Odestria has always stood at the center of our civilization and our Imperium. No Odestria means no Imperium. No Imperium mean no civilization.
—Emperor Panarus Kopan the Saviour
Odestria (Panasian: Odestra), originally called Panas IV, also Odestria Prime, was the capital and central planet of the Odestrian Imperium. Since the first days of Panasian Civilization, Odestria was always seen as the birthplace of Panasian Culture and their original homeworld. Odestria is a largely terrestrial world with vast oceans. The landmasses are split into five continents: Geopenze, Ladvidago, Tessarae, Ofortus, and the arctic landmass known as The Arctic Cap. Initially, Ladvidago was a major urban center with the entire continent being composed of a single megalopolis. Tessarae was a vast agricultural haven with a majority of its landmass below sea-level, only remaining dry due to naturally formed levees. Following the cataclysm known as OdestraRak (Panasian for Odestrian Day of death), during the Great Imperium War, Tessarae and Ladvidago were obliterated, with the former being left flooded and irradiated while the latter was left as a massive hulking ruin of durasteel and permacrete.
Odestrian society largely overcame this and continued to flourish, with Odestria remaining the political and cultural center of the IPPO, containing the largest population of any Odestrian world and also holding the state's second largest economy after Chiev.
Odestria is the center of our Empire and despite its scars its remains a beacon for our entire civilization.
—Emperor Panokkus Genzzus I Soter
Odestria was a terrestrial world in the heart of the Panasian Core. The planet itself is said to contain potent force energies since before the Odestrian Imperium had even been established in 5123 BBY. The Panas System itself was located deep in the unknown regions. While not isolated completely from the greater Galaxy, Odestria was not a commonly traveled to place by those who lived outside the Imperium as much of the business with other Galactic governments are done on the border planets of the Imperium. The only safe Hyperspace route to the Panas System from outside Imperium space is the Panasian Trail, a hyperlane which that can only be accessed from Bakura. Additionally if one was to travel to Tri Colonius or The Kotavi Star Cluster, they would be able to access the Panasian Trail as well. Odestria was the fourth planet in the Panas System and orbited the binary stars of Panas Major and Panas Minor. The combined Blue and green glows of the stars gave Odestria a turquoise glow which gave the planet aesthetic appeal for those looking on. Odestria was one of the only habitable planets in the Panas System, the other being the garden world of Sanatov. Odestria was orbited by three moons: Tessos, Barthos, and Tenov, these had little effect on the planetary tides.
Physical Features and Geography[]
Odestria from orbit truly is a sight to behold. While the urban sprawl of Odestralee seems endless, the green plains and meadows which lay outside the Prima Castrum displays a wonderful mix of Odestrian contruction and Nature.
—Supreme Marshall Raxus Dexov

A map of Odestria following OdestraRak
Under the vast turquoise skies, Odestria is largely a lush fertile world. Odestria has seen its fair share of conflict however which has left the planet irreparably scarred. Prior to the Imperium's founding, the many Nation states on Odestria would perpetually war against each other and due to the Panasian regeneration capabilities these wars would last for years, even centuries in the case of the Great Continental war in 8000 BBY. Initially, Odestria had four habitable continents and one large arctic ice cap titled simply "The Arctic Cap" (Panasian: Capius Glacia). Geopenze was a large landmass filled with lush grasslands, dense forests, plateaus and hills. The massive city and capital Odestralee sits in the center of Geopenze and acts as the political capital and center of the Odestrian Imperium. The City and it's surrounding metropolitan areas are surrounded by massive fortress walls called "Castrums" built to protect the city and it's surrounding areas from attack. The Castrums are built with shield generators to protect the Cities from orbital attack as well. Ladvidago was initially Odestria's financial hub and Commercial area. When the nation states of Odestria were united following the Imperium's creation, Ladvidago was converted into a massive metropolis and the large split landmass was connected by durasteel and ferocrete. Tessarae was a continent located on the southern pole of the planet. Initially it was a lust fertile grassland which contained Odestria's agricultural industry. Much of the continent was below sea level but a majority of it was surrounded by natural levees which kept the the landmass dry and ample to farm. Ofortus was the smallest of the continents and one of the two habitable ones remaining following OdestraRak. Ofortus was mountainous and contained lakes, forests and "Ofortus Citadel" the largest military instillation on Odestria aside from Prima Castrum.
