be a Jedi. She left her lightsaber with Oné, suggesting she could use it until she made her own. Oné did so, and afterward secretly stored it, just in case Ardré came back and her vision came to fruition after all.
Padawan(42 BBY to 26 BBY)[]
Oné flourished under Master Yaddle, soon becoming a smart, but proud, apprentice. By the time she was fourteen, she believed that she could deal with any situation.
She learned otherwise when a mission to Nar Shadda in 35 BBY went wrong and left her stranded on the moon's streets with her Master catatonic, two bounty hunters on their tail, and no way to contact anybody. She spent nearly two months there, before she was aided by a young Zabrak named Zasan Fasarn, though his aid brought with it a full-blown incident during which Oné was tempted by the Dark Side. In an ironic twist, it also led to her helping one of her pursuers, Force-sensitive bounty hunter Janet Loim, give birth to a son, Entis, whom with his mother's consent Oné took back with her to the Jedi Temple.
Master Yaddle was woken in the temple by Master Yoda, and she had many things to criticize her padawan for. Oné took the scoldings meekly, and her pride was always kept well in check after that mission, but her perception of her Master was permanently changed; she never again held her in awe, always remembering how she had been reduced to complete helplessness, dependent on literally being carried around by her padawan.
Early Knighthood(26 BBY to 22 BBY)[]
Knighted at the age of 22, Oné was a highly skilled Jedi at peace with herself, not even too shaken by the irony when in 25 BBY her former Master was killed due to the actions of her half-brother Granta Omega, though she mourned for her Master in what few spare moments she had. One thing only remained at the back of her mind; two of her three childhood premonitions had come true by 22 BBY, leaving her to wonder by what unforeseen circumstances the third one might.
Those circumstances finally clarified themselves at the start of the Clone Wars, when in response to the thinning of the Jedi's ranks several Jedi were incorporated into the Order under highly unusual circumstances. Oné had by this time been looking for someone to take as a padawan, and citing precedents, such as the far more unorthodox behavior of Djinn Altis, she persuaded the Jedi Council to allow her to invite Ardré back into the Jedi Order as her padawan learner.
Master and Padawan(22 BBY to 19 BBY)[]
The First Two Years[]
It took some time for both women to get used to the reversal of their old roles. They ended up spending much of their first six months separated with Oné out fighting the war while Ardré caught up with her training, Oné constantly sending back instructions by audio messages, so Ardré could get used to hearing her in the role of her Master. They had very different styles of using the Force, and this also took some adjusting for both.
However, once Ardré started joining her Master out in the field, they found themselves able to work with each other very well, and the differences that once were a disadvantage now served to back them more balanced together than they would be apart. Like with the other normal-aged padawans of the Clone Wars, it was left to the war to teach Ardré the lessons and put her through the trials traditionally done in the controlled environment of the the Temple, and Oné observed more than once how the result differed from what she herself was. She noted Ardré's abilities as a leader of the clone troopers, but also her strong vulnerability to the Dark Side, and watched her very closely.
Confrontation with Coté Lanlin[]
Almost exactly year before the end of the Clone Wars, fortune put Oné and Ardré in the vicinity of Naboo just prior to the double wedding of Ardré's fellow former royal handmaidens Losté Maiterrie and Ené Warsilo to Pene Dulks and Melio Vetamoid respectively, allowing them to attend. There Oné was introduced to and Ardré reunited with Coté Lanlin, Rola Lanlin's unfortunate daughter by Dooku, whom Ardré had at one time been almost inseparable from, to the point where the two of them had formed an unbreakable telepathic link to each other through the Force, though they now rarely used it.
Coté, seeing herself effectively replaced in Ardré's life by Oné, grew jealous and resentful, and in an attempt to upset Oné, sought out Sell Madierre, now Sell Jennil, and introduced mother and daughter to each other, as well as Sell's other children to their half-sister, before the two Jedi left Naboo. This, however, proved a beneficial meeting for all. Sell was extremely pleased to see her daughter, and Oné happy to meet and spend an evening with her mother.
