Star Wars Fanon

Old Morsian was the primary language spoken by the Morsian people on Mors.


Old Morsian came about within the Morsian culture group on Mors, where it was the only spoken language throughout their lands. Over the time of Morsian expansion, Old Morsian became the dominant language throughout Morsian lands, though the native language to the areas remained spoken by a large part of the population, usually alongside Old Morsian.

At the discovery of the Morsians in 10,000 BBY by the Jedi, Old Morsian had a chance to spread to the rest of the galaxy, or at least the galactic space around Mors and the Mortlekk system. This was hampered by the Morsians inability to breath off their own world, which made Old Morsian struggle to leave Mors to the wider galaxy.

On the Morsian Protectorate Planets, Old Morsian had an interesting time of spreading throughout the various planets the Morsians took under their protection. During the early phases of the Morsian Protectorate Planet program, Old Morsian was taught to the natives of the countries that accepted Morsian help alongside their own language to make conversing between the species and races easier. However, when Galactic Basic Standard started becoming spoken across Morsian space, this practice changed to teach people Galactic Basic instead, so that they could not only speak to the Morsians but also to all other visitors from the rest of the galaxy. As a result of this, Old Morsian started to be abandoned in favor of Galactic Basic, though not completely. In some countries on the protectorates, Old Morsian was completely abandoned in favor of Galactic Basic and native dialects, though in others, Old Morsian was still taught and spoken alongside native dialects and Galactic Basic.

On Mors itself, Old Morsian was still the primary language spoken and written by Morsians with very few locations having a translation to Galactic Basic and Aurebesh, such as spaceports. This was due to the hostile environment of Mors preventing the planet from having any visitors, so there was no need to translate into Galactic Basic. Old Morsian remained the primary language, though with Galactic Basic still being taught as a spoken language to use in the rest of the galaxy. The language failed to take off elsewhere in the galaxy, with it failing to spread outside of Morsian controlled space, though a few isolated areas had a basic grasp of Old Morsian. These were limited to large trading centres that were frequented by Morsian traders, Coruscant and those few planets that were very friendly to the Morsians, so their government had an Old Morsian speaking population.


On Mors itself, nearly every person could speak Old Morsian, at an estimated average of between ninety-eight to ninety-nine percent of the populace able to speak at Old Morsian to at least a basic level. Due to the language being the dominant one on Mors, it was the de-facto primary language planet wide, with regional, provincial and native ethnic languages taking secondary or auxiliary roles within the society.

Within the wider Morsian Empire, the language took on a secondary or auxiliary role due to previously existing native languages on the protectorate planets and the more diplomatic way the Morsians undertook the protectorate agreement. Throughout the lifespan of the protectorate planet program, the Morsians attempted to make Old Morsian at least a secondary language in all protectorate nations, as quite often the Morsians would introduce education to the nations who did not have it already in place and so sought to spread their language and culture further than their home planet. However, these classes often had less than desirable results, so instead it was decided that Old Morsian language classes would to taught either as specialist classes in higher education or as after-school activity for those children who wanted to learn it.

Outside of the Morsian Empire and in the wider galaxy, Old Morsian was one of the languages that was unable to make much of an impact in the galactic cultural stage. Very few others had even heard of the language, let alone could speak it, so the only way it would be heard outside of the Morsian Empire was by visiting Morsians who would speak it amongst themselves. When the Morsians were first discovered, explorers and traders made some effort to learn the language, in order to converse with the new race, however as the Morsians became more widely known and it became easier to travel to them, this was dropped. In addition, the Morsians themselves began to learn and teach Galactic Basic Standard, so they could more easily converse with the wider galaxy.

Numbering system[]

Old Morsian used numerals rather than regular numbers, though when translated they arrived at the same conclusion. These numerals were commonplace alongside Old Morsian.

  • 1 = I
  • 2 = II
  • 3 = III
  • 4 = IV
  • 5 = V
  • 6 = VI
  • 7 = VII
  • 8 = VIII
  • 9 = IX
  • 10 = X
  • 20 = XX
  • 30 = XXX
  • 40 = XXXX
  • 50 = L
  • 100 = C
  • 500 = D
  • 1,000 = M

Phrases and words[]


  • "Jedi" = Jedam
  • "Morsian" = Morsianum
  • "Kingdom" = Regnum
  • "Emperor" = Imperator
  • "Empire" = Imperium
  • "Legion" = Legio

Basic phrases[]

  • "Hello, do you speak Basic?" = "Salve, tu Basic loqueris?"
  • "Where are you from?" = "Unde venistis?"
  • "Where is the nearest spaceport?" = "Ubi est proximus spatii?"
  • "Hail the Emperor!" = "Ave Imperator!"
  • "Can you give me directions to the nearest [LOCATION]?" = "Potesne mihi partes dare proximis [LOCATION]?"

Morsian Governments[]

  • Kalla’tarucc Tribe = Kalla'tarucci Tribus
  • Morsian Kingdom = Regnum Morsianum
  • Morsian Military Dictatorship = Dictatura Militaria Morsianum
  • First Morsian Republic = Prima Morsia Respublica
  • Morsian Empire = Imperium Morsianum

Notable speeches spoken in Old Morsian[]

Imperium Delenda Est[]

Blue Glass Arrow Main article: Imperium Delenda Est

This speech was made to the Morsian Senate in 0 BBY a few days before the Morsian Empire declared war on the Galactic Empire. The speech was a culmination of several weeks worth of discussions on how the Morsian Empire would proceed with their relations with the Galactic Empire and ended a twenty year proxy war between the two empires.

Behind the scenes[]

  • Old Morsian is actually English-Latin run through Google Translate, with Latin sounding names for those words that didn't exist in the language.
  • Old Morsian was originally going to be the 'extinct' language of the Morsian people where only a small percentage spoke it, however it was reworked to become far more prominent and at least the primary spoken language on Mors itself.

