Star Wars Fanon
Before the Republic eraOld Republic eraRise of the Empire eraRebellion eraNew Republic eraNew Jedi Order eraLegacy eraPost-Legacy era
The author of this page is SharkyBytesz

One of our people's greatest desires was that of exploring the world outside of the seas. What was out there? Are there other species above the surface? But more importantly...are we alone in the universe? What if there are other alien races as advanced as ours waiting for our visit? Some thought I desired the impossible; Olarians cannot walk above the surface. It has been attempted many times and every time we would come back with our skins dry and our bodies lacking oxygen. With my good friend and colleague, the esteemed vizier Tif Do'al, founder of the Collective Olarian League of Science and Technology, we designed a suit that would keep our bodies wet and our oxygen levels high, even when we venture outside of our surface. With a complicated air-filtration unit installed in the helmet and a flexible, yet elegant and strong body suit that would constantly liquefy the air above the surface to moisture our bodies and prevent possible dehydration, we took our first steps into a bigger world. A world full of opportunities and surprises...
Xef Ru'et presents the Olarian armor to Revan.

Olarian armors (formal name: COLST-Tech Olarian Enviro-suits model SK-56022-V8) were a type of enviro-suits used by the Olarians to survive in space and on dry atmospheres. The helmet of the suit had a complicated air-filtration unit that would filtrate the air and/or gases found on other planets and convert them into oxygen-rich water that would carefully be spread across the gills. The body-suit did the same, but instead kept the skin of an Olarian wet and moist to prevent dehydration.

Despite the complicated system that happened inside of the suit, the armor itself was flexible and thin, and was designed to resemble Olarian skin as close as possible. Wearers of the suit would experience great comfort when inside of the suit. Furthermore, the upper layer of the armor was made out of Plexosteel, an expensive and precious form of metal that could only be found on the Olarian colony-planet of Wurilia in the Unknown Regions. This steel was so strong, it could even protect the wearer against blaster fire and other hazards. However, the suit could not protect one against lightsaber strikes.

The suit was manufactured by the Collective Olarian League of Science and Technology, or "COLST", one of the oldest technological organizations in the galaxy. The legendary Xef Ru'et designed the original blueprint of the armor and his colleague Tif Do'al, the founder of COLST, built it. The first edition of the armor was the COLST-Tech Olarian Enviro-suits model SK-25783-V1.
