Nonderanians were a species of humanoid mammals hailing from the forest planet Nonderan. These beings achieved space travel early on but hesitated with using it. They only colonized other planets when it was absolutely necessary so natural environments wouldn't be nearly as harmed. They only colonized when there’s overpopulation, threats from alien species or both. Discovered in 36 BBY, the Nonderanians immediately joined the Galactic Republic. Throughout the ABY's they could be found anywhere. They were Jedi, Sith, smugglers, pilots, senators and more. Around 1,246 ABY however, they disappeared into the unknown regions to continue as isolationists.
A Nonderanian Dark Jedi
Nonderanians had a torso, four limbs and a head. They looked and acted much like Humans, but with a few exceptions. For one, Nonderanians were naturally Force-sensitive and corrupted fairly easily. Their skin was also quite different. Their skin was soft, looked like knitting and changed color to their position in the Force. Ones whom embraced the light side had blue skin, while dark side embracers had red skin. Even with this force-sensitive pigmentation they all still had peach skin on their forearms, around their eyes, mouths and shins. Nonderanians also came in two genders: male and female. Hair was also another difference. Their heads had two eyes for seeing, one nose for smelling and breathing, two ears for hearing and one mouth for eating, breathing and communication. Unlike most mammals, the Nonderanians had absolutely no hair what so ever.
Unlike many other species, Nonderanians were absolute conservationists. Anything involving pollution or industry outside the city limits almost always resulted in exile. Often times they are so appalled at planets overwhelmed by urban sprawl like Coruscant that they refuse to go to the surface. This way of thinking separated them from the rest of the galaxy in many ways, which in turn kept them out of many galactic conflicts. The remote area of their home planet caused them to be taken over and used as a base in the Octil Civil War and was also assaulted in the Clone Wars but besides that, Nonderan was untouched.
Types of Nonderanians[]
A typical Nonderanian face
Rarely using space travel even too go between their own planets caused evolution to take different paths on each planet. Due to this, there were three distinct types or breeds of Nonderanians. The first and original was the Nonderan breed. They were the designated basic form of the species. Heltiran Nonderanians had no peach skin on them at all and were unusually tall, sometimes exceeding 2.5 meters. The third form was the Galamasskka Nonderanian. These Nonderanians sometimes lacked their connection to the Force (although that was exceptionally rare, only about 1 in 1,000) and had massive amounts of peach skin. They had peach skin on all of the normal areas, as well as the upper torso and a stripe on their backs. Although they are the basic designs of Nonderanians there were hybrids of two or more of them. Hybrids may have had any combination of those traits. In all there were around 3.6 billion Nonderanians in the galaxy, each belonging to at least one of these breeds.
A Nonderanian loved and craved strength, allowing themselves to corrupt quite easily compared to other species in the galaxy. This craving was triggered by their natural Force-sensitivity. They'd have a taste of it and need more. A notable case was the corruption of Kau-Ja Manew, that led to the duel on Kamino in 6 ABY. Their greed also attributed to their rebellious nature. If challenged, a Nonderanian would not cooperate with anyone. A saying even came from this. The saying was, "You're almost as stubborn as a Nonderanian."
Aside from their unpleasant sides, Nonderanians were isolationists by nature. They tended to stay away from other species, especially highly industrialized ones. This was due to their love of nature. Their love of nature showed itself as conservation. Nonderanians made it their jobs to conserve natural resources, species and reject industry.