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Olto Yensk'lt was a Zabrak pirate who joined the Alliance to Restore the Republic.
He was born on Brigia in 26 BBY and as a teenager, he ran with the Black Hole Gang but sometime before the gang was absorbed by the Zann Consortium he left and traveled to Trigalis, where he intended to join the Black Sun. However, the he observed a power struggle taking place and thought the better of it. Once the battle was over Soflas Pulviir, one of the individuals who participated on the winning side, encountered him participating in the looting and convinced him to join the Rebellion. Once he joined, Pulviir recruited him to his own unit, Rebel Group MT50. Yensk'lt participated in numerous battles as a sniper, turning the tide early in one particular battle by killing a stormtrooper who was keeping the Imperial forces organized. Unfortunately, in the following battle aboard the Cytebb, he was fighting in close quarters. A CompForce soldier named Elscon Hinchlore shot him and he died.