Prior to OdestraRak travel to Odestria was rather easy and simply involved traversing the Panasian Trail from the Core Worlds, along with any other hyperlane in Odestrian Space. Following the cataclysm, Odestrian security was raised immensely with interdictor stations being set up along any hyperlane into the Imperium proper. The use of these stations meant that any ship from outside the Imperium or lacking in proper clearance would be pulled from hyperspace into realspace and investigated and inspected. These inspections generally involved a scan of a ship and its cargo along with a more thorough investigation if a scan seemed to be pointless. These interdictor stations were set up all around the Imperium and not just relegated to the capital, most stations lay dormant during peacetime, with their use being most prevalent when the Imperium was in a state of war. In orbit, the Panas System was protected by the Imperium CauptStaat OdesiNav (Literally: Imperial State Capital Defense Fleet) which remained in orbit around the moon Tenov. The upper atmosphere of Odestria could also be militarized during times of war with the deployment of the ATP (Automated Turret Platform) array which would aid in any attack on the capital.
Even before OdestraRak major cities on any Odestrian world were equipped with "Castrum" walls in order to protect cities from ground assault. These Castrums also doubled as shield generators to protect these urban areas from large scale orbital bombardment. In this regard, Odestria was no different. Like most Odestrian cities, each major urban center on Odestria was equipped with a Castrum. Unlike other planets however, Odestria's system was centralized around the "Odestralee Metropolitan Area" which consisted of the capital Odestralee and its surrounding cities. If under attack, the Prima Castrum Network could be activated from any of these cities and result in the defense grid activating on all the metropolitan area. The network came about following OdestraRak, when the castrum defense systems over Ladvidago city was sabotaged resulting in the continent becoming virtually defenseless against the onslaught.
It's like its always summer time here, might have something to do with the two suns.
—Drakin Arkrunner
In order to accommodate for the extreme heat produced by the binary stars of the Panas system, an array of orbital mirrors were placed in Odestria's upper atmosphere to aid in controlling the heat on the world. During OdestraRak and the Battle of Odestria during the Shi'ak War, several of these mirrors were damaged and destroyed, only to be repaired afterwards.
Due to the extreme population density in Odestralee and the surrounding cities, trillions of tons of trash was produced daily. Following the environmental reforms of 4IMP-234, the waste produced on Odestria was recycled for energy purposes or in the case of metals and minerals recycled for military purposes or building materials. Given the nature of Odestrian citizens getting the population to cooperate on recycling protocols was relatively simple. The Odestrian Legion operated the waste disposal just like it operated every other civic works organization.
Following OdestraRak, Odestria's atmosphere became severely polluted with radiation, smoke, soot and debris. This mostly came from the devastation caused on Ladvidago and Tessarae. This period, known as the Desolatus, led to mass environmental devastation across Odestria resulting in the aforementioned continents becoming uninhabitable for millennia. In order to protect Geopenze and Ofortus as well as other continents from becoming affected from the fallout, the Odestrian government made a deal with the Galactic Republic in order to trade the shield technology being used for the revitalization of Telos IV. With the radiation contained and what was left of Odestria's landmass saved, the remaining areas of the planet continued to flourish.
Gravity on Odestria is only slightly higher than gravity on Coruscant, with the difference being so minuscule that it is hardly noticed. Given the lack of natural mountain ranges, save for the Tenov mountain chain located in Cheo Prefecture, wind has always been very strong on Odestria. The debris it would pick up in the early days of Panasian society resulted in Panasians evolving with slightly thicker skin than humans.
The Odestrian Imperial Calendar was initially linked to Odestria's orbital period of 27 hours with a year lasting 390 days. Following the Genzzus reforms of the Third Imperium, the Odestrian calendar was linked to the Coruscanti Galactic Standard Time with years being reduced to 368 days and days lasting only 24 hours. While this led to confusion and outrage initially, the new system became widely accepted later in Panokkus Genzzus' reign as Emperor.
Urban Centers[]
I'll have you know Odestria is far more than just the silver spires of Odestralee. There is a whole world to explore, it's just a shame no one does so anymore.
—Ambassador V'rill Nareva
As the capital and central planet of the Odestrian state, Odestria was heavily urbanized and cosmopolitan. Initially called the "Coruscant of the Unknown Regions", the massive urban density was tightly kept around the Odestralee Metropolitan Area along with many other large cities doting the surface of the planet. These urban metropolises where all controlled by a ruling council which would then report to both the Odestrian cohort within the Senate as well as the Emperor for the OdestraRaad.