The following month Oné and Ardré were sent to investigate reports of Commander Lim, a clone commander they had often worked with, going rogue with a battalion of clone troops still following him. They tracked them down to the planet of Veck III. The evening before landing there Oné had a dream suggesting Ardré would effectively face a Trial of the Spirit at their destination. They found the clones apparently under some sort of mental control, and under strict orders to attempt to kill Oné. It was Ardré who found Coté, who had used her indeed extensive mental powers to take control of the troopers in order to lure Oné and Ardré to her. André confronted her and managed to save her from falling to the Dark Side.
When she learned what had happened, Oné decided that Coté was to be taken back to the Jedi Temple for reparative therapy, a decision to which Coté willingly submitted. She also forbade the two women from engaging in any further contact with each other. Again both submitted, but Ardré admitted that she would never let go of Coté entirely in her heart, and asked that she not be ordered to. Oné answered that there were some orders every Master knew better than to give.
Knighting Ardré[]
After this mission Oné related her dream to Master Yoda, who warned her against immediately seeing it the way she wanted to see it, and insisted that there could be no assumption that Ardré was ready for knighting. However, within a few months, Oné came to realize that after that incident Ardré's behavior had changed considerably, and she no longer had any fear of losing her padawan to the Dark Side.
She kept silent until the end of 20 BBY, when Naboo was attacked for the second time in the war, and she and Ardré fought in the battle that saw another former royal handmaiden killed, as well as a senatorial handmaiden serving the same mistress. After that experience, Oné first told Ardré about her dream and her belief that Ardré at the very least was ready for the trials, then formally petitioned the Council to let her take them. The Council ultimately refused, but commented that they might consider the possibility again in a few months time.
When Separatist Forces attacked Coruscant near the end of the war, both Oné and Ardré fought in the ensuing battle, and Oné was very badly injured, requiring her to be treated in bacta. While she was in the bacta tank, a Council member called Ardré away. When Oné woke and asked for her padawan, one of the healers, addressing her as "Master Madierre," informed her that Ardré had passed the trials and been knighted, and sent to the Outer Rim to search for General Grievous, who had escaped after the battle.
When Oné was recovered, she ended up following her former padawan to the Outer Rim and bringing to her Commander Lim and his battilion. Though they did not locate Grievous, they did help settle a local crisis on the planet they landed on, working together as equals for the first time in their life, and finally finding themselves standing opposite each other as sisters, fulfilling Oné's final vision.
All would have been well had not the greater fate of the galaxy then intervened. Hearing that Grievous was dead and the war over, Oné and Ardré were on their way back to Coruscant when Ardré received an hysterical message from Coté, who claimed to have gained the foreknowledge of the Ardré's death within a matter of hours. She also related a meeting she'd had with four Council members on their way to the Senate district on some vital but possibly fatal errand. From the details she gave, Oné and Ardré concluded that there might be a Sith in the government.
When they saw the Jedi Temple on fire, they decided that Coté's foreknowledge justified a change of course, and landed on a docking platform nearby while Coté flew to meet them. What they did not realize was that the likelihood of their being killed at the Temple was the only reason Palpatine had not bothered sending Order 66 to their troops, and that to be on the safe side he was tracking their ship. Just as they landed and Coté arrived at the platform Commander Lim announced he had received a Clone-Eyes Only transmission from the Supreme Chancellor's Office.
Wondering why the Chancellor would send such a transmission, but too distracted to think about it, Oné stepped out of their ship and watched Ardré greet Coté and try to calm her. She never saw the clones take their weapons out. Although Ardré realized the possible contents of the transmission and turned and yelled a warning, it came a moment too late; shot in the back, Oné died instantly.
Ardré herself was fatally shot less than a minute later. Coté survived the attack and took their bodies back to Naboo where she had them cremated outside the Handmaidens' Graveyard. She gave Oné's lightsaber to Sell Jennil, who kept it and handed it down to her children, who eventually donated it to the Naboo Museum of the Old Republic in Oshina. They also told as much of her story as they knew to Luke Skywalker in 37 ABY, though her name had already been recovered and added to the memorial to the Jedi on Onith when it had been built in 8 ABY. It was also in 8 ABY that her name was also added to the records of Telos as Xanatos' daughter, though it is likely that he himself never knew of her existence.
More popular media, however, overlooked Oné's story for a surprisingly long time, though at last a holofilm was made about her and Ardré in 263 ABY.