Star Wars Fanon
Star Wars Fanon
Rise of the Empire era

Never have I seen such an unwashed collection of miscreants and traitors.
—OOM-10 referring to the Umanian rebels.

OOM-10 was an OOM-series battle droid commanding the Trade Federation forces trying to retake Uman Rai during the Umanian War for Independence. He had been stationed in the Karthakk system defending the Trade Federation's intrests in the system against the Lok Revenants. He was created in 32 BBY to replace OOM-9 who had been lost on Naboo. However he soon became the Trade Federation's best droid commander, even better than OOM-9. He was destroyed in the Battle of Isis Pass in 27 BBY.


Early life[]

This particular droid is showing a great aptitude for leadership.
Rune Haako to Nute Gunray referring to OOM-10.

OOM-10 was created on Cato Neimoidia right after the Invasion of Naboo in 32 BBY as part of a new line of more independent battle droids. From the start he showed advanced independence and intelligence from the rest of the droids. Rune Haako brought this to the attention of Nute Gunray immediately who promoted OOM-10 to the command of an army in the Karthakk system fighting the Lok pirates. In the battles he proved not only to be more intelligent than run-of-the-mill battle droids, but also that he was a tactical genius by any Human's standards. He defeated the pirates on multiple occasions and never once lost a battle to them. He was brought back to Cato Neimoidia in 30 BBY and given a gift from Viceroy Gunray: a modified AAT. He went back to Lok and used his new weapon to further crush the pirates.

Campaign on Uman Rai[]

Such an inept pack of wild animals. This campaign will be a cakewalk.
—OOM-10 after the Battle of Port Royale.

In 27 BBY, during his stay on Lok, OOM-10 recieved an urgent message from the Viceroy. He was informed that The Trade Federation colony on Uman Rai had revolted and taken control of the garrison on the planet. His mission was to crush the Umanians, retake control of the battle droid garrison, and kill Iscarrd Veston, the leader of the rebellion. OOM-10 packed up and shipped a good sized army to Uman Rai. He scouted out locations on the planet and decided to land a core ship on the banks of the Royale River. He then marched his army up to the opening of the canyon leading to the city and found it barricaded. Thus beginning the Battle of Port Royale, a crushing victory for the Trade Federation. He then decided to move through Isis Pass to the largest city on Uman rai: Uman Rai.

Last Battle[]

How? How could I let this happen? I've been outsmarted by a bunch of rebels.
—OOM-10 during the Battle of Isis Pass

OOM-10 loaded his battle droids into MTT's and headed for Isis Pass. His army was halfway through the pass when disaster struck; he was ambushed by Iscarrd Veston's army of highly trained and disciplined army of Umanian warriors, along with the reprogrammed battle droids. In the heat of battle an Umanian threw a thermal detonator into his tank and it exploded, killing the entire crew along with OOM-10. The battle ended with a complete victory for the Umanians, with the destruction of OOM-10's army the Umanians won their independence.


OOM-10 was one of the few battle droids in history to have advanced intelligence and independence, so he was obviously very well known despite the fact he was just another soulless soldier in the ranks of the Trade Federation.
