Star Wars Fanon

The OG-8 Homing spider walker was a modified version of the Homing spider droid used by the Separatists. It was used as anti-vehicular combat against the Republic.


Unlike the previous Homing spider droid the OG-8 had a hatch at the top of the walker where Pilot droids could enter the walker. This walker was also useful in taking out ground-based and airborne targets with its weaponry. The walker also had a very sensitive volatile reactor at the bottom of the spherical cockpit. If shot by an enemy vehicle, the walker would explode, destroying the walker and its crew.

To get around, the OG-8 homing spider walker had four all-terrain legs that can scale steep cliffs, walk around dense forests, and walk on the bottom of seabeds. Although it had four all-terrain legs, the walker could be tripped by logs or cables, tripping the walker and destroying it. This also came as a beneficial advantage, with its tall legs, enemy troops could not attack its crew, unless they were outside the walker, and giving the walker a good position to attack ground troops and aerial targets.

For weaponry, the OG-8 had a laser emplacement at the top of the craft. This circular dish fired a precise homing laser that could be maintained until the internal supply was finished. When pilots exited the walker or peek out to observe their surroundings, the laser cannon shut off until the hatch was closed, where the laser activated. At the bottom of the walker's round body, two cannons were located there, one being an anti-personnel laser cannon and a concussion grenade launcher. The anti-personnel laser cannon was used for close combat, firing two blasts every time the gunner fired it. Sensor equipment allowed the walker to range in on targets and track them down.


The OG-8 homing spider walker was developed by Baktoid Armor Workshop before the beginning of the Clone Wars. Giving these designs to the Commerce Guild, they produced the walker for their use, to settle disagreements with customers.

When the Clone Wars started, these pilotable walkers were added to the Confederacy's army.

At Geonosis, these walkers were uncommon, as their cousins were the main use for destroying enemy AT-TEs. Despite this, these walkers were used to subdue enemy infantry and give other vehicles support.

As the Clone Wars progressed, these walkers would be used on many planets such as Hoth, Jabiim, Felucia, and Endor. At Endor, Ewoks devised traps for these walkers, tangling them with ropes, crashing logs onto them, and tripping them with logs. These traps would also be used on the AT-STs at the Battle of Endor.

When the Clone Wars ended, these walkers became part of the Corporate Sector's Defense Force.

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