Odogoth was a male Otolla Gungan born on Naboo in 53 BBY. He stood 1.99 meters tall and massed 50 kilograms. He had green eyes and marigold skin. He became a bounty hunter, lawyer, and weaponsmith. He spoke Basic without an accent, and considered the rest of his species an embarrassment to nature. In 34 BBY, he and Basrin were hired by Borga to free Gupa and Deriac from jail; Deriac partnered up with them on future hunts. One of the first bounties they collected was on King Veruna.
After Deriac became a Trade Federation executive, Odogoth partnered up with Musi on Lasat Station in 32 BBY. Two years later, Odogoth and Musi were amongst the founding members of Erebos, Inc., holding seats on the Board of Directors.
In 28 BBY, Odogoth took a break from the Erebos to reunite with Deriac and Basrin in Lasat Station. They accidentally stumbled upon Sith secrets, and Odogoth received an alchemy-message code which caused him to mutate into a giant fish (kept for a while in a tank by Ta'uw'ishye) and, eventually, a droid starfighter. He was captured by a Dark Jedi scientist and a Duinuogwuin agent in the pay of Darth Tyranus, but Basrin and Deriac rescued him from a star train with the help of Yoda and Bunting.
Yoda, Basrin, and Deriac took Odogoth to Korriban. There they discovered a Sith holocron about alchemy, which they took to Ta'uw'ishye on Lasat Station. Ta'uw'ishye returned Odogoth to his Gungan form.
In 26 BBY, Deriac's theft of Trade Federation profits led the Federation to put bounties on the heads of Deriac, Basrin, and Odogoth, forcing them into hiding on Lasat Station or at times with Booster Terrik and his wife.
Odogoth, Deriac, and Basrin collected a number of interesting bounties, often competing with Aurra Sing. Some of their more unusual bounties included the Hadean Threesome, a fringer who accidentally stabbed himself in the eyes with envenomed spiked gloves, a candymaker on Borleias, three witches on Hickham, the Old Pie Man, Jolo and Maldehyde, the Shreeftut, a Lahsbee salesman, JON, Obesera, and OT-1.
Odogoth met the priestess Nemeir from the temple of the Gungan colony on Alsakan. He found the Alsakan Gungans to be a sensible, respectable, likable people excelling in grammar, syntax, and pronunciation. In 25 BBY, Jorro helped Odogoth rescue Nemeir from a murderous Duinuogwuin in the sewers of Coruscant.
In 22 BBY, a local Separatist uprising destroyed the Alsakan temple. Nemeir married Odogoth and joined him in bounty hunting.
In 15 BBY, the pair founded New Temple on Wabagunga, where they relocated the Gungan refugees from Alsakan. They then joined Mama's Resistance, taking part in an infiltration mission on Coruscant. They were briefly captured in an Imperial detention center but managed to escape. In 6 BBY, Odogoth hired Deriac to be Treasurer of New Temple.
Odogoth owned a pet nek named Cringy and a demonsquid named Flufkins. His other possessions included Sqwerms the protocol droid, EG-69, a Hutt Guard uniform, a police cruiser, a pit droid named DUM-9, Maid Miriam, two Pinkston's dragon eggs, and a prototype flightsuit. He employed 30 Pepes to help him in his jobs. He could speak Basic, Gunganese, and Pepekan.
Behind the scenes[]
Odogoth is the only PC to be played in two different Justin Gann-run campaigns.