Main Article: Odestralee
The Capital of the Imperium as a whole, Odestralee was the largest city on Odestria, situated in the center of the Geopenze continent. The city was founded on the capital of the largest state on Panas IV during the pre-Imperium era. Odestralee acts as its own prefecture and makes up the largest prefecture on Odestria. The city was founded in the sunken area of land which initially sat in the central zone of Geopenze. As time continued to pass, the city was built higher and higher until it became level with the rest of the flatlands on the continent and from there, towers continued to be built into skyscrapers.
Odestralee was divided into various districts with each district being divided into sectors. The lowest level of the city, also known as "The Floor" (Panasian: Zi Floorus) was located on the surface of Odestria and was still capable of growing vegetation due to the large gaps in Odestralee's design which allowed sunlight. Going up from the floor was a total of four layers, each layer containing its own urban landscape until finally reaching the uppermost level of the city. The layout of the city varied depending on district, for example: the northern most section of the city being mostly large walkways which showed off the immense depth of Odestralee's cityscape.
In terms of business, as the capital, Odestralee held many government buildings and corporate headquarters. Additionally, there was the advent of consumer buildings and residential complexes scattered throughout the massive city. Large buildings were dedicated to technology hubs in order to keep the city running while the eastern most district of the city held the massive headquarters of the Odestrian Legion.
Odestralee Metropolitan Area[]
Main Article: Odestralee Metropolitan Area
In the immediate surroundings of Odestralee was the metropolitan area. Each one of these metropoles held immense populations in their own right and each one was connected to Odestralee via the "Speedway system." Each city had its own function on Odestria:
- Tombas: Odestrian harbors and fisheries, the city sat on the southern coast of Geopenze on the coast of Troitus Bay.
- Vius: Second largest city next to Odestralee, Vius held the Chograd Shipyards subsidiary, Odestra-Cho Shipyards. In addition to this, it also held numerous large corporations as well as several office blocks from Troisec Corporation.
- Klus: Mostly held other commerce as well as numerous manufacturing sectors. Industry made up most occupations within Klus, manufacturing making up 25% of the Klusian GDP.
- Rova, Kias and Lexus: Housing cities, other cities had their own living sectors, these three cities functioned largely as residential districts. Lexus specifically held the Imperial University as well as one of the campuses for the Genzzus school of Military Science.
In addition to these functions, the surrounding cities had many institutions and infrastructures of their own. Schools, housing and recreation were still present and the addition purpose of additional housing for Odestrian and Imperial citizens was still one of the largest functions of the Metropolitan Area.
Prior to the arrival of Odestre Sanatov, Odestria was known as “Panas IV.” A terrestrial world split into large continents, the first signs of life began to emerge on Panas IV following the arrival of the Rakatans. After millennia following the collapse of the Infinite Empire. Panasian society arose and began to spread out across the planet, evolving to deal with the harsh winds from the largely flat lands of the large, central continent Geopenze, as well as the heat from the binary stars of the Panas System. The original name, Panas IV, was simply an indicator of the fourth planet of the Panas system. Panas, being the name of the ancient “Dead god” of war, Panasas was given to the suns as the various warring states on pre-imperium Odestria would recognize it as the constant of each conflict. The suns rising often meant a new battle was about to start and so the ancient Panasians named the stars based on this connection. It is generally unknown which was named first but Imperial anthropologists have surmised that the name “Panasi,” the name of the Imperium’s core species, adopted the name following the arrival of Odessen. Prior to that, surviving sources name the natives of Odestria as “comorovi”; the ancient panasian word for “warrior."
While the war itself seemed endless, the arrival of the mysterious Odestre Sanatov led to Panasian history being irrevocably changed. Sanatov was later deified as the fabled Lord Odessan who would go on to be the central figure in Odestrian Orthodox religion. Regardless of the future, Panas IV was united under Sanatov’s rule and the former national squabbles of the Panasian peoples ended. Unbeknownst to the peoples on Panas IV, other members of the Panasian species had scattered throughout the territory of the Unknown Regions known as the Panasian Core. With this knowledge as well as the leadership of Odessan, Panas IV moved to expand its influence and unite the Panasian core.
