Nrrghalan was a male Massassi soldier of the Royal Army of the Golden Empire.
After enlisting at the age of fifteen, Nrrghalan was assigned to the 4th Massassi Cohort. He excelled early, inspiring his platoon mates to new levels of physical fitness and arms proficiency, and was quickly promoted to private first class and lance corporal. He fought in the Defense of Rykar and was awarded the Medal of Fortitude for his heroism in the battle.
At his request, Nrrghalan was transferred to the Massassi Guard and assigned aboard the Sith Star after completing training. He was in his first month of duty, serving as a sentry outside the Citadel, when the Battle of Dolomir erupted and enemy troops boarded the Sith Star. Having been warned that Voara Culee, Charg, and a detachment of the Vyrak Legions were planning an attack on the Citadel, Prefect Eskol Kaartinen offered both Nrrghalan and Zyffrylek the chance to take shelter inside; both refused, insisting on defending the Novices.
Both Massassi were killed by Vyrak clones in the ensuing battle. To honor their courage, Kaartinen had their bodies lay in honor inside the Citadel along with eleven Centurions who had died at Dolomir, and had Nrrghalan and Zyffrylek's names inscribed on the Citadel door. Nrrghalan was posthumously awarded the Medal of Courage and the Sacrifice Medal, and was interred with full military honors on Kavez Massass.