Olara Prime, the Olarian homeworld. The Empire has only recently rediscovered its existence and significance. The planet's surface is completely covered with oceans. There is no oxygen in the air, the only oxygen can be found underwater, which is why its inhabitants have adapted to the planet so perfectly.
Olara Prime, also known simply as Olara, known as Ralo by the time of the Clone Wars, was the capital of Olarian Space and was located in the Olar system in the Unknown Regions. Olara Prime was the homeworld of the native Olarians and was controlled by the ancient Olarian Freehold.

Pison City, the capital and largest settlement on Olara.
An aquatic planet in the Unknown Regions, Olara Prime was located in the farther reaches of Wild Space. The planet and its inhabitants remained a secret to the rest of the galaxy until the Cold War. A planet with no islands or continents, Olara's surface was completely covered with water. The only organisms on the planet could be found beneath the surface in the vast, majestic and beautiful reefs. The only cities built were situated underwater, with the exception of some spaceports who have have been built above the watery surface for tourists and spacers.
The only oxygen found on Olara was under the planet's seas. The air above the surface contained almost 80% nitrogen and 20% carbondioxide.
Early millennia[]
The first organisms on Olara Prime began to develop underwater. The humanoid Olarians began to build grand cities and establish great kingdoms. The neighbouring kingdoms were at constant war with each other which resulted in large battles being fought underwater.
At some point in time, the Olarians were beginning to set aside their cultural differences and instead came together to write the Pisonic Concordat, the founding document of the Olarian Freehold. In this period, the Olarians developed water-resistant starships and vehicles able to travel underwater without any water damage. It is here the Olarians took their first steps into discovering the world above the sea. With environmental suits at the hand, the Olarians began building massive spaceports above the surface where they would begin test-flying their starships.
Soon after conquering the skies, the Olarians took a much bigger step: space. Advancing their spacecrafts, the Olarians took to the vast areas of space and began setting up colonies on almost every planet in their proximity, expanding their vast Freehold.