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The Number 7 ion hand cannon, also known as just the Number 7 or as the Walloper, was a first generation ion pistol and one of the first weapons sold by Ionix Combat Systems in 100 BBY.
The Number 7 was a stubby yet bulky powerful ion pistol with a large diameter barrel that had a glowing coil wrapped around it to charge the particles and increase their velocity. Underneath the barrel was a dark red cover which hid some of the electronics and design whilst giving an attachment point for accessories such as the small knife the weapon was sold with. There was an angled grip with dark colored trigger as well as two colored buttons for safety on/off. Near the back of the weapon was a large, exposed battery pack which helped charge the weapon.
Development of the weapon started in around 103 BBY as a result of a failed prototype for the Number 5 ion pistol which had far too much power for the base to handle. Instead of destroying the prototype, however, the engineers decided to rework it into a single shot, short range destructive pistol. After several more prototypes following the new idea, a final design that was sturdy enough for the power was created and unveiled in 100 BBY with the foundation of the company.
Public sale[]
The weapon was not as popular with the public due to the immense power offered and its general unwieldiness, even when not firing. However, those who learned to use the weapon found it very useful and fun to fire at a dedicated range. Various shady organisations enjoyed the stopping power offered by the weapon, despite its bulk, and hand cannons could be found across the galaxy in the hands of various people, be it criminals, pirates, collectors or weapon enthusiasts. The weapon required two hands on the grip when firing to hold it steady and was single shot, making it a last resort holdout weapon over a dedicated sidearm. Having thought of this, the weapon came standard with a small knife that could be attached under the barrel for melee when the weapon was unloaded.
Despite its drawbacks, the weapon sold well enough and was popular enough to warrant quite a long sale life of fifteen years until it was finally discontinued in 85 BBY due to further refinements in the form of the Number 9 ion hand cannon and more popular Ionix weapons coming into the public eye. Nevertheless, the weapon was still used for many years after its discontinuation due to its sheer power and remained a sought after collectors item for many years.
Behind the scenes[]
- The nickname of the weapon is based on The Walloper from the Underwater Labs DLC for Escape Dead Island.
- The weapon also has a similar build, being a short range, single shot weapon.