Star Wars Fanon
Star Wars Fanon


The flag of Henry Irton's North Valand (21 BBY-early 20 BBY)

The people of North Valand have made their loyalty to the Union of Earth States clear, because their neighbours to the south have seceded from the Union and joined the Confederacy the people of North Valand have made the decision to secede from the Republic of Valand, and join the Union.
—Henry Irton, the first President of North Valand, announcing the secession of North Valand from Valand

North Valand was a small nation on the planet Earth. North Valand began as a county of the Republic of Valand, in early 21 BBY the Republic of Valand became the 11th nation to secede from the Union of Earth States and join the Confederate States of Earth, however many people in North Valand felt loyalty to the Union, and thus decided to secede their county from the rest of Valand and join the Union.

Despite this many of the people from the southern part of North Valand felt closer affinity to the rest of Valand, and to the Confederacy, and sought to see North Valand either rejoin the Republic of Valand or join the Confederate States of Earth, some pro-Confederate North Valandans fought against their fellow North Valandans on behalf of the Confederacy, such as the 191st (North Valand) Infantry Battalion, Johnson's Guerrillas and the North Valand Irregulars, a band of guerrillas who did everything in their power to make things difficult for the Union forces stationed in North Valand.

Pro-Confederate North Valandan forces were united in 20 BBY under the Provisional Government of the Independent State of North Valand led by Provisional President of North Valand Oliver Irton, brother of President Henry Irton, an interim government which claimed to be the "North Valandan government-in-exile", following the Confederate victory in the North Valand Campaign the provisional government became the new Confederate Senate of North Valand.

In 20 BBY, when North Valand was not even a year old, Confederate forces invaded North Valand from the neighbouring Republic of Valand and swiftly overran the small nation in the North Valand Campaign, North Valand's final defeat came at the Battle of Fort Irton, in which Confederate forces succeeded in occupy the capital city of North Valand and forcing the North Valandan government to surrender, and North Valand joined the Confederate States of Earth as the 94th, and penultimate, state to join the Confederacy, with Unionist Valandans fleeing the northern border into Union territory.

Amongst these Unionists fleeing North Valand was Henry Irton, the ex-President, who fled the capital during the closing part of the Battle of Fort Irton, heading east he crossed into Union territory, he moved to the Yuktan Republic, where he would be far from the war. Despite not being able to sign an official peace treaty with his brother, Oliver Irton declared Henry Irton's government dissolved while Henry was in absentia, forming a new Confederate government for North Valand.

For the rest of his days, Henry Irton lived in a self-imposed exile from his homeland in the Yuktan Republic, despite his own brother asking him to return, Henry lamented the loss of the Union, his failure as North Valand's first President, and what he considered to be the treason of his brother.

Henry never recognised his brother's government, the Confederate membership of North Valand, and even the Confederate States herself, as legitimate, he said as much to whoever asked him about his past, when he said this to Confederates or Confederate sympathisers he was often met with sneers, he was often told he was living in the past, and that he should accept North Valand's status as a Confederate nation, and that the Confederacy was officially recognised as legitimate by the Union following the Treaty of Williamston.

Not long after the end of the North Valand Campaign, the Confederacy won the Earth Civil War against the Union, the Treaty of Williamston cemented North Valand's place as a state of the Confederacy.