The "Capital of the Unknown Regions"[]
As the capital of the new Odestrian Empire, Odestria’s wealth and population grew exponentially. New goods and spices from annexed worlds flowed into Odestria and the world became a center of culture and education within the otherwise bleak region of the Galactic West. While the Panasian species was otherwise keen to maintain their hold on power, the Katovi, human colonists from the world of Rah’Katov, integrated with the Odestrian State and grew in tandem with the Panasians. Soon the distinction between both races was strictly discussed on a biological level, together, they were Odestrians. This mindset spread across the Empire, with Odestrians conquering worlds through the First and Second Great Expansions. Odestria, meanwhile, continued to grow rich with much of the wealth flowing to the capital through its place at the center of a Hyperspace nexus within the Chaos.
The first Pax Odestram []
The growth of Odestria’s Empire led to the development of a powerful aristocracy as well as several noble houses. Through this quasi-feudal arrangement, the Odestrian Empire and the power of the head of state, maintained its cohesive form. By the time of Odessan’s death and the rule of the Disciples soon after, Odestria had risen to be one of the richest planets in the galaxy. Unlike the rest of the Empire, Odestria was ruled directly by the Imperator (Emperor) as their personal domain. By arrangement and as the inheritor of Odessan’s rule, the Imperator, by right, owned all land on Odestria, controlled justice institutions as well as had the sole right to pass any laws. Odestralee grew to be a massive metropolis and Ladvid city grew to the size of the whole of Ladvidago continent, becoming a center of business and commerce within the growing Empire. Odestria as a planet would soon have to adapt to its rapidly growing population. The whole of the southern continent, Tessarae, was turned into a massive agricultural haven with its low lands being perfect for the massive crops needed to sustain Odestria’s massive population. The Silver Throne mandated the development of agriworlds to serve as centers of importation for Odestrian foodstuffs, worlds like Odestragrad and Percepolis were handpicked for this task and the loyal noble houses of Vokov and Reggim were given the ownership of the worlds in fief.
The Second Imperium and OdestraRak[]
Main Article: OdestraRak
In the wake of the Odestrian Revolution and the Second Imperium, Odestria found its role as the central planet weakened. While its population continued to grow and its cities continued to expand, the federalization of the Odestrian state resulted in more power being given to the constituent entities of the Imperium Planets and People of Odestria. Even the Senatus, the new body formed in reaction to the Revolution, was moved to Odestragrad in an effort to decentralize power from the central world. However, upon Ardek Blezzus’ rise to the throne, the legislature and seat of government was subsequently moved back to Odestria. The early years of the Second Imperium were marked with increasing the centralization of power in the capital. However, when Filipon II rose to the throne, these measures were reversed in favour of a decentralized, parliamentary system. Odestria soon found its place threatened and after a short drought in Tessarae, the ability of the planet to function its own economy without needing more from its colonies led to a weakening of authority. By the time of the Great Imperium War, Odestria’s power projection had been weakened significantly to the point that the Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders were able to raid Odestria itself and deal damage to Ladvidago’s infrastructure.
When Alnell was occupied by the Fence, a wave of refugees arrived on Odestria. Under the command of OdestraLegatus Candorius Nanov, these mostly Hudroni refugees were settled in the cave network of Tessarae. The war also resulted in massive protests and the Coridos Coup. By the third year of the war, fearing an attack on the Capital, many government institutions were secretly moved to Odestragrad. Whatever remained relocated to the government center in Ladvidago City, the only one who remained in Odestralee was Emperor Blezzus.
OdestraRak would spell a turning point in Odestria’s history. As Kemik del-Fance’s automated fleets arrived within the Odestrian atmosphere, their guns laid waist to Tessarae and Ladvidago continents. The destruction of the natural dykes surrounding the Tessarae farmlands resulted in an irradiated flood rendering much of the continent uninhabitable. Ladvidago’s glittering spires were reduced to rubble in hours. Following the initial bombardment, the detonation of the MBP’s shook the crust of the planet, resulting in groundquakes which damaged the largely untouched capital of Odestralee, which had been spared from Fence bombardment thanks to the Castrum network. Following the attack, Odestria remained in ruins, the detonation of the MBPs causing clouds of radioactive fallout to blanket much of the planet, rendering it a sickly green and black colour when seen from space.
