Noolrif was a male Shistavanen Jedi Knight who lived during the final years of the Galactic Republic.
During the First Battle of Kamino, Noolrif led some clone troopers through the corridors of the Security Sector Six. However, it turned out to be an ambush when the droid forces bested them and killed all the troopers. Noolrif was able to evade them, but his right arm was injured. Noolrif survived the first stage in the battle and continued his rank as general.
Two years later, the Separatists invaded Kamino once again, and Noolrif was one of the Jedi to defend the city. When the droid forces moved in, Noolrif contacted Juan that the droids were moving towards the barracks. He gathered several troops to defend one of the platforms until Alpha-01 appeared and killed all the clones, leaving Noolrif to confront him. Noolrif engaged him, but he was no match for him. Alpha-01 disarmed and aimed his pistol into his chest, killing him.
- Star Wars: Republic 50: The Defense of Kamino (First appearance)
- Star Wars: Clone Wars: Nightmares