We have decorated combat veterans doing flimsiwork?! Not on my watch!
—Oluth Par'fey, soon after taking office
Oluth Par'fey, service number 9837-1438NQ, was a female Bothan from Kothlis and a career officer serving with the Republic Marines. A veteran of the Great Droid Revolution and the Great Sith War, during the latter conflict she oversaw the operational deployment of the 4th Marine Division to Yavin 4, where it served as the vanguard for the Galactic Republic's assault during the war's final battle. After the war she was promoted to Rear Admiral and tasked with overseeing Marine operations across the Outer Rim.
In 3,991 BBY she was promoted to Vice Admiral and appointed to the position of Commandant of the Marines in the wake of the premature death of her predecessor, Sesur Ganymede. After assuming her new role, she was astonished to learn that a number of decorated veterans had been given desk assignments. To correct this oversight, she offered them positions as drill instructors at the Corps' training depots. Among those who accepted was the Gand known as Tuffass. It was also under her tenure as Commandant that the Marine Corps began its reorganization and diversification, continuing and greatly expanding upon the work started by Admiral Ganymede.
Par'fey retired in 3,968 BBY, having served as Commandant for twenty-three years, and was succeeded by fellow Bothan Voskel Dun'vei. Her tenure was the longest ever recorded throughout the history of the Marine Corps. Her life and service was later recounted by noted biographer Reeka Chorizzo in Redoubt and Reformer: The Life and Service of Oluth Par'fey, the Rodian's last voume of published work.
Behind the scenes[]
"Par'fey" is a visual pun on parfait, which literally means perfect in French.
- Tales from the Corps, Vol. 1 (Mentioned only)