The Desolatus and Recovery[]
After the attack, the whole of Odestria was under threat of being irradiated. Thanks to help from the Galactic Republic, the atmosphere was stabilized and Geopenze continent was largely spared. The ruins of Ladvidago and Tessarae would never recover effectively until the establishment of New Ladvid city in 130 BBY. The environmental impact of OdestraRak would come to be known as the Desolatus (Panasian: Desolation). While the threat of fallout was negated, Geopenze was rocked by massive storms for the next half-decade. Economically, Odestria was crippled. It lacked the massive agricultural center which fed its population and its center of business and commerce was also reduced to irradiated ruins. Odestria pivoted its economy to administration based work as well as civil services. When the planet largely recovered from the Desolatus, small amounts of agriculture production and tourism returned to assist in the economic recovery of the capital.
Post-Great Galactic War[]
The Clone Wars and the Rise of the Empire[]
The Regency[]
Citizens and Demographics[]
Main Article: Odestrians
As the Panasian homeworld, Odestria’s population boasted a majority of the species, which sat at largely 75% of the planet’s 9 Billion inhabitants. As the capital of a major, galactic state, Odestria had seen itself become far more cosmopolitan. Within the Prima Castrum of Odestralee lived many different Odestrian species, outside the walls within the metropolitan area and the communities and prefectures across Odestria existed mostly Panasian living communities. Odestralee was among one of the largest destinations for immigration within the Imperium along with Genzzuslee on Rah'Katov and the Imperial Trade Center on Chiev. Odestria had the largest population of any world within the IPPO, and throughout the state's existence, all citizens identified as "Odestrian." However, in the Panasian language, there was a different word used for citizens of Odestria, the planet, versus Odestria, the nation. Citizens of the planet where known as Odestram which was a direct translation for "Of Odestria" whereas citizens of the Imperium as a whole were known as Odestra which was transliterated into "Odestrians."
Government and Politics[]
Much like how most sentients have a beating heart to power their bodies, the Imperium has Odestria. It is a nerve center... without it, we simply cannot function.
—GrupAutark Kilex Vrilev
Main Article: Odestrian Imperium

Flag of Odestria and by extension, the IPPO.
Political life and government on Odestria centered around two things: the Senatus Odestram and the autocratic power of the Emperor. During the second and third Imperiums the Senatus played a large roll in the function of the Odestrian state, with the legislative power being focused solely in their hands. Following the creation of the Fourth Imperium following Tri decim humilitus power was centralized in the hands of the Emperor, with the Senate taking only an advisory position when it came to legislation. Like most planets, Odestria was represented by a senator within the Senatus as well as a Tribune Cohort. Due to the centralized nature of the Odestrian Imperium, Odestria was controlled directly by the Silver Throne.

A map of the Prefectures of Odestria.
Odestria thrived off of commerce and business. Government jobs made up one of the largest sectors in Odestralee with the second largest being business. Unlike planets like Coruscant where this sort of lifestyle gave way to copious amounts of corruption, Odestria avoided such large scale issues by the virtue of how their society was run. Corruption was still present of course but it was generally caught easily.
From the First Imperium until the time of Dajivan's Odestria, Odestralee was under control of the Capital Authority, which was run by the Odestralee city council. As part of Panarus Kopan's reforms the Capital Authority was reorganized as the Odestralee City Authority which was run by the Odestralee Prefect along with a council of tribunes who were selected from each district. This body operated Odestralee and saw it through its daily affairs.
Law Enforcement[]
The OSL is the main law enforcement organization on Odestria... it's been that way for thousands of years.
—OSL Sergeant Kless Derevov
Main Article: Odestrian Security Legion

The Insignia of the Odestrian Security Legion
As one of the first planetary security legions, the Odestrian Security Legion (OSL) (Panasian: Legius Securis Odestram) was, like all state institutions, an arm of the Odestrian Legion. It served as the primary branch of law enforcement on Odestria and was based, along with the rest of the Legion's bureaucracy, in the Legion district of Odestralee. The OSL worked closely with the OO-Justicarum and the Odestra Knight Sentinel guard but in the end the role of protecting Odestria was officially left in their hands. Their duties involved the patrol of all of Odestria, mainly the urban areas, counter-terrorism, and counter-espionage operations. Additionally they would be in charge of maintaining the city in the case of Odestralee as well as handing out speeding tickets and providing event protection.
