Og'ntiri was a Rakatan Scientist born circa 28,987 BBY on Lehon, the capital of the Infinite Empire. Perilously obsessed with forbidden knowledge, Og'ntiri came to be shunned by his Rakatan peers even when few knew that he abducted and experimented upon his own kind in secret. Largely responsible for the technological advances which kept his species in power, Og'ntiri was given free reign of the Empire and as a result, was allowed to conduct experiments on a wide range of species throughout the Galaxy.
Mystified by the perpetual Force-sensitiviy of the Korun natives of Haruun Kal as well as increasingly aware of his species own declining sensitivity to the Force, Og'ntiri would devote much of his later life with discerning the source of the power of the Korun and applying it to his species to halt the decline of Rakatan Force-sensitivity. Ultimately, his experiments were successful albeit on a small-scale yet his success would not become inherent until Millenia after the decline of the Rakatan civilization. His experimentation also led to the longevity of the Korun species as well as the decimation of Rakatan forces occupying the planet. Due to his practice of forbidden science, he was confined to a Mind Prison by the Elders.
Prematurely freed from his prison by his own progenisis Soa, Og'nitri would participate in Soa's insurgency against the Elders, teaching the artificially developed adolescent the secrets of the Dark Side, increasing his already formidable power. Foreseeing Soa's inevitable defeat, Og'ntiri imprisoned himself in a mind prison of his own design and had the prison stored on Soa's capital, Korriban.
Early life[]
Og'ntiri was born 28,987 BBY on the Infinite Empire capital of Lehon to two Rakatans who occupied vastly different worlds. His mother, Na'scera, was a Healer who had come to associate herself with the aspect of the Force known as Ashla. Contrarily, Og'ntiri's father, Senle'epo was a scientist inextricably drawn to the opposite aspect of the Force, the Bogan. Nonetheless, Og'ntiri was born with a strong connection to the Force brought about by the high saturation of Midi-Chlorians within his blood. However, due to experiments Senle'epo had conducted on himself, he unintentionally caused a birth defect in his infantile son. Og'ntiri's brain possessed telltale signs of dementia, meaning that despite his sensitivty to the Force, Og'ntiri's development would be significantly retarded.
Unwilling to live with the shame of a lame son, Senle'epo, dabbling in forbidden sciences, induced an incrementation of brain-cells within his progeny, causing an accelerated growth of brain tissue. Not only did this serve to solve his mental degradation, but it also boosted the young Rakatan's intellect, granting the child a precociousness which belied his age. Pleased with the results of his experimentation, Senle'epo exploited this unexpected outcome and began to teach his son the basics of Rakatan science, in essence teaching him the foundations of Dark Side Alchemy.
Sensing that his son possessed cognitive abilities far outstripping his own, Senle'epo left young Og'ntiri to his own pursuits when he reached the age of ten, confident that his son would reach proficiency while he studied the newfound concept of dark alchemy. Intrigued by the ideas behind black holes and singularities, Og'ntiri eschewed the common practice of becoming a warrior and instead began an intensive study of the principles governing the universe and space travel. Through such pursuits, Og'ntiri, unaided, stumbled upon the theoretical concept of Hyperspace.