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Rise of the Empire era

The Number 5 ion pistol, also known as just the Number 5, was the first generation ion pistol and ion weapon created by Ionix Combat Systems in 100 BBY.


The weapon was very barebones and basic, with an exposed metal barrel and underneath pipe which were held together with metal bracing, keeping it sturdy. The main core of the weapon was black with a red trigger, exposed battery pack and two colored button for the weapon safety on/off. The main grip was basic metal with some rigged material in the centre to prevent the weapon flying out of the user's hands when it was fired. A glowing coil was wrapped around the main barrel to both charge the ions and increase the particle speed.



The Number 5 started research three years prior in 103 BBY, before the company was officially created. The original prototypes were highly unstable and often resulted in the prototype's destruction. This was due to the developers and engineers having limited experience in creating ion weaponry, with most having backgrounds in blaster engineering or just general development and engineering roles. Nevertheless, after three years of constant development and improving, with countless prototype designs, the Number 5 was finally ready for release.

Public release[]

The weapon was unveiled to the public along with several other weapons in 100 BBY as well as the official foundation of the company. The pistol, while basic and somewhat crude, was popular with the denizens of the Outer Rim Territories where its accessibility for repair, maintenance and modification led to a rise in use. Its small size also made it popular for its concealment value, where it could be hidden either in a home or on a person away from the prying eyes of the law.


The weapon was on sale for five years until 95 BBY when it was announced that it would be discontinued and superseded by a superior and more refined model of ion pistol in the shape of the Number 6 ion pistol. The main reason for its discontinuation was due to its crude design and various negative traits that made it somewhat of a brute to use. The weapon was known to overheat and the recoil of firing caught out many users who were unfamiliar with the design.