As an apparatus of the Odestrian Legion, the OSL was, by definition, a military police force. Before the Kopan Reforms, the OSL was it's own entity and in practice a civilian police body. Given that the Kopan reforms finished the process of merging all civil and military institutions together, this is no longer the case. In times of war, the OSL would become more militarized, with officers wearing armor akin to that of standard Odestrian Legionaries. During peacetime, the OSL would resemble a civilian police force, with officers being equipped with lighter armor and equipment. Initially, special units existed for Forensics purposes, SWAT teams, Tactical operations and Customs Enforcement. Following the expansion of the OO, the Justicars of the OO-Justicarum take care of the heavy duty work as well as providing internal security for the Odestrian state as a whole.
Odestria had many different attractions to offer visitors and citizens alike. In a similar manner to Taris, one of the most prominent forms of entertainment on Odestria was that of the coliseum. Citizens enjoyed watching these gladiatorial like matches for as long as Odestria had a unified society. As written in the Codex, the first Gladiatorial matches originated in the form of death matches between prisoners following the unification of Odestria. The matches became less barbaric as time went on. A dampening field in the Colosseum Magni prevents fighters from actually dying during matches, however death matches are still common place.
Aside from the Colosseum, Odestria's chief entertainment district was the Destraad Entertainment District in the southern district of Odestralee. Here there was a large assortment of bars and amateur sports arenas. The aforementioned Colosseum Magni was also located here. Odestria was also home to the Odestrian Imperial War Museum, Memorial Park, Kopan Plaza, and Kopan Park. All of these locations were popular tourist sites especially for people outside the Imperium.
Odestria was also the only planet in the Imperium that had made a deal with the Greater Galaxy during the Republic's golden years, to be included in the Galactic games, with the planet hosting the games during 63 BBY.
Even though it was the capital of the Imperium, Odestria still boasted some of the most diverse fauna in all of Odestrian Space. Outside the Castrum walls as well as on The Floor of Odestralee, diverse fauna roamed and hunted just as they would in the wild. OdestraRak nearly destroyed Odestria's ecosystem, as the vast shift in weather, climate and available land was decreased immensely. Following the Deselatus, several attempts where made by the Genzzus government to revitalize Odestria's ecosystem, specifically on Geopenze and Ofortus. Until the end of the Third Imperium, hunting and poaching was a common sight if not limited by select seasons. During the Tri Decim Humilitus, the Lebel species was almost hunted to extinction by the removal of limits by the tyrant, Darth Dajivan.
Aside from Lebels, many other species were native to Odestria. These included Thyraks: winged reptiles, and Tessiks: quadrupeds which were quite popular for domestication. Following the revitalization of Odestria following OdestraRak, several new species such as Cannoks and Boma were carefully introduced to Odestria's ecosystem. The Floor of Odestralee was well maintained although there were initially serious cases of Leugh Beetle infestations which plagued the lower levels of the city for decades until a major clean up operation from 4I 456 to 4I 459.
Locations of Note[]
Imperial Citadel[]

The Imperial Citadel was situated in the center of Odestralee and functioned as both the seat of Government for Odestria and the IPPO as a whole.
The Imperial Citadel functioned as the center of government for Odestria as well as the Imperium as a whole. The Citadel served many purposes. It not only held the Silver Throne Room and the Emperor's living space, but also held the Imperial Council meeting chamber, the Odestrian Senate Chamber, the council chamber for the Order of the Odestra Knights, numerous government ministries as well as various political embassies.
The Citadel Atrium was among one of the most beautiful examples of Odestrian architecture in the galaxy. The room rose the length of half the citadel, with windows adorning the far wall. The ceiling contained a skylight and an emerald coloured crystal formation which let in the natural light of the twin Panasian suns into the room. In the center of the Atrium was a large reflecting pool with the Targentus emblem located in the center of the pool. On either side of the room was a waterfall which fed into a reservoir that continued to feed the waterfall in a loop.
The Atrium, like most of the central bloc of the Citadel was destroyed and rebuilt following the Great Citadel Fire in 3746 BBY, the event which led to the Tri Decim Humilitus.
