Star Wars Fanon

Oklan Ryder was a Human male Jedi Knight and important figure in the Jedi Order before Order 66. He survived the Great Jedi Purge in order to later join his long lost friend and fellow Jedi, Daenard Salec and his group of freed slaves against the Empire known as The Exiled.


Jedi Knight[]

Oklan recieved the title of Jedi Knight early, and was trained by only one master, but for only about a year. His master was killed by a Dark Disciple known as Darth Salis, who later became a promenant enemy of The Exiled.

Jedi Master and General[]


Oklan leading his clones at Seerkull

During the Clone Wars he was promoted to general in the army of the Republic and to Jedi Master in the cousel. He only lead one mission in control of his clones before the enactment of Order 66, the battle was a great victory at Seerkull. He believed that by capturing the mercenary planet he would be helping them, but as The Empire came to power he soon figured otherwise and dedicated himself to the cause of freeing the planet he had enslaved.

Shelling of the city of Nu'untuar[]

After the fall of the Jedi Order Oklan found his place amongst the ranks of The Exiled. He forged a strong friendship with both Daenard Salec and Kalord. One of the first battles he ever participated in was the battle at Seerkull, where he got his wish of freeing the enslaved world from the Empire. He fought hard to free the people there, but the battle cost the planet its capital city, Nu'untuar, and The Exiled lost many soldiers.
