The Norulac Freebooters were a group of pirates and mercenaries who hailed from the Inner Rim planet of Norulac. They were most noted for their annual raids on the nearby planet of Taanab that usually followed the late year harvest. The raiders often squared off against the local Taanab Militia, who was charged with defending the planet. The raid of 738 BBY, marked the rise of Anwis Eddicus, beginning with his successful defense of Taanaga in that year. Over the next six years, the raiders were unable to best the local defenders. In 729 BBY, the Freebooters joined peace talks with Taanab. Abruptly, the marauders withdrew from the talks. In response, they were dealt a severe blow when an angered Eddicus, commanding a division of the Judicial Forces, attacked the planet. The pirates were set back many years and developed a strong hatred for the man.