Memorial Park[]
In the north-west district of Odestralee was Memorial Park. The park was set up as a massive square, plateau like area that rose up out of the depths of Odestralee. Around the vast grasslands of the park was a containment wall of durasteel and ferocrete which surrounded the park. On this containment wall was the name of every single casualty from major Odestrian wars who were officially declared KIA. As of 100 ABY, the wall had only nearly been filled up. The size of Memorial Park was grand enough to be seen from Odestria's orbit, its maintenance being one of the most important jobs on the Capital.
The Memorial Park served numerous functions. It was not only a recreational area but also as a place of numerous war memorials as well as the location of the Great Odessan Cathedral in Odestralee. In the dead center of the park lay the massive OdestraRak memorial which bore the names of the millions of confirmed dead or missing peoples from the cataclysm. In addition there was also the Genzzus Victory Column, the Kopan monument, the Path of Heroes and the Warrior's Fountain.
During the Tri Decim Humilitus, Darth Dajivan had attempted to construct a monument of his own in the stead of the Racial Cooperation plaza of the Park. While his plan ultimately never saw fruition the Racial Cooperation Plaza was still demolished in order to make way for his intended monument, only to be reconstructed in 4I-67.
Kopan Park[]
Located in the south-eastern district of Odestralee was Kopan Park. Unlike Memorial Park, Kopan Park was largely a recreational district with only a few military monuments. Located on an artificially raised part of Odestralee's "floor", Kopan Park was created during the reign of Panarus III as a massive building project to help jump start the slumping Odestrian Economy during 4th Imp, Year 1000. Maintenance for Kopan Park was the responsibility of the Odestrian Civil Work Legion.
The park went on to serve many different recreational events, becoming the site of many different social events and gatherings during Odestria's history. Most important of this was the Odestragrad speech during the Great War of the Unknown Regions, in which Emperor Darius Kopan IV addressed the soon-to-be defenders of Odestragrad, boosting morale for the fight again.
As the capital and central planet within the Imperium, Odestria boasted the second largest economy behind Chiev. However, this was largely due to the infrastructure on the planet being limited within its capacity. In terms of sheer population, Odestria’s large population boosted the economy significantly with only a .7% unemployment rate by 63 BBY.
Historically, prior to OdestraRak and the Desolatus, Odestria’s economy was the Imperium’s largest, primarily based on agriculture. The southern continent, Tessarae, being capable of providing enough produce to create sizable surpluses to be shipped across the Imperium. Business and commerse also made up a large portion of the economy, with Ladvidagolee being the home to various businesses and trade conglomerates which operated within Odestrian space. Geopenze boasted a diverse economy, with the majority being centered on administration due to the capital of the Imperium being located there.
Following OdestraRak, the planet needed to shift its economy completely as the attack by the Fence and subsequent devastation due to the Desolatus, completely destroyed any previous economic successes the planet had. Within the span of a day, the agricultural haven of Tessarae and the economic megalopolis in Ladvidago were obliterated and the Odestrian economy was destroyed along with them. The rebuilding of Odestria’s economy would rely mostly on administration and civil services. The service sector, tourism as well as small amounts of agricultural production were possible when the world was stabilized the in wake of the Desolatus.
Following the Kopan reforms in the early days of the Fourth Imperium, the Odestrian civil service was centralized under the Odestrian Civil Work Legion, or Civitas Arbitas Legius Odestram (OCWL|CALO).This meant that, by the time the Muliare economic reforms were instituted, CALO-OCWL made up 75% of Odestria’s GDP, this also counted other Legion functions.
Behind the Scenes[]

One of the first pictures of Odestria ever.
The creation of Odestria dates back to 2006 when the creator of this particular article, Legion_for_hire (PDK Renegade) wanted to create his own fantasy world. Though initially only being based on the Star Wars galaxy, PDK eventually chose to fold Odestria into his own Star Wars writings and fuse both of them together. This was how the Tri decim humilitus came about.
With this, Odestria had changed many times throughout the years, the concept of making two of the continents wastelands being inspired by Hiroshima following World War 2 as well as Malak's destruction of Taris in Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic.
Odestria's centralized place within the Odestrian Imperium was also based on the Roman Republic and Roman Empire although only in regards to the naming conventions of the State. However, as time moved on, he would take inspiration from Imperial Russia and Imperial Germany as well as the Soviet Union.
- The Odestrian Codex- The full understanding of Odestria's Economics
- The Odestrian Imperial Atlas- Odestria's surface
- "Rebuilding a planet: OdestraRak and the Deselatus"